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Danni's Den: Character Profile Page :D

The Character Profile Page

Welcome to my own fan character profile page in my own Crash Bandicoot series. More characters will be added soon.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding my own characters. Any questions at all. Especially in adding them to any of your own work. Please email and I will consider it. Cheers.

Danni "Dash" Dingo

Species: Dingo

Age: 19 (when she meets Crash anyway)

Eye colour: Sky blue

Fur colour: She has golden blonde fur, with a lighter underbelly that goes up around her muzzle. And a black tipped tail. She has lighter normal blonde bang of hair that hangs over her maroon headband.

Clothing: She’s quite the sporty type. You’ll usually catch her wearing a light grey strap shirt with either faded jeans or dark jeans. And deep purple sneakers. She also wears brown/orange biker gloves (to keep her hands from having that nasty sweaty feeling no doubt). Overall she’s not really that picky.

Weapons: She is a weapon in herself really. Although there is the boomerang that she always uses in tougher situations when dealing with Cortex’s cronies. ‘Tis her pride and joy. And quite easy to use, specially if you know how to throw it and then duck just in case something goes wrong.
She also has a super fast ability of speed. Hence her nickname from the past “Dash”. Where or how she got her talent, is not simply by magic power. It is in fact her natural and remarkable ability and fast metabolism. She could run for the whole of Australia if she wanted. And she could, which is why she and Speedra have a lot of competition to face up to. (these two REALLY don’t get along well)

Lives: In her Den, deep within a section of the jungle called “Meadowview”. Her home is also a fitness gym to which she keeps herself in good shape.


It’s kinda long. But what Danni actually doesn’t know is the fact that she was an orphan. Her parents were killed by poachers when she was a cub. And accept for the fact she can only remember her powerful friendship with Cody, Danni’s past is shrouded and blurred thanks to the memory loss from the Vortex’s shocks she received during a raid at Cortex’s castle. It is the same raid where she loses her best friend Cody (now known as Dingodile) to the Evolvo-ray. And because of this, Danni’s hatred for Cortex remains heated to the present day.
Once one of Cortex’s experiments. Danni had escaped from her cage already evolved just after Crash’s escape. This even happened years ago, leaving her alone in the wilderness without her friends to help her survive. Until joining Brio’s crew, she stumbles across an old forgotten den (that soon becomes her home and gym) discovering two remarkable items, which to her obliviousness is the key to her forgotten past. A boomerang and a locket, that you can’t even open. To this day both items are still in her possession. The boomerang used frequently in Danni’s exploits, whilst the pendant…still remains a mystery.

She is of the sporty type. And not afraid to show some gut in tense situations. However, it is her reckless attitude that is what sometimes lands her into trouble in the first place. She tends to think too much with her heart more than her mind. Which is why whenever she fights Dingodile, she is secretly in great emotional pain because of his cruelty and forgotten memories as Cody. Her lost and dearest friend. And after joining Crash Bandicoot, she swears on her very life to bring that to a permanent change. Her family background remains another mystery yet to be uncovered.


Cody Dingo

Species: Dingo (Duh!) (Now half Croc, half Dingo breed)

Age: 22

Eye colour: Deep hazel brown

Natural fur colour: A deep brown in colour with a lighter underbelly running to his chin and muzzle. He has a black tipped tail.

Clothing: Even as Dingodile, his fashion traits are still there. Like the light green khaki pants for example.

Weapons: Before the flamethrower, all Cody could rely on was his quick thinking and cunning to get him out of various problems. However he packs a lot of courage. And a lot of punch and bite when the time calls for it.

Lives: (Used to live:) At Doctor N. Brio’s headquarters before his capture. His exact home before he re-met Danni since his first escape from Cortex Castle was unknown. Now in the present stage as Dingodile he lives his new warped life with the insane Doctor.


Cody’s past was similar to that of his old best friend Danni’s. His mother was killed by poachers although he doesn’t remember his father’s existence from when he was born. His tragedy and Danni’s is what brings them closer together at the start of their friendship from the beginning of the series.
It is unfortunate however, that after the many months of reuniting himself with his old friend does his life become changed forever after a bungled raid under Brio’s orders. He is fatefully trapped in one of Cortex’s bizarre experiments and changed into the half cast as you know him now…Dingodile. And his memories of Danni, his family…his whole life…are gone in that same hour.

Now as Dingodile, a completely new animal. He begins to experience the unnecessary changes delivered in his soul from the machine. Having become one of Cortex’s stronger minions, his lost half Cody. Does no longer exist. He becomes a cruel animal, delivering pain and hatred upon Crash and his foe when commanded.
He is a pillar of strength, with a short fuse to match. And so very much dangerous with his flamethrower. The complete opposite of his lost half, to the dismay of Danni. As she struggles to bring him back, only to keep fighting him.

