Our Opinion:
This game has been around for many years, and is still a good portable game that anyone can enjoy -- even as a solitaire.
The Zombie team quickly abandoned the actual scoring of winning rounds as we all became obsessed with completing the next puzzle. Be warned, this is normally a cerebral game, but if you have the right group of players together it can become a full contact sport! One of the team was consitently winning every round, so we had to disrupt his thought process somehow -- thus we created house rules for full contact Tangoes! (Kids, this is a joke... don't actually play full contact Tangoes.)
Tangoes keeps to its puzzles and doesn't get caught up in other strategies. Anyone can play, and you don't have to enforce scoring if you don't like keeping score. It gets your brain going and is quite fun, especially for the price around $10. This is a great pick for anyone.
If you do get bored with the original card set, there are other card sets available, too.