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Photo Gallery.


You check the Bookcase and find a brandnew Photo album. The title on the back reads "Family Album". You snigger and open the book out of curiosity, wondering what kind of snapshots are in here. You find each page holding a single photograph with a little text underneath..

A Guest poses for our camera.. I knew I should've asked his name...

One of our Children posing for your pleasure, or hers.. Who knows..

Look out!
A favotite pass-time of our little Sect.. A great big bloody row. Cainites jumping over chairs, bullets flying.. All in a nights pleasures.

Tjakko pondering his next step.. perhaps a nefarious plot, or merely trying to remember what foot to use next..

Pack Coenraeds Vengeance discussing their next move with the new Archbishop sitting at the head of the table, Thaumiel. Excuseme.. His Reverence Thaumiel.

Flying Scotsmen
Connor and Malcolm MacEwen. Right to left in that order. They heve left our fair town.

A Bag, a Coat and a Loud Shirt
Our resident Nosferatu, Slither and Roger, talking to A Malkavian, Allende. ~What~ are they talking about...

I love the smell of fear in the evening
Another nice pass-time.. Scaring the living crap out off hapless mortals.. Yeees.. Aren't we a tough bunch, ganging up on a defenless mortal. Fear the Sabbat!

Teddy and Thaumiel.. He's probably thinking "If I sit completely still, perhaps she'll leave"....

Laugh or I'll shoot!
Tjakko, one of our resident Malkavians, showing off his
excellent skills with his firearm..

The rest off the pages are blank, there is a small note inserted in the back off the book..
It reads "Pick up photos at developers'"
You decide to make a little visit here again in the future to see wether there are some new photos.. They looked nice..
