Well, this is my first MSTing, and helping me are... Mini-Cid and Mini-Vince!
Mini-Cid: $%#$!
Kal: And now, the masterpiece weīre about to MiST...

Killing Aeris
a 'kill Aeris' fic by Kat_Aclysm ^-^

Mini-Cid: Whoa! Really!? I thought the fic was about happy $%"# ponies in a sugar land.
Kal: I think theyīre running out of original names for this kind of fic.

The Forgotten Capital. Once the proud dwelling of the Cetra, now a place of ruins and forgotten secrets. This is where one Cetra girl is, praying for the safety of the planet, her little white bauble glowing a strange green colour.

Mini-Cid: (as Aeris) And please, let Cloud choose me over that silicone witch Tifa... and take care of mommy and daddy....
Kal: If it is white, then why it glows green?
Mini-Vince: The author must be daltonic.

Meanwhile, high above her, a cold pair of turquoise eyes watches her.

Kal: As opposed to warm green eyes...

"MMwwwaaaahaaarrr..... ahem. Sorry, Did I do that evil enough?"

Mini-Vince: (as Director) No you idiot! Dammit, with feeling! Take 46!

"Yeah you did." Aeris nodded, looking skyward. "Can I continue on with my praying for Holy?" <
"Do you even know who this is up here?"
"Is it Sephiroth?" Aeris sighed, deeply annoyed.

Kal: NO! ITīS GOD!

"Why Ye.... NO! Why the hell would Sephiroth be up here!?"

Mini-Cid: Because heīs a voyeuristic perv?

"Because you've been trying to kill me for years." Aeris yawned. "Just shut up Sephy, leave me alone."
"Don't ever call me that!!!"
"Haa haa, Sephiroth." Aeris smirked. "Now I KNOW it's you up there."

Kal: Yeah, kiddies. You can still say "Awww" and be a true villain.
Mini-Cid: Damn it! Say it like a man!

Aeris bowed her head once more and closed her eyes. She held the small white Materia in her hand, praying for Holy to come to the Planet's aid.
"Listen planet,
hear my plea.
awaken Holy,
come to me.
Sparkly and shiny,
a real prodigy.
Holy's so pretty,
as can be.
So am I,
so why don't you,
Wreck Sephy's Meteor,
Before you die too?"

Mini-Vince: Yeah! I think we have a new Britney Spears here! Aerisīs Gainsborough new hit "Planet dear hear me!"

"That sucked!" Sephiroth yelled out. "Come on, you're using an Ultimate Magic Materia there! At least think of some way to make it look more impressive than summoning the magic in the rest of the Materias!!"

Kal: (as Sephy) As I did to summon the Meteor! Just sing country music while you dance polka!

Just then, Cloud ran down the path leading to the glass shrine, leaping quickly from pillar to pillar till he was with her.
Aeris looked up briefly.
"Oh not you too." she sighed. "Shut up Cloud, I'm praying for Holy."
"Are you doing that with your White Materia?" Cloud asked.

Mini-Cid: No, sheīs using the brand new, multicolored Rainbow Materia! Available at K-mart right now!
Kal: Why does Cloud always state the obvious?

"Materia??" Aeris said, giving Cloud a funny look. "There's no such word as Materia, silly! Now shut up and leave me to keep praying...."

Kal:(as Cloud) Sowwy......

"Oh. It's you, Strife."
"Who said that??" Cloud wondered, looking around.
"Puppet!!" Sephiroth jeered.

Mini-Cid: I knew it! Heīs a puppet! He kinda looks like Big Bird with that hairdo...

Just then, Cloud's entire world glowed blood red for a moment. As a removed expression crossed his face, he shook his head slowly and reached for his sword.
"What the hell is he doing??" Cid wondered, watching the scene from the ground.
"Oh no..." Tifa said, yawning. "Cloud's been possessed again...."

Mini-Vince: (as Tifa) And I thought he would be tonight. Damn!

"Well don't just stand there, you b*tch!!" Cid roared. "F*ckin' do something!!"

Kal:(as Tifa) Stand aside, you evil spirits! By the power of Silicone, the ancient goddess, I comand thee, leave this manīs body!

Up on the shrine, Cloud just shook his head again and slowly made his way over to Aeris. The Cetra girl just continued to pray. Cloud drew his sword.

Mini-Vince: I never thought Cloud was such an artist.
Mini-Cid: Knowing him, he must have made it with crayons.

The Cetra girl continued to pray. Cloud faced her. Lifting his sword above his head, he began to swing it down, his inner self fighting for all he was worth to get control back.

