Cloud: Damn! Only one 'Thomases Bagel' left!
Tifa: ::gasp:: Whatever shall we do?!
Cloud: ::kills everyone:: Ah... ::bites into the warm bagel goodness::
Nanaki: ::walks in, dragging a stereo in a Radio Flyer that blares his tribal music:: Cloud....
Cloud: ::mouth full:: Muh?
Nanaki: Are those bagels really that important to you?
Cloud: ::swallows:: You kiddin'? Have you seen the commercials they got out for these babies? ::takes another bite:: ...oh...oh yeah...
Reeve: ::skips in, rainbows glistening in his footsteps, friendly woodland animals bounding at his heels; waves:: Hi! ::looks around:: ....pile of bloody...corpses...DAMMIT! This means there are no 'Thomases Bagels' left, doesn't it?
Cloud: ::pats his stomach:: You better believe it.
Reeve: ::tosses his arms into the air:: KILL!
Cloud: Oh, goodness!
Reeve: ::chases Cloud::
Cloud: ::is chased::
Reeve: ::trips::
Cloud: ::giggles::