There is however, a small set back to this cruel beast. And that’s to do with the small part lodged at the back of the brain. His memory. Although his past is completely shrouded and scrambled from the Vortex. Why is it every time he meets up with Danni, does he feel these awful sensations from within? These kind of questions probe into Dingodile’s warped mind almost every day since his creation. It is his stubbornness however, that causes him to bottle it up inside and to suffer endless nights of nightmares and migraines. And to what everyone else doesn’t know, he is going through an everlasting torture. Reliving his past in his dreams when to him he is oblivious that they were real. And bringing him even more perturbed at his thoughts of remembering Danni Dingo. His greater enemy.

How long will it be before he cracks? Or will Crash and co bring him back to his original life once again?
Time has only one answer; and that’s…to wait...


Jacko McSky

Species: Red Kangaroo

Age: 29

Eye colour: Reddish brown. Chestnut like.

Fur colour: Deep reddish brown with a lighter underbelly. Black tipped ears. He has dark red tips on his toes and tail.

Clothing: He wears an aviator ‘Biggles’ style brown leather jacket (not real leather of course) and deep purple scarf, which he considers as his ‘lucky’ scarf. This is all he usually wears.

Weapons: Besides having any dive-bombers, Jacko doesn’t really have any weapons seeing as he tries a different way out than making violence the first option. However if he is really provoked he’ll often knock you off your feet with his tail. Watch out ;)!

Lives: In his hanger, deep within the jungle.


It is wondered how Jacko became humanoid. But the truth is really that his genetics were only slightly altered during a different experiment made by Cortex just two years before the Vortex was produced. In the early stages of animal evolution. Cortex believed that genetically altering an animal’s DNA and at the same time, inject them with his formula to command them via syringe would do the trick. In this primitive investigation, he tested the serum on young Kangaroo’s and Wallabies that were then released back into the wild so Cortex could watch the full affect of the formula. Jacko was one of the very few that were tested on. And after being released, he moved territory with his family. He wasn’t ever found by any of Cortex’s lab workers.
He was lucky that the serum wasn’t as devastatingly effective as the memory busting, traumatising Vortex was. But he was changed slightly in form, though not too much. For example, he developed a pouch and was able to talk as a human. His memory completely un-scratched. But as naturally as any new humanised animal would be, he was amazed at his new physicality. Then reached for the opportunity to put his new abilities to use. And this was where his love and knack for planes came in.

Before Cortex, Jacko had become fascinated by anything that flew. From the humble butterfly, then the swooping magpie. Then to the ‘metal birds’ as he remembered them when he was a young normal Kangaroo. Watching them soar high above the heavens as he grazed in the meadows with his family. I guess you can’t really tell why such a small little critter would be so amazed at such things that were alien to the rest of his herd. But then I’ll guess you’ll have to ask Jacko that for yourself. For in years to come after becoming humanoid. Jacko uses his skills to make what today he calls his ‘pride and greatest joy’. His hanger ‘Jungle Arrow’ which stocks many of his old design, to latest models of planes and gliders.

Jacko is believe me, one friendly guy. Always willing to lend a hand, especially in tough situations, which is why he is such an benefit to his friends, Crash, Coco and the rest of the developing team. In many situations, he also has shown a brave defence to the opposing threats of Cortex’s team alone as well as displays of courage to his friends and loved ones. His planes are probably the other outcome to his commitment in serving justice and freedom of right. He makes such handsome aircraft! ;)

Overall, a really nice guy. Go Jacko!


Shadra Leon

Species: Lion

Age: 25

Eye colour: A light silvery blue (they even glow in the dark! Wooooo!)

Natural fur colour: He is dark tanned with lighter fur around the top of his muzzle. On the bridge of his muzzle his natural fur is darker though. And his mane, a maroon red. Highlighted in silver highlights. Makes you wonder if he’s worried about those greyed areas. ;)

Clothing: He is a warrior. Or was one from his past. You’ll always find Shadra when at work, fully equipped in a heavy chest plate. Occasionally having to replace it due to the scars across its metallic shield. He wears lighter trousers mind you. Slightly ripped. No shoes (oooo! Cold feet!) but a dark deep cloak with a hood to keep him perhaps a little bit warmer.

Weapons: His trusty staff which is be his side, almost ALL the time. Dun ever cross this Lion, or he’ll smite you. Pretty damn hard. Just ask Pinstripe!
The golden staff has a cupped palate which protects the ruby emerald inside. This emerald once revealed, absorbs kinetic energy from both the real user and the particles of the atmosphere. Firing an amazing beam of channelled force towards the target. Plus it burns! Ouch.
Shad’s staff was originally his father’s who passed it down to him before his death. So besides the average weapon, Shadra takes this as a most sacred item so close to him. Keeping it pristine and clean daily even by polishing it.

Lives: Currently at Uka Uka’s abandoned temple.


