Code of an Officer

I am an officer of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment and I am proud of this fact. I recognize the rich heritage behind the corps of officers, of which I am part, that has been built up by those who have marched before me in 45T, in REC, in 720, in TBW, and all the other regiments I have been associated.
This rich heritage has been built on a code--the code of an officer. This code is simple and easy to remember... Duty... Honor... Community. But it is not so simple to execute and requires a lifetime devoted to work, self discipline, and courage.

The word duty means to me that... When I am assigned a mission, I accomplish it thoroughly, efficiently, and quickly. I accept all of my responsibilities even when not assigned them. I hold myself responsible to be aware of everything that occurs and to take positive action to correct what is wrong or improve that which is merely possible. I do my job regardless of danger to me personally.

Honor to me means that... As an officer of the 160th Special Operations Aviation regiment, my personal integrity is irreproachable. I will never degrade myself by lying, cheating or preying on the weaker players with a multiple account. I hold myself personally and unequivocally responsible to ensure the preservation of the honor of the officer corps of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.

Community means to me that... In addition to being an officer of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, I am an Chain of Command citizen. I am an official representative of my community and will so comport myself. I will endure any hardship, any sacrifice, for the welfare of this my community.

This is the code I will live by... Duty... Honor... Community... all of these I put above myself whatever the cost in a game.