Turin's Anime Page
A kick-spoony anime site, that's at the top cos' it's um...spoony.
h4x0r d00d69's rumours page
It was either linking this or goatse.cx...*angry mumble*
Midgar Psych
Go here if you want to see why I portray Rufus as a drooling little fanboy. Contains some V.funny and wierd fics, but be warned, the webmistress is a yaoi fan (although you won't find anything higher than PG-13, and it's all done humorously.)
Final Fantasy Forum page
I strongly advise you go here and that you join. It's the most active forum around.
Love and Chaos
Sara K's other fanfic. Yes, it's Yaoi, but it's mild, humourous, PG-13 stuff. And v. well written. I'm no yaoi fan, but if it doesn't make me hurl, it's a good sign. And no hurling occured while reading this. So read it, It's good stuff.
Cloud 612 and Sephiroth 128's Final Fantasy Damn cool and proffessional looking site here, which covers pretty much everything any Final Fantasy fan would need (but you'll need to come back here for your humour fix, right?)
Cloud 612 and Sephiroth 128's Final Fantasy FORUMS
A link to the fun-kay forums of the site above.
Go here to read THE funniest Final Fantasy fanfics on the internet.
The Midgar Swamp
BoB Teh DE/\/\()/\/ sez:-"PLAGERIST SCUM U R SCUM S.O.S. WILL GET U U SUK EHEHEHEHEH!!111LOL!!! U SPONNY PPL THER ISNO SPOONACE." Not that that means ANYTHING. Go to this site now, for it kicks righteous spoony ass.
Oni-Kamui's Animangaworld An absolutely kick ass anime and Final Fantasy site by Oni Kamui. The chat room rocks!
Barret Wallace's RPG/Anime hideout
The home of Dyne and his most famous creation, Dav Cole.
The Fortress Of Solitude
Kal's page, containing fics and a Vincent Valentine Shrine.
Final Fantasy Forever
Acid's damn cool but pretty new page, with all her fiction on it.
I caught all of these from Pocket-bishounen. Gotta catch em' all! Click on the pix of the bishounen to get there.
Visit the Anti Tilmitt movement here, and join their worthy cause!
And while you're at it, join this place too. Devil Kin needs your support!
Rocket Canyon, how I do love thee. The first RPG humour site I ever found, and it got me hooked.
Rocket Town. The best Final Fantasy site EVER.
High quality fanfics HERE. The poor girls having probs with her server so updates are few and far between, but it's still spiffy.
A site by one of my FFO buddies, Faily It's only starting up right now, so go give the girl a hand!
Fish Fins @nd Dinosaurs
An extremely funny site, with some Aeris bashi-*ahem* I mean NEGATIVE CELEBRATION on the side. Oh, just go there you foo'!
The Mines
Min's site, dedicated to...stuff. Good stuff. With a bookie that YOU MUST SIGN.
Adventures In Hell. This girl hates Aeris too!
Final Fantasy Oasis
Wutai Cat, Lavantis and Zell71's stomping ground. Purty.
This goes in the inbetween category, as it has lots of non-Final Fantasy fanfiction (Buffy, Vampire Chronicles, originals etc,) as well as an amazing Yuffie fic called Rites Of Passage. However, it is run by one of the best writers I have ever met, and I equally congratulate her for being so good and damn her for making my work look like trash. Sigh. Just visit it, you fools!
The consortium
Dedicated to the downfall of my school...
the website for Ralfyboy
A shrine to Ralf Schumacher, the F1 driver. Loadsa cute pix ^_^
Wanna tell me my page is crap to my face? Look for Yuffie, Fujin or Crunchbucket here and she'll rip your head off.
Tina's Teen Wicca Corner
Another site run by a friend of mine. I don't practice wicca, but it's a good site. Take a look around.
Dark Initiative
Tina's other site, dedicated to Spike from Puffy The Vampire Layer.
And Tina's boyfriend's site. Worth seeing at least for the kickass weaponry pictures.
Out Of Sink
Tina's boyfriend's mate's page. A lot of surrealist humour and british swearing. T'is fun-kay.
Hayley's pointless page of pointlessness Name sez it all.
My live journal
Mm-hmm. Can't believe I'm posting this...
S Club Haters
My other site. I spent a grand total of 15 minutes uploading old junk that I wrote with my mailing list onto it, and it STILL gets rabid flames from loser S Club 7 fans *is proud*
Livejournal Previous obsession du jours...
My latest obsession...