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A unit of Tagmatic Kataphraktoi advance. The cavalryman on the right (and his horse) has taken a hit, that'll teach him to hold his shield properly next time.

In the center, is the musician carrying a horn in his right hand, the leader to his left swings his mace in a menacing manner.

BTW, I have a spear for the musician, I just keep on forgetting to glue it in his left hand.

As you may have noticed I mounted the command section of this unit on fully barded horses.

Same miniatures from the other side. This is OG pack BYZ-12 it is ok, there are a total of 5 poses which is very good. However, most of these guys are holding their shield out, away from their body, like the right most figure in this picture. Kind of a strange way to hold a shield.

The officer figure is from OG BYZ-10 pack.