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X-MEN 64: the best unofficial web site!

Here are the pictures of the X-MEN movie action figures all but one of the fighures are silouetts this is because the company (Toy Biz) that's making these figures wants to keep these figures a secret for as long as possible until their release in June!

First look!:(L to R)first we see the evil mutant Magneto, then Cycolops, then Professor 'X', here's Jean Grey, on the right hand side of the box is Toad, and sitting on the edge of the left side of the box is Logan in his street clothes, at the bottom left is Sabertooth, and then Rogue in street clothes, and finally Wolverine in his costume!, and here's the silent and deadly Mytique, and last but not least is Storm with some lightning around her, and now in the far far bottom left is a plaster casting of Hugh Jacmans' arms while wearing his Wolverine costume, and last but now least is the Black Bird in all its' glory!

More toys to play with!(L to R): First up X-MEN Monopoly game that's pretty straight forward, next Magnetos' cool helmet, finally a remote controled Wolverine cycle, below the cycle is the skill level 3 Black Bird model, here's te 25th annaversary Wolverine mini bust(he's wearing his costume from Hulk 181), then we see the Wolverine V.S. Sabretooth joystick fighters! You can also find cool X-MEN toys HERE!

Click here to pre-order the X-MEN movie toys from "Another"!

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