Top Ten Things Said In Final Fantasy 7 Game Before A Gameover . . .

10 - Oops, forgot to put on Materia!

9 - Aw Crap! Everyone's dead but Vincent and he's on his limit break!

8 - Ruby Weapon? What kind of dumbass name is that?

7 - Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh, that side is weak against fire . . .

6 - Wow! Green hit points! I must really be hurting it!

5 - Hmmm, Aeris is the only one left against a long-range monster. No Materia on. Ah crap!

4 - What are those numbers counting down above Cloud's head?

3 - Drat! The phone's ringing . . . I'll be right back. No need to pause it . . .

2 - Hee hee! Silly dragon!

And the number one thing you say before a gameover . . .

1 - WHAT?!?!?! I can't run away!?