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Danni's Den: Fan Fiction Movie Posters ;)

Fan Fiction Movie Posters

As you may or may not know, sometimes individual artists from the Crashcorner site like to wrack our imaginations and spur of creativity to create what our fics would look like as movie posters! So I made a special page dedicated to those sort of pictures!
And stay tuned cause there will be a lot more coming this way! And I have to say it's looking great so far! Keep up the good work people.
And if you have fic movie poster you'd love to send in. Just e-mail me, and I'll see what I can do for ya's! ^-^
Have fun browsing!! ~Shazi

Pictures may take a while to upload so please have patience! ;)


Wow!! This is was created by Crashcrazed especially for my upcoming fic, "Dingo Denial". It is based apon Dingodile's past life and experience and his own fears, and from all the planning, it's gonna be a good fic! (I hope!) But when Crashcrazed made this poster I was pleased as punch! She really drew Cody so well! Thank you so much Crashcrazed!! :D


Well, I guess it's my turn. Hmmm I used my Paintshop Pro for the colours as usual. But I loved making it. However I made a mistake!, in the lettering and text. (I'll let you notice it yourself without me embarressing myself)
The poster is once again for another fic of mine, "Speed Trap" Which I am on the verge of finishing shortly! I have to say this is perhaps one of my better pics I've done.
And as for Speedra looking bigger than my Dan! Well ;) I imagine her that way anyways. Still I liked making it!


Finally a new poster I drew, this one for Goku's ever so fabulous story "The Android Miniseries" a great story full of action and danger, starring yours truly Crash Bandicoot and co. Go check it out! I really liked drawing and painting this pic with colouring pencils and actual paint, a good variety I've used even if it looks a little awkward in gif format.
This was sometime before I managed to finally finish this poster but it was worth it in the end. ;)

Well, I'm still waiting for more posters to be made so as always this page will always be under construction. I hope you enjoyed browsing nonetheless! So don't go away as more is coming very soon! ^-^
Thanks for your time!


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