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Plants 157-170

157 Shrub [Plant/Dino] His body glows a green light at night.He loves insects.

158 Rock Bush [Plant/Golem] You need a good cleanser for scrubbing this guy down.

159 Iris [Plant/Tiger] Besides having a nice smile, he is very easy to breed.

160 Allergan [Plant/Pixie] Pollen and dust are constantly getting into hin eyes.

161 Usaba [Plant/Worm] A spoiled brat who won't listen well to your orders.

162 Obor [Plant/Jell] A monster who looks very beautiful and mysterious.

163 Hince [Plant/Suezo] If you don't discipline this monser, he'll become a brat.

164 Spinner [Plant/Hare] He's so fast sometimes that he can make himself dizzy.

165 Regal [Plant/Gali] Noble people love this guy and his flashy style.

166 Ash [Plant/Monol] Although his true color is green, he appears black.

167 Bad Seed [Plant/Naga] A poisonous plant that's made from some rancid water.

168 Plant [Plant/Plant] A very quiet fellow who's quite popular among all.

169 Neon [Plant/???] This monster is absolutely busting with energy.

170 Bonsai [Plant/???] This little guy is extremely popular among landscapers.