Combat Skills

Sacrifice: Level 1
Requirements= None
"Increased accuracy and damage at the cost of one's own wellness". A melee skill, looks just like a normal attack, but uses some health points to increase damage and accuracy. A Paladin with a basic weapon, 4-16 Attack Damage and an Attack Rating of 156 {average chance to hit a monster, 65%} uses a level 1 Sacrifice, increases Attack Damage to 9-36 and Attack Rating to 187 {average chance to hit a monster, 69%}. If he were to bind this to his left mouse button he could have an aura activated at the same time, such as Blessed Aim to further increase his chances of hitting, or Might to boost yet again more damage inflicted.
Attack Rate Mod%20253035404550556065707580859095100105110115
Damage +%180192204216228240252264276288300312324336348360372384396408
Damage to self remains at 8%

Smite: Level 1
Requirements= None
"Bash your enemies with your shield and stun them temporarily". Using Smite will eject your enemy backwards causing damage and momentarily stunning them. Paladin's benefit from an extra attribute that comes with all shields 'Smite Damage' to further increase the amount of damage dealt when bashing with the shield. Better bound to the right mouse button Smite, can be hot-keyed to split up an overpowering pack. Below a skill level of 8 the stun factor doesn't offer that much help, rather the damage and knock-back are more welcome. The distance a target is knocked back doesn't seem to increase but it varies between monster types, small monsters going further.
Damage Mod+%153045607590105120135150165180195210225240255270285300
Mana Cost Remains at 2

Holy Bolt: Level 6
Requirements= None
"A bolt of heavenly energy that damages undead enemies or heals allies". Pretty fast firing rate and pretty effective. Works much the same way as its namesake in Diablo, shooting a magic bolt at undead monsters. In play testing it would take about 3 well-aimed skill level 1 bolts to kill a skeleton and about 2 at slvl two. In a surprising twist to Holy Bolt, the Paladin is able to aim at a friendly player {or their minions} and offload a Bolt to heal them. When fighting packs of Mage skeletons this skill can be tied to the left attack key, with a resist aura activated at the same time. This way the Paladin can fight from the back with bolt, heal his friendly players melee attacking and protect against whichever element the Mage skeletons are using with his aura.
Magic Damage8-1614-2220-2826-3432-4038-4644-5250-5856-6462-7068-7674-8280-8886-9492-10098-106104-112110-118116-124122-130
Mana Cost44.24.54.755.25.55.766.26.56.777.27.57.788.28.58.7
Zeal: Level 12
Requirements= Sacrifice {1}
"Allows multiple adjacent monsters to be hit in a single attack". This can be used effectively when surrounded by a group or going one on one with a tougher monster. Surrounded, it will rapidly strike [per click] multiple monsters, each one once, the total number being determined by the skill level. With Zeal at level one the Paladin will strike twice, at level two 3 times. If you have a monster in front of you as well as to the rear, the Paladin will strike the first and quickly turn 180 to strike the other. If fighting a single monster it will rapidly strike it, again dependent on the skill level. Mana consumption remains constant at 2 mana per click. Whilst this appears negligible, the Paladin can find himself out of mana at an alarming rate using Zeal, especially when dealing with a large pack. Couple this skill with Charge {below}, on the right mouse button, and the Paladin can turn into a bit of a beast.
Attack damage Mod+%101520253035404550556065707580859095100105
Number Of Hits23456789101112131415161718192021
Mana Cost Remains at 2

Charge: Level 20
Requirements= Smite {1}
"Charge and bash target". As the name suggests, a dashed attack to smack the opponent with a weapon or bare fist, sending them flying backwards and stunning them. The animation produces a short trail of ghost Paladin's as he moves to his destination. Charge has a relatively high mana cost, 9pts per charge, even if you miss but the Paladin will cover ground at around twice the speed of a normal character run. The Screenshot contains two snapshots, one of Charge in mid flight and the other showing the graphic as the additional damage is inflicted. There are three instances when a Charge will not be executed. If the Paladin has zero mana reserves he will just hear "I can't do that now". If executing a Charge within striking distance {melee} of a foe the Paladin will perform a normal attack with no bonus stun and no cost to mana. If a valid target is not selected the Paladin will merely walk or run {if the skill is mapped to the left mouse button}. However, holding the shift key down and executing Charge will allow the Paladin to charge without selecting a valid target. Having Vigor {Defensive Auras} active at the same time as Charging will not further increase the speed of the Charge.
Attack damage Mod+%100125150175200225250275300325350375400425450475500525550575
Mana Cost Remains at 9

Vengeance: Level 18
Requirements= Sacrifice {1} Zeal {12}
"Attacks add elemental damage". Adds fire, lightning and cold damage to attacks. Imbuing a weapon with Vengeance will probably work in much the same way as a weapon enhanced with gems of the three elements in that it inflicts all three types of damage but alternates the animation. So when striking a foe you may get a fire animation, then a cold animation on the second strike, then lightning on the third strike and so on.
Elemental Dam+%35404550556065707580859095100105110115120125130
Cold Length1.
Mana Cost44.555.566.577.588.599.51010.51111.51212.51313.5

Blessed Hammer: Level 18
Requirements= Holy Bolt {6}
"Spiralling magic hammer missile". At present this skill works best at close range where it will launch a spinning orange hammer. From a distance though it circles your prey and seems to disappear when reaching a surrounding wall.
Damage Mod+%12-1620-2428-3236-4044-4852-5660-6468-7276-8084-8892-96100-104108-112116-120124-128132-136140-144148-152156-160164-168
Mana Cost55.25.55.766.26.56.777.27.57.788.28.58.799.29.59.7

Conversion: Level 24
Requirements= Sacrifice {1} Zeal {12} Vengeance {18}
"Converts monsters to fight evil". This allows the Paladin to control his own minion although it's not clear if there are any restrictions on the monster types he can convert. He does not raise a deceased foe as with the Necromancer's revive skill but rather converts a living one, so there will be no conflict over which character gets to utilise a corpse. If the Paladin's converted minion dies the corpse can then be used by the Necromancer or Barbarian {Grim Ward}.
Chance to convert%1120273337414446495153545657586060616263

Holy Shield: Level 24
Requirements= Smite {1} Holy Bolt {6} Charge {12} Blessed Hammer {18}
"Enhances your shield". Magically enhances the Paladin's shield to absorb damage. Higher skill levels will improve his proficiency in successfully blocking an attack with the shield and the damage absorbed also increases.
Defense Mod+%2540557085100115130145160175190205220235250265280295310
Chance to Block+%810121315161617181819192020202121212121
Mana Cost
Fist Of Heavens: Level 30
Requirements= Sacrifice {1} Holy Bolt {6} Zeal {12} Vengeance {18} Blessed Hammer {18} Conversion {24}
"Target is banished." Previously called Hand of God. A single bolt of light torpedoes from above striking the foe square on the head. Four Holy Bolts form in an X shape. Fist of Heavens inflicts both lighting and Holy Bolt damage.
Holy Bolt Dmg1-161-221-281-341-401-461-521-581-641-701-761-821-881-941-1001-1061-1121-1181-1241-130
Lightning Dmg1-409-4817-5625-6433-7241-8049-8857-9665-10473-11281-12089-12897-136105-144113-152121-160129-168137-176145-184153-192

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