Congressional Medal of Honor: Awarded to soldiers for heroism above and beyond the call of duty. The actions taken by the soldier for the purpose of this game should be something similar to taking on 4 squads single handedly and winning the game.
This award requires a minimum of 3 witnesses of players who were actually participating in the game in order to be considered.
Distinguished Service Cross: Awarded to soldiers for actions above and beyond the call of duty of a lesser degree than required for a CMH. An example of someone deserving the DSC is single handedly killing 3 or more squads, however, the game is still lost.
This award requires a minimum of 3 witnesses of players who were actually participating in the game in order to be considered.
Silver Star: Awarded to soldiers who have participated in campaigns resulting in heavy casualties upon the enemy not requiring a regimental victory. This award should be considered for players who expose themselves to hostile fire in order to distract, divert, or otherwise provide strategic windows of opportunity to be exploited by the remainder of the team.
This award requires a minimum of 2 witnesses of players who were actually participating in the game in order to be considered.
Bronze Star: Awarded to soldiers who have demonstrated bravery in battle without actually winning the game. Examples of actions for the Bronze Star could be, assaulting the west field with little to no support, holding their position against superior numbers until help arrives, etc,,,
This award requires a minimum of 2 witnesses of players who were actually participating in the game in order to be considered.
Meritorius Service Medal: Awarded to members of the regiment who have performed functions on behalf of the regiment not related to combat actions. Examples of such are those soldier's who have actively sought ways to improve the regiment by means of quality players, ensuring the standards of the regiment are not only met, but exceded; dedicates large portions of personal time to the regiment while maintaining the game playing requirements of the regiment. Purple Heart: Awarded to the soldier who has been killed the most in regimental play. A total of 9 Purple Hearts will be awarded each month. No more.
Commendation Medal: Awarded to soldiers who actively participates in regimental games of all types. Further consideration should be towards "non-game" playing functions such as recruiting, assisting with daily functions of the company/regiment, Achievement Medal: Awarded to soldiers who perform activities for the regiment not related to combat of a lesser degree than that of the Army Commendation Medal.
National Defense Medal: Automatically awarded to memebers of the regiment who join the regiment. Joint Service Achievement: Awarded to soldiers who are instrumental in organizing training sessions with other members of other regiments not only with their respective regiment.
French Croix de Guerre: Awarded to members of the regiment who single handedly secure the objective from the enemy and held it throughout the regimental game. Belgian Croix de Guerre: Awarded to soldiers who have single handedly prevented the enemy from obtaining the mission objective in regimental games.
Vetrn, CO
Patton27 2LT, XO