Poison & Bone

Teeth: Level 1
Requirements= None
"Fires multiple teeth missiles". Discharges a small spray of white teeth just above the ground. They start just a space or so away from the Necromancer and are slightly spread out, so it's impossible to hit any one target with more than two or three of them. At Slvl 11 it uses 1 mana for every cast so is pretty cost-effective but that doesn't make up for the fact it inflicts negligible damage. At level one two teeth are fired and up to around one dozen at level eight.
Mana Cost33.544.555.566.577.588.599.51010.51111.51212
# of teeth23456789101112131415161718192021

Bone Armor: Level 1
Requirements= None
"Create a damage-absorbing bone shell" As the name suggests this is a protection spell affording you some extra amour by creating three bone objects, {regardless of skill level}, which circle your body and absorb some percentage of physical damage. The 'orbiters' will vanish one at a time as the Necromancer nears the limit of damage the skill can absorb. It will protect against both projectile and melee physical attacks.

Absorb Dam.2030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200210
Mana Cost1112131415161718192021222324252627282930

Poison Dagger: Level 6
Requirements= None
"Next dagger attack poisons target". This skill allows the Necromancer to imbue a dagger {not sword, throwing knives or any other bladed weapon} with poison. This deals substantial extra damage as well as poisoning the target causing them monster to lose health points.
Mana Cost33.
Poison Damage7-1510-1914-2318-2722-3126-3530-3934-4240-4846-5451-6057-6663-7269-7875-8381-8989-9796-105104-113112-121
Poison Length Remains at 2 seconds
Bonus Attack+%152535455565758595105115125135145155165175185195205

Corpse Explosion: Level 6
Requirements= Teeth {1}
"Turn a corpse into a bomb". A relatively low level skill that can achieve some devastating results, even at skill level one. As the name suggests this skill allows you to detonate corpses damaging any nearby monsters, characters or summoned creatures. Previous damage was from 86%-140% of the corpse's hit points but it has since changed to 60%-100% at each skill level for balance reasons. Increasing the skill level will expand radius of explosion and increase the amount of mana needed to cast.
Mana Cost1516171819202122232425262728293031323334
Damage is 60% - 100% of Corpse Hit points

Bone Wall: Level 12
Requirements= Bone Armor {1}
"Creates and impassable barrier". Bone Wall does not cause any physical damage but creates a barrier constructed of bone and sinew. At lower levels monsters have no problem breaking it down to get at you but placing a golem behind the wall will keep them from attacking you, turning their attentions toward the more accessible enemy, your golem.
Hit Points192328332842475257616671768085909599104109
Duration stays at 48 seconds
Mana Cost remains at 17, duration remains at 48 seconds

Poison Explosion: Level 18
Requirements= Teeth {1} Poison Dagger {6} Corpse Explosion { 6}
"Turn a corpse into a poison gas bomb". Works in the same fashion as Corpse Explosion although causing the corpse to explode as a gas bomb, causing poison damage in addition to damage from the initial explosion. The cloud of gas will deal large poison damage even at lower levels and will linger damaging all foes who step into it.
Poison Damage in 2 sec.25-5031-5637-6243-6850-7556-8162-8768-9381-10693-118106-131118-143131-156143-168156-181168-193187-212206-231225-250243-268
Mana Cost remains at 8

Bone Spear: Level 18
Requirements= Teeth {1} Corpse Explosion {6}
"Cast a bone missile". A projectile attack propelling a bone missile which passes through multiple enemies inflicting physical damage . Very useful in narrow hallways with a queue of monsters.
Mana Cost77.27.57.788.28.58.799.29.59.71010.210.510.71111.211.511.7
Magic Damage16-2424-3232-4040-4848-5656-6464-7272-8080-8888-9696-104104-112112-120120-128128-136136-144144-152152-160160-168168-176

Bone Prison: Level 24
Requirements= Teeth {1} Bone Armor {1} Corpse Explosion {6} Bone Wall {12} Bone Spear {18}
"Creates a bone barrier around target". Surrounds foe in a barrier of bone. You can not attack through it so this is only useful for keeping monsters at bay until you are ready to deal with them, or they break through the barrier. Another use would be to surround a friendly player or yourself as protection if they need breathing space to recover. Higher skill levels increase the duration and durability of the skill.
Mana Cost27262524232221201918171615141312111098
Duration remains at 48 seconds

Poison Nova: Level 30
Requirements= Teeth {1} Poison Dagger {6} Corpse Explosion {6} Poison Explosion {18}
"Cast an expanding ring of poison". This one behaves similarly to the Sorceress's Frost Nova, only discharging a ring of projectile poison missiles. In play testing it did not appear to deal much damage contrary to its high listed damage. Perhaps this will be balanced to better reflect its position in this tree.
Poison Damage in 2 Sec.43-7856-9068-10381-11593-128106-140118-153131-165146-181162-196178-212193-228209-243225-259240-275256-290281-315306-340331-365356-390
Mana Cost Remains at 20

Bone Spirit: Level 30
Requirements= Teeth {1} Corpse Explosion {6} Bone Spear {18}
"A seeking missile of bone". A missile attack that finds and tracks a target but even at skill level 1 the damage wasn't as high as you'd expect from a level 30 skill.
Mana Cost1212131314141515161617171818191920202121
Magic Damage20-3036-4652-6268-7884-94100-110116-126132-142149-159166-176183-193200-210217-227234-244251-261268-278286-296304-314322-332340-350

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