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Frequently Asked Questions

All I see is a grey rectangle. Why doesn't the game start?
How do I play Carpet Golf 3-D through America Online?
Netscape Navigator locks up when I try to play.
The game runs very slowly. What can I do to speed it up?
What is the difference between practice mode and tournament mode?
Can I download this applet?
How do I aim my shot?
The ball doesn't go in the direction of the aiming arrow.
How can I keep the ball from rolling back down the slopes?

All I see is a grey rectangle. Why doesn't the game start?

Carpet Golf 3-D requires a Web browser capable of running Java applets. Such browsers include Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3 or higher, and Netscape Navigator version 3 or higher. This game will not run on the WebTV browser device, nor on certain versions of the America Online built-in browser.

How do I play Carpet Golf 3-D through America Online?

Some versions of the America Online built-in browser will not run Carpet Golf 3-D. To play the game, you may need to use an external Web browser. Here's how:

Click on one of the icons below to go to the Web site of Microsoft or Netscape. From either of these Web sites, you can download a free version of a Java-capable browser. Follow the instructions to install the browser on your computer.

Once you have installed the external browser, use it instead of AOL's built-in browser. Just launch the external browser any time you are connected to AOL.

Microsoft Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator

Netscape Navigator locks up when I try to play.

Under Windows 95, certain releases of Netscape Navigator version 4 will randomly lock up the first time you try to run a Java applet. Don't worry, though; Navigator will run Java just fine on the second try. Just terminate the locked-up program (by pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE), then launch Netscape again. When you try playing Carpet Golf this time around, it ought to work.

The game runs very slowly. What can I do to speed it up?

Carpet Golf 3-D runs best on computers with a Pentium 100 MHz processor or faster. The Web browser also has a major impact on the speed of the game. Of the browsers I have tested, I find that Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 gives the fastest performance with Java applets.

Of course, the game will run faster if you shut down all other CPU-intensive tasks that may be running.

If you have a slower computer or an older browser, you can play a 2-D version of Carpet Golf which is less demanding on your computer.

What is the difference between practice mode and tournament mode?

In tournament mode, you are limited to seven strokes per hole; in practice mode, there is no limit.

In practice mode, you can use cheat keys to repeatedly play holes that are giving you trouble. Cheat keys include:

R -- Replay the hole from the beginning
P -- Go to the previous hole
N -- Go to the next hole

Note: The cheat keys won't work until after you have clicked the mouse for the first time in the applet window. This is Java default behavior.

Can I download this applet?

This applet is hosted by the America Online Web server, which allows you to download the component files. You do this by using a method called "anonymous FTP". To initiate an FTP session, you start by modifying the information in the "address" window of your browser. Right now, the address says something like:

Change the "http" to "ftp". Also make sure that the address specifies a directory, and not a file. If the address ends in the name of a file and/or a label (such as "/help.html#download"), you must remove the file name, the label, and the associated slash. The address will now look like:

After you have changed the address line, press the ENTER key. The AOL Web server will respond with a list of files in the directory. Right-click on the names of the files to download them.

If you put this applet on your Web page, please include a link to my Web site.

Depending on your browser, you may be able to execute the applet offline, by pointing the browser to the directory where you downloaded the files. Please note that not all browsers will allow you to execute Java applets from your local drive.

How do I aim my shot?

When you click on the image of the golf course, an aiming arrow will appear. The direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the shot, and the size of the arrow indicates the force. Press the SWING button to initiate the shot.

The ball doesn't go in the direction of the aiming arrow.

Try to release the SWING button when the red Aim indicator is at the center of its range.

How can I keep the ball from rolling back down the slopes?

Try hitting the ball at an angle to the slope; this gives it a longer distance to slow down.