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Shiela's Study

Hello Shiela, you have a visitor. As I said before, wanderer, I am no mage and shall wait outside while you speak with Shiela and look around her study. Good day Shiela.

Welcome, I am Shiela, Master of Magic. What brings you here today? If you come seeking knowledge, I have yet to open my spellbook to the public, but I do have a few scrolls you may look over. They lay on that table over there, help yourself, just watch what you touch. I'll be here if you need me.


Circle Two

Radiant Death

Threads: 0 		Weaving Difficulty: 0/2
Range: 50 yards			Duration: 1 round
Effect: Willforce + 7
Casting Difficulty: Target's Spell Defense
The Radiant Death spell is an anti-undead and anti-undead Horror construct spell and only works on those types of beings. When casting the spell the caster holds his head back aghast scrinching his eyes and holding his hands up as if to block out a bright sunlight. The Spellcasting Test must beat the target's Spell Defense to be successful. There must be a source of light present to cast this spell, though that source can be as weak as a single candle. As the spell is cast, a brilliant light forms above the target and rays from the light slash at the target causing the damage. Physical Armor protects from this damage.

Circle Nine

Water Spout

Threads: 3			Weaving Difficulty: 18/25
Range: 60 yards			Duration: 6 + Rank Minutes
Effect: Willforce + 11	
Casting Difficulty: 4/Target’s Spell Defense
The Elementalist makes whirling motions with his fingers. The Water Spout spins from the elementalist hands as the spell is cast, which requires a result of 4 to be successful. The next round and each round thereafter, the elementalist may move the Water Spout to strike any and all characters within a radius of 15 feet. The elementalist makes a spellcasting test as the attack test and compares the result against the Spell Defense of each of his targets. The elementalist makes one spellcasting test, but each target is attacked separately. The elementalist rolls the Effect dice for damage taken by characters hit by the Water Spout spell. The spell requires the elementalist to concentrate or else it will dissipate.


Circle Two

Radiant Death

Threads: 0 		Weaving Difficulty: 0/2
Range: 50 yards			Duration: 1 round
Effect: Willforce + 7
Casting Difficulty: Target's Spell Defense
The Radiant Death spell is an anti-undead and anti-undead Horror construct spell and only works on those types of beings. When casting the spell the caster holds his head back aghast scrinching his eyes and holding his hands up as if to block out a bright sunlight. The Spellcasting Test must beat the target's Spell Defense to be successful. There must be a source of light present to cast this spell, though that source can be as weak as a single candle. As the spell is cast, a brilliant light forms above the target and rays from the light slash at the target causing the damage. Physical Armor protects from this damage.

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