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City Authorities

There are a variety of positions within Kindred society. Each position has certain advantages, disadvantages, and abilities.

The Prince leads their city and protests it. They are responsible for maintaining the traditions and upholding law and order among Kindred society. This city is the domain of the Prince and all who wish to reside within or visit must answer to the Prince.

The Seneschal acts as the Prince when the Prince is absent as well as serving as an advisor. The Seneschal has the same powers, authority and responsibility as the Prince, as the Prince so rules. If the Prince so happens to be killed the Seneschal offten takes the throne as the Prince.

Each clan in this city elects a representative called the Primogen. They act as the liaison between the clan they represent and the Prince.

They are the rumor/merchants, who talk and exchange information they watch and keep track of all elements and the members of Kindred society. What they know, what they see is said to have a very strong impact on how a person is viewed by the rest of Kindred society.

They act as the liaison between the Primogen and their clan, and act as the Primogen in our absense.

The sheriff acts as the enforcer of the Traditions but more importantly the rules of the city, and may decree, by the Prince and the Primogen of the City. The sheriff may demand that any Kindred within the city accompany him for questioning or judgment. They are immune to the powers of the Keeper of the Elysium. The sheriff also organizes security and enforcement within the city.

Keeper of the Eylsium
The Keeper maintains order and security within the Eysium(s) to which they are appointed. Sometimes they work very closely with the S in the heriff and other times they battle. The Keeper may also worked to maintain the Traditions and to punish transgressors in the breaking of the rules and Traditions.