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Red Faction
Players: 1-2
Genre: First Person Shooter
Developer: Volition
Publisher: THQ

I did say I had a FPS addiction, and this game added fuel to it. I didn't really hear about what kind of game this was. I thought it was like a flying game like WarHawk for the Playstation a long time ago. And when I found out it was FPS, I was shocked. Shocked in a good way. This game is actually really good.


I didn't know what to expect from this game. The graphics are pretty darn good especially some of the weapon fire. I kind of expected it to be more gruesome. It's not as bloody as other games eventhough there is blood. It's just not Unreal Tournament. The coolest part about the graphics is when you get to see a wall get busted open into a big hole due to a rocket launcer. You can pretty much lay waste to the whole level until you don't know what level you're on anymore. It's really cool doing this. After all the pillars have been blown apart, your enemy has no place to hide. Hah hah hah. Ahem...sorry.


The game has great sound. From the rockets from the rocket launcher whooshing by your ears to the rat-tat-tat of the submachine gun, the game has good ear candy. (If there is such a thing as ear candy). Although sometimes when the players die their screams come about two to five seconds they do. An after effect? Or a a glitch. Oh well, you be to busy to care after killing a few enemies and your sneaking up on your friends.


It took me about fifteen minutes to get used to the controls in this game. The left analog controls movements going forward, backward and sideways. The right analog controls what essentially what the mouse on a computer does. It looks up, down, left right, you know the basics. Just wish there was a 180 turn around spin for those annoying guys that hit you in the back.


This game surprised me as being really good. It's because I never really gave it a notice before. Sure I've heard of it, but I never thought I would have a chance to play the game. This is a top-notch first person shooter. If only there were four player split-screen! The sequel maybe?


Graphics: 9.1

Sound: 9.1

Control: 9.2

Satisfaction: 9.0

Overall: 9.3