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Unreal Tournament
Players: 1-4 (8 online)
Genre: First Person Shooter
Developer: Secret Level
Publisher: Infogrames

I was really never a first person shooter fan. Sure I'd play Quake and Doom. I found it enjoyable enough, but I would never buy the games. I just thought the replay value was too low for me. Then my friend let me borrow Unreal Tournament. Boy, did first person shooters evolve since I lived under that rock. The game was great. I think I'm addicted now.


The Dreamcast does a good job of replicating what the PC did for this game. The environments although some were scaled down due to memory constraints, are very refreshing compared to the Quake levels. They are open and very detailed. Especially when I'm sniping somebody. The character models are top notch and animate very well. Of course there's always slowdown to hamper the fun a little, but it's just nature in a game with lots of characters on the screen. One thing I loved about this game was when I shot a character near a wall, the blood would splatter on the wall. Very cool trick there.


The music fits the game well. It's dark and very atmospheric. Especially the dungeon levels and the castle levels. The urban level music sounds great too. But you'll be too busy blasting to really even notice. What you will notice is the sounds of the weapons you'll be using. Each has a specific sound like the chainsaw and the flak cannon. Plus the sound of the characters splatting on the wall is also really gruesome. But hey it's just a game


The control is easy to get used to. A novice could pick this up and blow people away. Once practice sets in, stalking somebody with a sniper rifle and shooting their head off will be very easy. Great controls for a first person shooter. I just wish Outtrigger had controls like these.


I haven't really played Quake 3 for the DC, so I can't compare this game to it. But Unreal Tournament is fabulous game that just might get you addicted to first person shooters.

--Alvin (Waiting for Soldier of Fortune on July 5th)

Graphics: 9.4

Sound: 9.0

Gameplay: 9.4

Satisfaction: 9.1

Overall: 9.6