I stopped across from the door; Seifer kept on walking away.

"Seifer. Come. Here."A teacher learns many different voices, from commanding to cajoling, and knows when to use them. That was my most commanding tone, and it didn't faze him one bit.

How embarrassing.

Beyond ticked now, I ran up after him and planted myself in his path. For an instant I thought he'd barge right past me, but instead he stopped in front of me, folded his arms, and smirked down at me.

He knew how to push my buttons better than anyone else, but somehow I kept my cool. "What was that you pulled back there?" I asked, mentally congratulating myself for sounding so calm.

His smirk widened and he shrugged. "I don't want to go on the mission. It's as simple as that."

"But throw away your training here?" I accidently let some of my incredulity seep through into my voice at the thought because his smirk faltered somewhat. Encouraged, I pressed on, "Seifer, whatever the reason it can't be worth that."

The smirk widened again as he leaned close in on me. "Maybe I just don't want to do the mission with you."

Even though I was ninety-nine percent positive that wasn't the reason, the remark still stung. I didn't let it show though as I said, "You're scared, aren't you?"

"No I'm not!" Seifer's head came up, and he rolled his eyes. "You've said a lot of stupid things, but that takes the cake."

Ouch again. I closed my eyes for a second to collect myself, then stared back at him. "If you remember nothing else I say, remember this Seifer Almasy. I am your Instructor, whether you want it or not, and I will not allow you to talk to me in such a way."

He had the grace to look slightly embarrassed. I folded my arms and stared straight at him as I continued, "Unless you can tell me a legitimate reason why you are unable to perform this assignment, aside from any personal reasons, I can't see why you can't take this mission. This is your job, Seifer, what you've been training for since you were a child."

A muscle ticked in his jaw, but he said nothing. I pressed on. "To be frank, I don't know why they wanted me with you. It's well known that you don't like me, and in my mind this would blow our cover..."

"What about you?" Seifer interjected smoothly.

"'What about me' what?"

A hint of the smirk was back as Seifer answered, "Did you read the whole mission plan? Weren't you the least interested in the 'consort' part?"

To tell the truth, that line had confused me. I had been about to ask Xu before Seifer had ruined that idea. "If it's part of the mission, then I accept."

"So, you don't mind it that you're assigned to be my consort?" The smirk was fully back in place, and his right eyebrow was raised.

Putting it that way, it didn't sound all that appealing. I hoped they didn't mean it the way it sounded, but I couldn't be sure. In fact, the more I thought about it the more I worried it might be just the way Seifer was predicting.

Seifer chuckled; my thoughts must have been evident on my face. "So, Ms. Instructor, just how willing are YOU to go on this little excursion, hmm? Bet you can't wait to be my "date", eh?"

"At least I'm not being a chickenwuss about it," I snapped at him, and was gratified to see his face get stormy. "I'll tell you this once, and that's it: I'll pick you up at your dorm room in one hour. If you're not packed, tough. If you're not there, I'll send three of my biggest and best students to hunt you down and make you come. And if that doesn't work, I'll take you down myself and drag you behind the transport, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am," Seifer replied with a smirk, then his face lost all humor and got intense as he added, "I can't wait to see how you deal with this mission."

Getting a sudden cold shiver up my spine, I managed a nod and turned back to Xu's office. I HAD to ask her what the whole "consort" business meant. I had called Seifer a chickenwuss earlier, but I could almost feel feathers poking through my skin as I walked back. Oh Hyne, please let it not be that, please let it not be that, please let it not be....


It was that. Oh, the horror, the insanity!


Xu filled me in on some of the details pertaining to the mission, although I'd have to say I missed at least a quarter of them because of the shock of the news. Our contact would meet us inside Gabaldia Garden; they would know who we were. Our presence would be in no way cloaked; if anything, we were supposed to flaunt that we were there. Or at least, Seifer should, but I had a feeling that wouldn't be much of a problem. He liked to make his presence known wherever he went.

I was still puzzled about his resistance to the mission though. I would have thought he wouldn't have liked it. Being the Sorceress's Knight must be something he's proud of; she would have chosen the best, or closest to it.


Oh, why did everything I did seem to come down to him? I sighed and sat down on the bed, leaning against my packed suitcase, and gave into a moment of self pity. I didn't do this often, but this assignment had brought up all sorts of thoughts. Would I be this apprehensive if it were Squall and not Seifer I'd have to go with? Are you kidding me?! I'd be all over this mission, no pun intended.

I rarely ever saw him anymore. He'd moved up in the SeeD ranks, shooting past being a mere student. I suppose that was to be expected after all he did, but it basically took him out of my life. He was no longer a student under my tutelage but a company commander. And then there was Rinoa.

Much as I hated to admit it, I really liked Rinoa. I think that with any other person I would have resented them, but I knew their story personally; we'd lived through it together. She had done something to Squall I never had been able to do: make him feel again. It pained me to admit that I was only a friend to him, and would be only that unless I botched it again, but is it so wrong to say he's ruined any other guys for me?

I checked my watch: ten minutes until I had to pick up Seifer. I still need to get the transport, load my gear, and make it to the students' dormitory or else I'd be late. And I sincerely doubt he'd let me live it down.


"You're late."

"No I'm not. Are you ready?"

"I was ready when you told me to be, but right now I'm not so sure..."

"Stuff it Seifer. Grab your gear, and follow me to the transport."

I knew he was smirking behind me the whole way there, but it wasn't going to bother me. He could smirk all he wanted, but we were still going to do our job. And so what if I was two minutes late; I'd had car problems.

"The door's fixed, she's all ready for you, Instructor," the mechanic stated, handing me the keys.

"Thanks Val," I replied as Seifer swung his large black duffel bag up and over into the trunk. The car bobbed on its axis, and I couldn't help but ask, "What do you have in there?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," he replied snidely.

Roling my eyes, I prayed to Hyne that I wouldn't have to put up with this attitude the whole way there.

"Hey Seifer, Instructor Trepe!"

Seifer and I both looked up to see Raijin and Fujin jogging towards us. "I was afraid we'd missed you guys," Raijin exclaimed.

"SAFE," Fujin stated, staring at Seifer.

"Yeah, we just wanted to wish you good luck and all, and come back safe, and if you need us we'll help." He glanced at Fujin, and she nodded to him.

"Keep the disciplinary committee alive and well for me guys," Seifer stated, giving them a hint of a real smile.


"Yes sir!"

The two of us loaded into the car and started out of the parking lot, with Raijinn waving madly after us and Fujin just staring as the car left the building. "You've got an interesting posse there, Seifer."

"Well I didn't see any of your Trepies coming to see YOU off," he retorted.

I sighed and said nothing. This was going to be a long trip, in more ways than one.