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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Players: 1
Genre: Stealth Action
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami

So Metal Gear Solid 2 has finally arrived. And I'm a year late in reviewing this puppy. I've played mimimally when I played it. Maybe about 2 hours worth. But from what I've seen and played, it surely doesn't disappoint in the least.


Even after a year this game is top notch. Although I can say that the textures are a bit bland after a while. Nonetheless this has to be one of the best looking PS2 games yet. Each character has tons and tons of detail put upon them, to moving lips and hair. It all looks realistic throughout. Even the baddies have the same touch put on them. This game looks so good it's not even funny sometimes. We're talking Hollywood quality presentation. Even better than the first one. Oh yeah, and the rain. Oh my god, the best rain I've seen ever.


The sound plays a big role in this game. The footsteps, the acting, the bullets bouncing off certain planes, it sounds all great. The music is awesome like something out of a Jerry Bruckheimer film. It really gets the juices flowing.


This is where the game shines. There are so many things you can do with Snake and Raiden. You can use guards as human shields, hang off ledges, swim, grab and crack guards necks. And do things really open up when you start using the katana blade. Nothing feels better than slicing a guards body with one of these bad boys. There are so many things you have to do in here, that it never gets boring. That's only when you do get the chance to play though...


This is probably the best game on the PS2 so far. The only problem I had was with the story line. It's not that good. You got vampires, wierd plot twists, and some unexpected outcomes. You just have to play it to see for yourself. Other than the non-involving story, this game is top-notch and shouldn't be missed.


Graphics: 9.8

Sound: 9.7

Gameplay: 9.7

Satisfaction: 9.0

Overall: 9.5