They are fighting a solitary war, under the secrecy, they only have their faith and technology againist the inmortal creatures they hunt. they are the only mortals who protect humanity from the creatures of the world of darkness.
Father Jason Vimes
Jason Vimes turned to the cloth late in life, after a
career in various unimportant jobs, most of which ended once his alcoholism
became a problem.
He has tried to modify his behaviour, but still lapses
into anger at what has become of society, despite how much he cares and
wants to make things right, the only way he faith, or
by force. He attempts to rationalize the disastrous state of affairs
with faith and philosophy, but will quickly resort to fisticuffs in an
argument. He's not aware that he's got the Fist of God merit, or
even if vampires exist, beyond watching the occasional late-night black
and white monster flick...who believes in Vampires ? Well, if Father
Jason ever finds out about them, they'll be believing in him mighty fast.
He isn't afraid to meet his Maker, and he'll defend his 'turf' to the bitter
"I've had enough of you!! (wham)"
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