Nintendo 64 Codes

Goldeneye 007-
Activate Bond Invisible Cheat This cheat must be entered on the cheat menu. If it is enterd correctly,you will here a beep. Than exit the cheat menu than return to the cheat meanu and you will have the Bond Invisible cheat.

L Button+R Button+C-Left, L Button+R Button+C-Down, L Button+C-Left, R Button+C-Left, R Button+Right, L Button+R Button+Left, L Button+Right, Left, L Button+R Button+C-Left, L Button+Down

Armor in the Streets
In the 00 Agent version of "Streets" you can find Armor and a Grenade launcher. Make your way to the building where you meet Valentine. Now take a couple of steps outside, turn left, and head for a broken window. Go inside and you'll find some much needed supplies.

Bonus Characters in Multiplayer Mode
To get even more people in multiplayer mode like the game designers, bike rider, and the terrorist follow the directions below. This code is complicated, but the effect is worth it. You can do this code anywhere, but it's best to do it on the Multi-Player Character Select screen while looking at the last available character (Mishkin or Moonraker Elite.)

Hold L + R and press C-Left, Hold L and press C-Up, Hold L + R and press LEFT on the Control Pad (not the analog stick.), Hold L and press RIGHT on the Control Pad, Hold R and press DOWN on the Control Pad, Hold L + R and press C-Left, Hold L and press C-Up, Hold L + R and press RIGHT on the Control Pad, Hold L + R and press C-Down, Hold L and press RIGHT on the Control Pad. If that doesn't work, hold L and press DOWN on the Control Pad. Note: This code has been confirmed by our staff. If you have trouble then you are either entering it wrong or you have a different version of the game. It may have been removed when GoldenEye 007 was re-released.

Fire Two Different Guns
Get a double weapon and hold the aim button and fire the LEFT gun only. Reload. While it is reloading change your weapon forward and press fire quickly. The two different weapons should fire together and you have a set of different guns.

Flaming Bond
This code requires that you have the invincibility cheat. Go to the Silo level with invincible Bond on. Select the plastique explosives from your watch and throw it on the wall. Now, shoot the explosives with your gun. Wherever you run, the explosions will follow you and kill everything in your path

Golden Gun Room
When you enter the Golden Gun room on the Egyptian level, do this. Step on the first lit block, then go Left 2, Up 2, Right 3, Up 2, Left 1, Up 1, Left 1, Up 2, and Right 1. After you get to the case in the middle of the room the bullet proof glass lowers and you can pick up the Golden Gun and some ammo. If you look down it makes the whole process easier.

Hidden Weapons on the Train
Kill everybody in the first car. Walk towards the brake levers and you'll find two crates. Shoot them to reveal an RC-P90 or DD4 which will make your job MUCH easier.

Invisibility in Multiplayer
During gameplay hit:
L Button + C-Up, L Button + R Button + C-Left, R Button + Up, L Button + C-Right, R Button + C-Left, L Button + Right, L Button + R Button + C-Left, L Button + C-Right, L Button + Up, L Button + R Button + C-Down

More Ammo in Multiplayer Mode
Start any level in Multiplayer mode. When you get a weapon go find an ammo box and shoot it until it splits in two. This will not work on all the boxes and with explosives

Slow Animation Cheat
Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there.

L Button + R Button + Left, L Button + R Button + Left, L Button + R Button + Down, L Button + R Button + Left, C-Right, L Button + R Button +Down, L Button + R Button + Down, L Button + Down, C-Left, C-Up

Tiny Bond Cheat
Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there.

L Button + R Button + Down, R Button + Down, L Button + C-Down, Left, R Button + C-Left, L Button + R Button + C-Down, Right, Down, R Button + C-Down, R Button + Right

Turbo Mode Cheat
Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there.

L Button + Down, L Button + C-Down, L Button + R Button + Up, R Button + C-Down, Left, R Button + Down, L Button + C-Down, Up, R Button + Down, L Button + Right

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