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A great scribe once wrote, Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. He was only half-right , the wizards of Nox are anything but subtle.

Wizards are pure magic users, eschewing the training of the body in favor of training the mind. As a result, they cannot wear armor as it would restrict the movements of the body needed to cast spells and they can only wield a staff for self-defense. Don't let their seemingly frail appearance fool you however. Wizards can draw on a spectacular array of magical forces, often crafting illusions to force enemies into destroying themselves. Should that fail, however, wizards can channel energies to create real effects as well wielding fire and lightning to blast their enemies or paralyzing their muscles while giant rocks rain down on their heads.

Should Jack choose to study with Horvath at Castle Galava you can expect a battle of wits between him and Hecubah. Unfortunately, a battle of wits between two mighty spellcasters usually involves a lot of lightning bolts, death rays, counterspells and many, many fireballs.