Raven-Chan's Flame Garden Final Fantasy Fic

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Part 4
By: Raven-Chan

"Hey, man!" The bouncer of the Midgar Bar and Grill was bellowing at Reeve. "Get your sorry white ass of da bar's property! Your disturbin' every fuckin' person in the bar!"

Not 30 minutes after getting kicked out of the Bumble Bee Inn, he was getting kicked out of one of the finest bars in town. Reeve started thinking of how stupid, high, drunk or all three of the above, someone had to be when they had decided that a guard at a bar was to be called a 'bouncer'. Thinking of this in his intoxicated state, Reeve couldn't hold back the bellow of laughter he felt coming.

"You laughin' at me, Ya White Trash!?" The Bouncer bellowed in his normal loud voice. The bouncer was a huge man. His arms were as big around as canned hams, and he had the look on his face that he was gonna use them. But no worry for Reeve...

"Ya know," Reeve retorted to the bouncer, "This is my favorite bar. I don't think you know who I am, because-"

"I don't care who the 'ell you are!" The bouncer hollered into Reeve face.

"You will in a minute, friend..." Reeve replied, pulling a small cylinder from his jacket pocket.

"Is that a threat, you sorry fuck-shit!!!" retorted the man, "Cause if it was, you in for a bad beatin'..."

"As a matter of the fact," Reeve began to say coyly, clinching the cylinder in his hand, "It was."

Reeve tightened his grip suddenly, activating the cylinder. Both ends shoot outward, forming a staff about two meters in length. It came to sharp points at both ends. He jumped in the air and flipped, just as a huge fist went shoting past where he was not a second earlier. He landed and turned sharply, only to see a huge fist right before it smashed into his face. He went sprawling backward, one of his teeth tearing from his mouth in a jolt of pain. Streams of blood squirted from his mouth and nose as he sprawled through the air. He landed hard on the pavement down the dark alley beside the bar. The bouncer closed the small gap with two steps, and was about to kick the sorry white trash. But Reeve was never known to lie down on the job.

Reeve jumped straight up, pulling his staff straight around with him. The mans foot kicked into empty air, leaving just enough space for Reeve's plan. Good.

As he twisted around, he shot his arm outward with all his might, aiming for the open spot the bouncer had neglected. In the two seconds it was taking the huge bouncer to get his balance, Reeve thrust his staff between the mans legs with a hard thrust. It dug straight into the man's flesh, ripping it apart with a gross fleshy sound, and Reeve was assure that this man would never have the chance at having any kids.

The huge man lost what balance he had as Reeve gave a hard jerk to rip the man's flesh apart even more, and the man fell, holding his croutch and bellowing into the night in agony. Blood was running, soaking the crotch of the man's pants, running between the man's fingers, seeping onto the side walk. The man bellowed and bellowed, and Reeve thought of how painful it must have been for the man.

And then he turned, smiling at the screams of the man's agony.

It's had only been 30 minutes from the time Barret had fallen into the darkness until the Hunter had found Reeve, and was ready to make him join the Darkness...

Cloud was getting dressed to leave Tifa's house. He felt guilty, leaving her in her bed alone, as she looked so much like an angel when she was asleep. But something important had come up. They had told him to get to Head Quarters as soon as possible. He bent and gave Tifa a small kiss. From her sleep she murmured,"Cloud... I..." and that was all. He left, not knowing it would be the last time he saw her.

Vincent was still on top of the Shin-Ra Mansion, looking out at the strom that was coming still closer, and closer, and he knew it would take them all. And when it came for him, he would once again be the silent warrior, and fight it to his death.

Red XIII had awoken in the night, sleepless, and for some reason could not help that all the good in the world was gone. He felt that something had just... fell... and now he was the only on to fight the storm... The storm he felt coming...

Reeve had turned and began walking down the alley. He had had a long night, and he was planning on crawling into his nice warm bed, not bothering to undress, and sleep until about 6:00pm that evening. It was, after all, an off day for him. No need to go to work. Just sit at home and 'chill'.

Of course, these were his plans before he had heard the noise at the back end off the alley.

He turned to see if the man could actually have stood up after having his manhood destroyed. As Reeve saw, though, he was lying still on the ground. He was probably dead. But he couldn't have died that fast, could he?...

Reeve saw something move in the shadows, and brought his staff back up to attention. He could see no one, though. Only two glowing green eyes. Then, out of the darkness, walked his old friend. Cis Highwind.

"Hey, Reeve!" Cid said, smiling, "What's a sorry mother fucker like you doin' out this late?"

"Nothin," come back Reeve reply.

"That true?" Cid asked, "Cause looks to me like you layed out that big fella over there." He pointed at the man on the ground, and smiled. "What'd he do to you?"

"You know people 'round Midgar," Reeve started.

"No," Cid said, "I don't." Cid moved closer, and got a better look at his eyes. They weren't Cid's eyes. Cid didn't have green eyes. And if he did, they weren't like these. These were-

"Come on, Reeve..." The thing that looked like Cid mocked on. "Tell me."

These weren't Cid's eyes. They were the eyes of a Hunter... or the eyes of Sephiroth.

"Good Guess, Reeve!"

With that, the Cid thing turned into nothing but darkness, and Reeve snapped out of the trance too late to realize that he was gonna die.

The dark Hunter creature turned one of it's feirce claws into a spear like thing, much like Reeve's, and thrust it right were Reeve's legs connected. Blood squirted outward. The Hunter withdrew the spear, and Reeve fell, holding himself. Blood flowed everywhere.

Come on, Reeve It mocked in his head. Get up. Your a man, aren't you... or did I just change that.

The Hunter reached out its arm, and picked up Reeve by his head. He then went through a disgusting motion, and within a matter of second, Reeve had been ripped to shreads, and his soul had joined Barret and the other in the creatures being.

As Reeve was being killed at the rise of the sun, it's bright rays of light touching the Golden Saucer for a moment, a black mist sweeped over the plains. It engulfed the desert, and the Golden Saucer. It overtook the whole region, enlarging the Hunter's playground. And as it stood, all but Cosmo Canyon and the small Mt. Nibel and the town of Nibelheim were left on that continent. Only they held the continent from the Hunter's black storm...

Hunter Created by Raven-Chan