Defensive Auras

Prayer: Level 1
Requirements= None
"When active slowly regenerates the health of you and your party". Make friends and influence people with this one. A healing aura which slowly heals your party members set to friendly mode, as well as yourself. A vital skill for every Paladin to have but you really need to have at least 4 points to start benefiting from it, any less and you can find yourself standing around for extended periods of time. As it requires mana to heal himself and additional mana for his party members, the Paladin needs to stock mana potions when assigning Combat Skills to his attack skill. Combat Skills require mana and he can find himself with an empty mana orb when it's desperately needed to heal himself. {Updated: 5 April}
Mana Cost11.
Resist Fire: Level 1
Requirements= None
"Aura protects against fire damage". An aura that adds fire resistance to the Paladin and those in his team set to friendly. The aura will absorb collisions from fire-based attacks. Fire attacks start early in the game, the Cold Plains in Act I are peppered with fire casting Shaman, sometimes in groups, accompanied by a unique shaman who will resurrect other Shaman should you kill them. This aura will help in those situations. It's advisable to toggle to this aura when breaking open barrels, it saves you taking damage from the explosive ones which can cause a dramatic loss to health reserves. Starting at a resistance of 54% you can't go wrong with at least one point in this skill. It's a small price to pay for that level of resistance that no single item could provide on its own and will allow your Paladin to concentrate on items that garner other benefits.
Resist Fire+ %5458606365666768697071717273737474747475
Defiance: Level 6
Requirements= None
"Aura boosts defensive rating of you and your party". Defensive rating measures the chance the Paladin has of being hit by a foe and as an essentially melee character it's important that this percentage is as low as possible. For example, a Paladin wearing only very basic armor adding 8 to defense with 38 Dexterity will have a defense rating of 9 (average chance monster will hit, 75%). Activate just a level 2 Defiance and that % is reduced to 48%. A considerable benefit at the cost of only 2 skill points.
Defense Mod+%708090100110120130140150160170180190200210220230240250260
Resist Cold: Level 6
Requirements= None
"When active, decreases cold damage for you and your party". The aura will absorb collisions from cold-based attacks. Works in precisely the same way as Resist Fire but not as necessary in the early parts of the game, hence the reason it's unavailable until a character level of 6. Disfigured are the main cold attacking beasts you'll find in Act I {occasional champions also} and one point in this skill appears sufficient to deal with an encounter with them.
Resist Cold+ %5458606365666768697071717273737474747475
Cleansing: Level 12
Requirements= Prayer {1}
"Reduces the length of time you & your party will remain poisoned or cursed". Curses and poison reduce health reserves. Activating this aura doesn't add a resistance to poison in the way that the Resist Cold skill does to cold-based attacks but it does mean you can combat the effects once in place of a poison attack or curse. For example a Paladin in a PvP situation, poisoned by a single Chocking Potion remained poisoned for 13 seconds but with a level 2 Cleansing aura activated the same attack was reduced to just 6 seconds.
Duration Reduction39465156606365666768697072737576767878797980
Resist Lightning: Level 12
Requirements= None
"When active, decreases lightning damage for you and your party". Just like the two previous resistance skills in function. The aura will absorbs collisions from lightning-based attacks. There isn't a huge amount of lightning in Act I but as it's a character level 12 skill, it'll not become available until the very end of Act I/beginning Act II anyway, where one point in this will be useful. As an example, during testing, up against a level 2 Lightning Bolt attack from an Amazon the Paladin's health reduced from 134-113 from a single strike but with a level 1 Resist Lighting activated his health reduced to 124.
Resist Lightning+%5458606365666768697071717273737474747475
Vigor: Level 18
Requirements= Prayer {1} Defiance {6} Cleansing {12}
"Aura boosts stamina recovery and speed". Running depletes stamina and Vigor increases the rate at which it regenerates allowing the Paladin and those on friendly mode to run much longer before needing to stop. Run and walk speed is increased by 13 at slvl one. During play testing stamina didn't appear to be too big an issue, especially if you ran in short spurts. Stamina potions {white vials} were occasionally surrendered by dead creatures. Having Vigor activated at the same time as executing a Charge {Combat Skills} will not further increase the speed of charging. Place-holder icon as this one is the 'Thorns' aura icon. {Updated: 23 Feb}
Walk/Run speed+%1318222528303233353637383940404141424243
Max Stam Increase+%5075100125150175200225250275300325350375400425450475500525
Incr Stam Recovery+%5075100125150175200225250275300325350375400425450475500525
Meditation: Level 24
Requirements= Prayer {1} Cleansing {12}
"Aura boosts mana recovery". Boosts mana recovery rates for Paladin and party members set to friendly mode. Icon is a placeholder and will change.
Redemption: Level 30
Requirements= Prayer {1} Defiance {6} Cleansing {12} Vigor {18}
"Aura redeems dead bodies for mana and life". Specifics are not yet known. It could be that you click on the corpse and retrieve all its original health or mana or just the health it claimed from you and the mana you used up fighting against it. {Updated: 22 Dec}
Chance to Redeem%2334424955596365697173757779808282838485
HP/Mana recoverp Pts253035404550556065707580859095100105110115120
Salvation: Level 30
Requirements= None
"Aura protects against the elements". This is the all-in-one defensive aura combining Resist Fire, Cold, Lightning and Poison.
Resist All+%5458606365666768697071717273737474747475

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