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Meet Your Prince

Juliet Flor Giovanni

About The Prince

Juliet Flor Giovanni was born in the orignal Giovanni loggia in Italy. She is the eldest living child and childe of Augustus Giovanni. While easily proclaiming she is a 4th generation Giovanni, her true age remains unknown. In appearance she favors a serious looking 21 year old with dark grey eyes and raven black wavey hair. Standing at about 5'5" with pale olive tinted skin, seems to make her approachable. The cold calculating way she acesses you makes her fearsome.

In Kindred society, the Prince is responsible for overseeing and governing the City. San Travistine's current Prince is Juliet Flor Giovanni, she has just begun her rule over the city with the depart of the former prince her sister Cantrel. San Travistine, very much like Boston, are under independant rule. Only now after 100 years the Prince Cantrel invited non-independent Kindred to live in her city. You want to present yourself to the Prince because if she discovers that a new Kindred is living in her city without introduction and acceptance the consequences are high.

Meeting Your Prince

Describe yourself as you enter the chamber. Look at the Prince and state your name, clan, Sire (if you have one if not make a name up), previous city you were in, and ask for acceptance or permission to live within her domain. Make sure you use monologue that uncovers aspects of your background.

Here is an example:
The Childe entered the enormous palace, she had not been released from her Sire for long before coming to this city and leaving her past behind her for a fresh start. Carrie looked at the stunning woman sitting up on the throne, "I am Carrie of the Toreador clan, 13th eneration. My Sire is Lares du Tremont. I just arrived here from San Diego, Ca and wish for your acceptance and approval to live in your domain."

After you have done this, wait for the Prince to respond. After you have gained acceptance you are free to enter this city.

Traditional Phrases:
Example: "Your Highness", "Milady", "Masjesty" etc... A Brujah or Caitiff may be less formal but you must always give your name and clan.

Here is a Plus:
Some very traditional Kindred or those who wish to suck up may bring with them a gift, size does not matter, or pledges of loyalty. However, do not promise anything you're not sure or capable to give, those who pledge loyalty or services will be called upon later for delivery of their promise.

(Don't sweat it we are not all perfect when it comes to typing or writing out posts. Just do your best, check spelling, punctuation, and grammar. You will do fine. We the storytellers believe in you! If you still have doubts contact us. That's why were here, to help. Good luck and welcome to our game.)