Shadra was never actually so cold as he is now. Before his warrior days, he was an ordinary adolescent Lion cub called ‘Leo’, rollicking free amidst the wilderness of the African Serengeti with his childhood sweetheart Navi (now known mostly as the cunning Speedra). Together, Leo and Navi spent many adventures together. Right up until their adulthood they still courted until the most bizarre of fates were to fall apon Shadra and his pride. Well, Shadra mostly. With an abrupt voodoo curse that falls apon him and his father Totanu, the two find themselves in a farther mysterious land far away from the comforting warm plains of Africa. Batterson’s land.
Even more bizarre, is the fact that both he and his father are turned humanoid by Batterson’s magic. Having this deed done, Batterson’s sign them into a contract to which they can never come out of. Not to mention the reason as to why they were fatefully whisked into this destiny of magic and sorcery of evil.
Tempted by his man-made destiny. Shadra makes the deal with Batterson and the rest of the Dark Animal Court, only to realise it is too late for him to return back to Africa. And to his sweetheart Navi…However he proves himself ambitious to Batterson’s tasks. Even landing him a secure position in the Court. He becomes one of Batterson’s favourite men. Hence his given name ‘Shadra’ that Batterson gave him thoughtfully. It was just unfortunate how this Bat had different plans in store for his father, Totanu. Who despised Batterson for taking him away from his pride and land, and angered at his son for foolishly making the deal.

Batterson, had a way of dealing with that… Shadra’s father is caught up in a bizarre treason plot. Ending up in his death that Shadra witnesses on the court grounds. Shattering him and his life completely. Leaving him trapped for what seemed like eternity in this hellish land under Batterson’s fierce rule.
When Shadra escaped (finally) he makes it back to the real world. Though somehow winding up in Australia. This is where he meets the great Uka Uka during his time in hiding from the Dark Animal Court still searching for him. Thus beginning his present state, as guardian of Uka Uka’s temple. And on occasion, giving the odd help to Cortex and his minions. It is for some reason quite spectacular that he should Navi in her new altered form. And that she should meet him, her name changed (Speedra) as well as his own. But her attitude was with spite, and for his absence began to despise him, secretly pained by his disappearance…and well, let’s just say their confrontation didn’t get off well in a good start.

Man this origin is long, but hard to explain. Anyways that practically tops off most of Shadra’s life. His character is a strong one. And would have been useful to the good side if he had never been tempted to join Batterson, or Uka Uka. However his pain mostly relies on the fact he has lost everything. His love, family, and bound of freedom. He can be a bit of a grouch at times, but still is fiercely protective of Speedra still. Who is usually hovered over by the ambitious Pinstripe smitten for her. Shadra is also quite a cunning animal himself. Proving himself worthy of Cortex’s team. Crash Bandicoot had better watch out. There is still more to say about Shad. Although his past kinda makes you wonder if he only hits out because of his pain…or is it something deeper?


Cyania Fogg

Species: Australian Mist Cat

Age: 29

Eye colour: Deep sea blue

Natural fur colour: She is entirely ginger, accept for the dyed blue tips on her hair, ears and tail (apparently to her it’s ‘in’ this year…and the next…and the next…etc…)

Clothing: She’s not picky. Sometimes she’s into grunge. She usually wears a deep coloured top (like red for instance) with combat trousers and dark sneakers. But her favourite item is her long dark brown Macintosh coat.

Weapons: Cyania would get nowhere without her trusty bionic 3x calibre Lasershot pistol. (as seen in her pic) She also carries with her an assortment of weapons taken from Brio’s lab depending on her assignment. Like the rubix cube, which has the power to submit electrical discharges stunning it’s target in close range, or short-circuiting the opponent databases.

Lives: She still lives at Brio’s headquarters deep within the second island. Any other information is classified.


Cyania Fogg, is one of Doctor N. Brio’s top agents, as it were. And as off the record as her job description is…I guess I could tell you the basic low-down on one of my less used characters anyhow…

Cyania’s past, is uncertain however. Perhaps because of the fact she doesn’t like telling anyone about it. But she has a hot personality about her strong belief in waging war against Cortex, and would smite at anyone telling her otherwise about her confidence. But she isn’t always like this, and hasn’t ever been. Not until the sudden disappearance of her fiancé Brisbane, another agent of Brio’s force. (Who was never found by the way) Her loss causes her attitude to alter towards her group, Brio and as well as herself.
Still, she is a strong asset to the group. As her new partner Gumby always states proudly and with admiration. At times, Cyania possesses an ability to think fast and to take charge in a crisis. And it is because of her headstrongness and unique performance that Brio recommends her in any case. And Cyania is proud of that, but very protective of her position. So when Danni joins for a little while (this happens at the beginning of the first series) it proves just how big competition can get.

There is still much to be said about Cyania, but so much in fact that she’s rather finicky about people delving into her personal life. She may be one of my less used characters, but rest assured you’ll see more of her in the future.

Danni's Den. Copyright © Sharon Michelle Matthews (Shazi)1999-2005
Please ask permission before borrowing anything from this site!