"Cloud!" Cid yelled.
"Stop!" Tifa pleaded.

Mini-Cid: Go!
Mini-Vince: Yeah!
Kal: Wibble!
Mini-Cid and Vince: ?
Kal: Sorry.

"Bink." Sephiroth smirked, and released his control on the blonde man below him.

Kal: (as Sephy) Damn! Game over! I need another quarter to keep playing "Mind control the doofus"

Cloud shook his head vigorously and took three steps backward.

Mini-Cid: And in doing so, he fell in the lake.

"Ugh... what are you making me do?!"

Kal: Apart from making the story progress...
Mini-Vince:...and killing the disposable heroine...

Sephiroth just rested his arms behind his back, looked skyward and whistled guiltily.
"Wasn't me."

Mini-Cid:(as Sephy) The voices made me do it!

"What are you trying to do, Sephiroth??" Aeris said, looking up at him with a confused expression written on her face. Sephiroth just let out a long breath and smirked evilly before speaking.

Kal: Ohh! Lame villains just smile evily. But true villains smirk evilly!

"The Forgotten Capital. The Cetra used to live here, well they did before my mother killed them all. Now, because I carry her cells and because I am her son, I must do her bidding and kill Cetras as well. Seeing as though you're the only one apart from me..... heh heh heh."

Mini-Cid: If he thinks heīs a Cetra also, wouldnīt he have to kill himself?
Mini-Vince: (as Sephy) No, you see, because... ahh, hell....

"What are you going to do to me??"
"Well... do you to want me to give you the long version...?"

Mini-Cid: You sure this ainīt one of those lemon fanfics?
Kal: Sure! Uhh, well...

"The Long version."
"You're finished."
"What was the short version?!"

Mini-Vince: Call 1-800-KILL AERITH and for 3 gil you will get the original unedited version! Only here at Killing Aeris!

"You don't have to kill me, you know." Aeris smiled. "Come on Sephiroth. Come down from there and join our merry group."
"Why would I want to do that??"

Mini-Vince: (as Aeris) Come over here and Iīll show you... *Wink wink*

"You can get revenge on Shinra." Aeris smiled. "I know you hate them - they're the ones that created you, right??"
"You know...." Sephiroth nodded. That's not such a bad idea... and.... whoa!!"
"What's wrong, Sephy!?" Aeris called out desperately.

Mini-Cid: (as Sephy, pointing at Tifa) Look at that girl! No way! How come she can be a martial artist with those? Whoa!

"WAAUGH! My foot slipped!"

Kal: And ended up in his mouth.

Falling from the bright white light from above comes Sephiroth, a shocked expression on his face. He falls faster and faster, and draws his sword in an attempt to jam it into something on the way down so he doesn't go splat at the bottom.

Mini-Vince: What is a Squelch?
Kal: Must be running out of good sound effects.
Mini-Cid: Actually is the sound kittens make when you step on them.
Mini-vince and Kal: !
Mini-Cid: Uhh... letīs continue...

His sword pierced straight through Aeris's body.
"Oh shit."

Kal: Now that is going to leave a stain...

"SEPHIROTH!!" Cloud hollered. "Oh my god! You killed Aeris!!"
"You bastard!!" Cid roared.

Mini-Cid: When the fic starts to be sucky, just use a classic line from a TV show.
Kal: Then the entire fic should be TV show lines.

Sephiroth gave them a look like a deer in a set of headlights.

Kal: (as Sephy) Whoa! I thought they looked big up there, but now... Whoa!

"They're expecting something from me.... oh hell. Oh screw this, I've just killed Aeris. Now I guess I'll just have to be evil for the rest of the game. Suits me fine.... I like killing people anyway."

Kal: Besides thatīs what you were created for.
Mini-Cid: Remember to say Awww like a man!

Sephiroth just stared at Cloud, then at his sword through Aeris's body.
Cloud caught Aeris's lifeless body as Sephiroth removed his sword from her body.
"...Aeris." he said, gently shaking her body.

Kal: And if you add a pint of vodka and a quarter of gin you will make a good "Aeris Daiquiri"

No response.

Mini-Cid: (as Aeris) Clo...ud... stop.... sha...king... me...

"This can't be real!" Cloud yelled.
"Do not worry." Sephiroth chuckled. "Soon the girl will become part of the Planet's energy."
"You bastard....." Cloud said, burning with anger.

Kal: Cloud is on fire! Quick, bring the extinguishers!

