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Onimusha Warlords
Players: 1
Genre: Survival Horror
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom

Onimusha Warlords is very similar to the Resident Evil mold. Since it is made by Capcom expect the controls to be mostly the same, but a little tweaked, and expect the same item hunting found in the classic survival horror game. Only this game is set in medieval Japan, and adds a little more action to the genre, that it's refreshing to play. It's a pretty satisfying game.


What can I say about this game? It's a pretty game no doubt. The character models are superb and the full motion videos are really the best I have ever seen. The FMV is really clean. No graininess or anything. Truly spectacular. But since it is a Resident Evil type game, this game does use the pre-rendered background interface. Remember how you couldn't see enemies cause the screen wouldn't change leaving you wondering where the enimies were? Well it happens here. But not that often. It's the only thing I didn't really like. But hey I got through it like I did with Resident Evil. The special effects are nice too. Different swords contain different special attacks, like lightning, fire and wind. It's nice to look at once you destroy a slew of enemies. No quips about the graphics here.


Great sound. From the lighting sword to the fire, the effects are nice to listen to. The voice overs are still B movie quality, but it's not unbearable. The hacking a slashing, the screams, yelps and the death groans are all right on the money. The music always comes at the right time when an important event occurs. But there isn't really much gameplay music. All I hear is the footsteps of the main character and some of the normal fighting sounds. But the sound is good overall.


The controls are the same as Resident Evil. Up is to go forward, left backward, and the left and right are to turn left and right accordingly. But what Onimusha does really well is when the fights start to happen. You can hold the R1 button and your character is in a fighting stance ready for attack. While in this attack mode, persay, the main character can dodge and slash enemies. You can be attacked by multiple enemies and once you lay waste to them it's possible to not be hit even once. I mean 5 zombies in RE were really hard to deal with at one time. 5 zombies in Onimusha is no problem. Bring em on!


Great game by Capcom. While some puzzles are really frustrating, you can skip some. The story is pretty good and gets you deep into the game. This first generation title definitley has some bite. Enjoy it from the masters at Capcom.


Graphics: 8.6

Sound: 8.8

Control: 9.4

Satisfaction: 8.6

Overall: 8.9