Sword List

Email Any item in which you would like to: Johnmack_19@hotmail.com

Azure Wrath Crystal Sword
Beat Scythe Short Sword
Black Toungue Bastard Sword
Fiend Scalpel Crystal Sword
Hell Plague Long Sword
Hexfire Shamshir
Isenhart's Lightbrand Broad Sword
Knight's Long Sword of Bashing
Skull Thirst Broad Sword
Slayer's Flamberge of Lightning
Slayer's Long Sword of Thunder
Soul Thirst Long Sword
Superior Rune Sword---IMBUE
The Patriarch Long Sword
Warrior's Crystal Sword of the Locust
Angelic Sickle

Email Any item in which you would like to: Johnmack_19@hotmail.com