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Danni's Den Links Page!

Danni's Den Links Page

Oh, so you've had enough eh? Couldn't wait to leave eh? EHH? Heheh only j/k. But before you go, either bookmark these sites are check them out when ya can. Most of them belong to some of the artists on 'Friend's of Danni's Den'. So if you like what you saw on that site and wanna see even more miscellaneous artwork of their's (and perhaps other arists, who knows?), then go check their own websites out. You'll love it. ^^
Theres also my own bundle of links which will take you to particular parts of the internet. Including my very own miscellaneous art archive on and So feel free to look around there whenever ya want.
Anyways, here's my current list...Have fun.

UPDATE!: 04/07/06.

Some new links added. As well as additional ones to older artists sections. See how previous artists have no branched out further and deeper across the web!
As a note. New links will be given Red bullets. Updated artists' will be given Green.

Main sites

The Official Sony Playstation Site
NaughtyDog Site

My Own Links:

Sharon Matthews (A.k.a "Shazi")

Friend's of Danni's Den: Website specially made for my other artistic friends who resided here at 'DD' originally. BIG big update to come there soon.
My DeviantArt Archive Where I reside.
My Side7 Archive My older archive site.
Lion King Fan Art at "Kubo's Spot" ( Most of my Lion King art anyways. Expect much more soon! Thank you so much Kubo! ^^)
FanFiction (not up yet)
Crash Bandicoot FanFiction Site

Links to my fellow artists and their creations. :)

Danielle Berse (A.k.a "Crashcrazed") img

Pentical's DeviantArt Archive
Crashcrazed's Side7 Archive
Danni B's FanFiction


Racheal Berse (A.k.a "Stripes") img

Rae's DeviantArt Archive
Stripe's Media Miner Archive


Cherie Fournier img

CherieStar's DeviantArt Archive
FanFictionGoddess's FanFiction Archive (At


Jessi C (A.k.a "Kiorie") img

Jessi C's Side7 Archive
Jessica's (Senshuu) DeviantArt Archive


Chris Keef (A.k.a "Goku/ ShenloKen") img

Chris's DeviantArt Archive
Chris's Crashcorner Character Page
Chris SSJ's Side7 Archive
ShenloKen's FanFiction


Stormy Bowman's (A.k.a "Twister") img

Stormy's DeviantArt Archive
Stormy's Side7 Archive


Cassie D (A.k.a "Crystal Bandicoot") img

Crystal's DeviantArt Archive
Angel Island
Cassie D's Side7 Archive


Beverly Wooff (A.k.a "RexyRock") img

RexyRock's DevianArt Archive
The Crash and Friends' StoryCenter
RexyRock's Picture Archives


Tara Cross (A.k.a "Tani Tiger") img

Xtreme Island Her very own site. :)
Tara's DeviantArt Archive


Thomas Goulden (A.k.a "Tarka") img

Tarka's DeviantArt Archive


EcoJak img

EcoJak's DeviantArt Archive

An incomplete peice of Crash B fanfiction to boot! :D
Chaper 1
Chaper 2


Jeff Falberg (A.k.a "Dr Cortex") img

Jeff's DeviantArt Archive
Jeff's Beard EzBoard


Kitty17794 img

Kitty17794's Deviant Archive


SilverSister img

SilverSister's DeviantArt Archive


OTHER friend's of Danni's Den and their own linkies! ^^

Spin Wolarcoot's Side7 Archive (I like the gothic touches to her characters. ^^)
Casey Snyder's (A.k.a Dr N. Gin) Side7 Archive (The place for Diehard fans of N.Gin art)
N. Gin's "Crash Course" site (Thank you so much for linking to my site as well DJ! ^,^)
Kitty Coot's Crash Place Ezboard site(Nice layout too. ^^)


Danni's Den. Copyright © 2002
Please ask permission before borrowing anything from this site!!