You wanna know who runs this dump? Well, this site is maintained exclusively by an easily manipulated race of gnomes and some third world children we paid to bash some typewriters randomly until something amusing appeared. These are the people that take credit for it.


"Cruel overlord"


Age:-Quoted as being "As old as time itself, with wisdom spanning millenia yet still maintaining a youthful appearnce that belies her age." So, that's 15 then.

Occupation:-Professional slacker.

Bio:-Apparently spends her time "Locked in a dismal, poorly decorated dungeon ("school")closely guarded by demon-like wardens ("teachers") and suffering the shrieks and cries of banshees and small trolls ("First years").

Fave quote- "When God put teeth in your mouth he ruined a perfectly good anus"


"The dark angel"



Occupation:-Writing fanfiction for this site, duh. He's not allowed to have a life away from the machine!

Bio:-The dark angel

Fave quote- "You'll all die...anyone who sees me gotta date with his maker..."


"The Cowardly Cactus"



Occupation:-Assisting Raven-Chan and alll other tasks associated with being an enslaved cactus

Bio:-Normal Desert Cactus

Fave quote- "I am a desert cactus... er... something... right?... MOMMY!!! HELP!!!"

H4x0r d00d69

"l337 d00d"


Age:- unknown, most likely prepubescent.

Online aliases:"l337 d00d69, TEH ROCK_VADER.

Occupation:-Irritating little boy.

Bio:-H4x0r runs his own *cough* interesting site here, but came over to become a staff member at Final Fantasy Creamy Goodness at Crunchbucket's request. Lord know's why she asked. Too much caffeine+double maths=unwise decisions. H4x0r also has a unique method of writing which requires no punctuation, grammar or spelling.

Fave quote- "EHEHEHeHheheHeHeHeHeHLOLOLOL!!!111"


"Celebrity mute"


Age:- 17

Online aliases:None.

Occupation:-World saving hero in a bunny costume.

Bio:-argumentative absent sidekick.

Fave quote- "Whatever..."


"Yuffie in a bunny costume"


Age:- 16

Online aliases:That annoying staff stealing harlot. Well, it's not an online alias, but that's what they call her around here.

Occupation:-World famous materia theif in a bunny costume.

Bio:-Ran off with Bunnysquall, thus stealing someone for Crunchbucket to beat up on when she had too much homework and came home late at night drunk crying "I'll kill em' all, those fudging little shnits, and their little doggies too! And their rabbits. They probably have rabbits." *faints*. Since then, Crunchbucket has been confined to her cage for 23 hours a day.

Fave quote- "Like, gawd! Like, I like, need, like, materia! HELLO!"


"The one eyed monosyllabic bitch worshipped by Crunchbucket"


Age:- unknown

Online aliases:Fujin Almasy, Seiferlover23, Seifer_gurl.

Occupation:-The crimson wind goddess.

Bio:-Go read the Fu-shrine now, punk.

Fave quote- "RAGE!"

Bernard Penis

"Kiddy Fiddler"


Age:- old

Online aliases:Steven da Paedo.

Occupation:-...see above *SHUD-DER*

Bio:-Bernard is a meths drinking tramp who sleeps on the benches in front of the FFcreamygoodness office who offers to flash people for food. He has subsequently not eaten since 1972. He is therefore dead. We mourn his loss.

Fave quote- "Oh, shake it madam! Capital knockers!"