Ultra Rabid Horde of Monkeys!
Deck List
4 Sol Ring 4 Monkey Cage 4 Lotus Petal 2 Grim Monolith 4 Mana Vault 4 Fire Diamond
4 Polar Kraken
2 Crash of Rhinos
4 Bedlam 4 Sneak Attack 4 Crater Hellion 2 Pandemonium 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Gamble 3 Crimson Hellkite
10 Mountain 2 Tolarian Academy
StrategyFirst get your Sneak Attack out. Then get out the Monkey Cage and BEEFY dudes(With Sneak Attack)on the same turn. Then you get a ton of 2/2 apes and attack them with your ultra rabid horde of orangutans.
I would like to give credit to Michalzuk@msn.com