"All that is left is to go North. The 'Promised Land' waits for me over the snowy fields.... and hopefully that computer I won on e-bay."

Mini-Cid: Hell yeah! I just auctioned a hot pick of Tifa yesterday to some guy called Raven-Chan.

"There at the Northern Cave, I will become a new being by uniting with the planet. In the meantime, I can play Solitaire on my new computer until this day arrives....."
"...Shut up." Cloud said, sniffling loudly. "The cycle of nature and your stupid plans don't mean a thing!!!"

Kal: And besides, Age of Empires 2 is a better game!

Sephiroth raised an eyebrow. "You don't like Solitaire....?"

Mini-Vince: This is starting to sound like a lemon again.

"Aeris is gone!" Cloud cried. "Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry...... or get angry. What about us...... what are WE supposed to do?"
Sephiroth shrugged. "I dunno."
"What about my pain?" Cloud cried. "My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!"

Mini-Vince:Just use the new Eyemo and the burning in your eyes will be gone! Here at 1-800-KILL-AERIS!

"What are you saying?" Sephiroth wondered. "Are you trying to tell me you have feelings too?"

Kal: Yes, it starts to sound like a lemon.
Mini-Cid: Told ya.

Cloud stood up angrily and faced Sephiroth. "Of course! Who do you think I am!?"
"Ha, ha, ha...... Stop acting as if you were sad." Sephiroth laughed. "There's no need to act as though you're angry either." He rose into the air, looking down at Cloud. "Because, Cloud. You are..."
"Because you are a puppet.... puppet.... puppet.... puppet.... puppet...."

Mini-Vince:(as Sephy) puppet...puppet...puppet... wibble!

"A puppet??"

Mini-Cid: I still insist he looks like Big Bird.

As Cloud's entire world glowed blood red again, a fake smile spread across his face.
"Ehhh hehh hehhh.... Helloo kiddies!!!" he yelled psychotically. Cid and Tifa exchanged a bewildered glance.

Kal: AGH! Heīs Big Bird! Run for your lives!

"Sephiroth....." Tifa sighed. "Stop doing that. It's not funny."

Mini-Cid: (as Tifa) And besides heīs not wearing that Barney costume I like so much...

"Alright...." Sephiroth grumbled. As he released his possession on Cloud, he shot off into the sky like a rocket.

Mini-Cid: Then he would have a rocket up his...
Kal: Donīt say it.

"See you at the Northern end of the planet!" he said with sudden happiness. "I'll be waiting for you! Make sure you don't die while you're on the way to give me the Black Materia!!"

Mini-Vince: (as Sephy) And tell my mom I love her! And please feed my goldfish!

Cloud fell to his knees and shook his head vigorously.
"Cloud, are you alright?!" Tifa yelled, jumping up to him.
"Yeah, but my head feels like it went for one heck of a wild ride...."
"Aeris....." Cid said sadly, then turned and left without another word. Tifa took one look at the dead girl before squeezing her eyes shut and running off.

Kal: To a spot where she could wildly laugh of happiness.

Cloud just gently picked her up, carried her to a quiet spot by a pool of water and buried her.

Mini-Vince: How do you dig a hole in the midle of a lake?
Mini-Cid: How can he stand in the middle of a lake?

"Goodbye..... Aeris."

Kal: Weīll miss ya!
Mini-Cid: So much we wonīt use Phoenix Down to revive you!

Sometime later....

"So what do we do with ourselves now??" Cid asked, leaning on the edge of an old Cetra bed, trying to light up a cigarette.
"We're going after Sephiroth, of course!!"
"Why??" Tifa asked.

Kal (as Tifa) We should leave him alone. I mean give the poor guy a break...

"Because Final Fantasy VII would only have one disc if we didn't!!" Cloud yelped. "And that would suck!!"

Kal: And me and three other million gamers would sue Square!

"You're right." Cid nodded. "On with the adventure!!"
"FFVII is the most popular Final Fantasy in the entire series." Tifa smiled. "Let's keep it that way."
"While we're going after Sephiroth, I wanna write some poetry." Cloud told them.

Mini-Vince Nothing raises more the figthing spirits than good poetry.

"Ontop of a small shrine
All covered in glass-tard
I lost my poor Aeris
to that black caped bastard."

Cid shook his head in disapproval. "That really sucked, Cloud...."

Mini-Cid: You tell them bro!
Mini-Vince: Has it ended? Thank God!
Kal: Here is Kal telling everyone: If you come across a bad FFVII fanfic, donīt write angry flames to the author. MiST the fanfic and turn it good!