1. All members shall obey all Regiment & 2am Rules (user agreement)....NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

  2. All members shall show all Reg & Non-Reg members respect in ALL games (this means no member of SOR is to gloat, boast or otherwise brag as to their game play in such a way as it becomes offensive and or disruptive to the gameroom)

  3. ALL members will refrain from using profanity (exessive use of profanity will result in dismissal from regiment)

  4. All members should try to play as many reg games as possible (30 regimental games a month is the expected number of games)

  5. Members of SOR will refrain themselves from asking for promotions, or any other status change. ANY SUCH REQUEST WILL BE IGNORED!

  6. Regimental Training Days set up by the regimental training officer WILL BE ATTENDED. During this time, ALL members of the Regiment will participate and try to point our falisies in a fair way so as to educate rather than ridicule fellow SOR members. ANY disruption of regimental training days is grounds for immmediate dismissal.

  7. All members should use training or open games to try new tactics

  8. All members shall offer training to the less experienced members when possible

  9. No member will train a non-member of the Regiment....if they want to learn our tactics they need to join our Regiment!!

  10. Promotion points are to be given out equally to all players unless a player wishes to give his/hers to another player

  11. All members will obey mission commanders orders....failure to do this will result in loss of CBR standing

  12. All members with the rank of SGT (with a minimum of 300 pps) and above shall be Combat Ready...no NCO shall reg in PO with more than one officer present on the other side unless you have an officer on your side (special request for Combat Ready status may be made by Company COs for Cpl and below)

  13. All members should help PFC's and Cpl's reach and retain the rank of Sgt

  14. All members will participate in training games....if no Reg games are being played start a training game for the not so experienced players

  15. Always obtain permission from ranking officer before entering a regiment game. The players who played the first game have first choice whether or not to play a rematch. After that, the ranking officer shall designate who else may play. And please be fair, If someone has been waiting for awhile, give them a chance to play

  16. Non-playoff regimental games are to be the focus area of play of the enlisted. There shall be no more than 2 officers in a non-playoff games if there are enlisted sitting more than 1 game. In Playoff games, the officer has priority. No member of the regiment will intrude, or interupt a game while it is in process, ESPECIALLY in playoff.

  17. All members must maintain an ACTIVE Email account. You must notify the Regiment Commander, Regimental Executive Officer (XO), Training Officer, & your Company Commander by Email with your address. Any Regimental news, information, or scheduled events will be sent to that address. This is the only way that you will receive Email notifications (an inactive Email account is grounds for dismissal)

  18. All members should check the Message Boards and their Emails every time they sign on. Questions and important information should be posted on the Message Board.

  19. All members are expected to offer rematch games whether they win or loose. Regimental standings are of little consequence if a reputation for walking out of a rematch is established.

  20. All members of the Night Stalkers are expected to develope aggresive game playing tendancies. No subordinate will be berated or otherwise yelled at for displaying a degree of initiative in a game. This does not mean the subordinates are to disregard the OICs orders, and they should ALWAYS communicate to the OIC their intentions while in a game. But if an opportunity to exploit an enemy weakness is observed, EXPLOIT IT!


  22. The most important rule of all........HAVE FUN!!!!!.....and remember.... its just a game!!!!!!!!