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An Israelite army that includes chariots is a much more powerful offensive army than one that is without chariots. Big surprise there I'm sure!

Chariots are the key offensive weapons in a biblical army and the Israelite chariots have everything going for them: BS4 bows; a good save and those valuable +1 Strength thrusting spears for when you charge!.

Additionally, Israelite Chariots are stubborn. Under good generalship (distance guessing) , this ability is rarely called upon, but does comes in handy when you miss-judge the distance. Still, try not to get caught flat-footed.

The miniatures pictured are all from Castaway Art's fine range of Biblicals. Some of the passenger models were slightly converted to give more variety to the unit. Unfortuantely I couldn't do much conversion-wise with the chariot driver model. I'll give shields to everyone eventually.