Hi, meet our new member of the good old TNM Basement, her name
is Brianne McQuaide and she'll be in charge of not only WWF
Exports but will help out with other federation exports. 
She can be contacted on AfghanWhigs66@aol.com if anybody wants
to drop her an email then please do so as she'll be willing to

Right for this interview:	BM is Brianne McQuaide
				bAz is me

bAz: First of all we'll talk about wrestling...How did you actually 
first find out about professional wrestling, and who were your 
favourite wrestlers?
BM: I think it would have to be my uncle who introduced me to 
wrestling. This was back in like....1988 or so. I was over at my 
grandmothers house, and he was watching Saturday Nights Main Event or 
something like that, and I think the first match I ever saw was Jake 
Roberts vs. someone. I lived in Philadelphia at the time, and it was 
kind of a big place for wrestling at the time. I would always go to 
the WWF events at the Spectrum, and NWA shows in the old 
Philly Civic Center. I went to a lot of Pay Per Views as a kid. 
Wrestlemania 5, Halloween Havoc '89, Summerslam '90, and Halloween 
Havoc '92. My favorite wrestlers were The Rockers, Brian Pillman, Jake
Roberts, Bret Hart, and regretfully, The Ultimate Warrior.
bAz: What in your opinion is the best federation in the world?
BM: Right now that's a hard question to answer. WWF is pretty 
stagnant right now. Vince has gotten really comfortable by winning 
the ratings war for so long, nothing seems to happen in the WWF 
anymore. WCW is just crumbling. ECW puts on some good matches but 
finds a way to tape only bad one's from TNN. I'd have to say I really 
enjoy a lot of the Lucha based federations in Japan. Michinoku Pro 
being the biggest, Osaka Pro, and Toryumon being the smaller 
ones. They really produce some great matches and have for the like 
few years, and they all just keep producing more great talent.
bAz: Now onto TNM matters...How did you first find out about TNM?
BM: It was a link at the bottom of some website I went to a long time 
ago. This had to be about 3 or 4 years ago. I couldn't get it to work 
on my computer. But it seemed really cool, but it would never work. 
So about 2 years ago, I finally got another link to the main TNM page, 
and the download worked, I was hooked since.
bAz: What version did you download?

BM: 6.2
bAz: What version did you first register?
bAz: What made TNM different from any wrestling simulators that
you'd seen?
BM: Well, the thing with a lot of other simulators, they all suffered 
from two problems. Either they were too hard to use, or they didn't 
have enough wrestlers and options. So either you'll being pulling your 
hair out right after you download it, or you'll be deleting the file a 
half hour later. Oh yeah, either that or the download is to a broken 
link, so TNM has just enough options and a mode to keep adding more, 
TNM has hundreds of wrestlers, and you can still get more, and Oliver 
never let the page fall apart like a lot of guys have let there's. A 
lot of these simulators had a lot of promise, but it looks like they 
kinda gave up on it.
bAz: What do you think of the recently released Circuit Tweaker?
BM: I have downloaded it, but really haven't had enough time to mess 
around with it. 
bAz: What do you think of the Commentary Editor plugin?
BM: Again, haven't really had enough time to play with it to make a 
fair judgment. Seems like a great idea though.
bAz: What do you think of Zeus?
BM: I was pretty impressed with it. But it goes under the whole "not 
enough options" section. Plus making a ton of wrestlers was kinda a 
pain, it's nice just to have templates there like TNM. All the good 
things it had going for it, it had about 20 as many times bad things. 
So I think after a day I deleted the file. 
bAz: What do you think of the FCA Cubed series of plugins?
BM: This is the exact reason why TNM is as great as it is. You can 
do everything. There was matches you couldn't pull off in the regular 
TNM, and then here comes FCA Cubed, that lets you do practically 
everything. You see unlike a lot of sims, Oliver really left this open 
ended, it was built to be changed, and wherever there is a demand for 
something, whether it be an export or a program, people are always 
more then willing to oblige. That is unless you ask for a registration 
code, then you are going to get torn apart.
bAz: What do you think of the Interview Integrator?
BM: I have tried to download it, and keep getting an error saying one 
of my files isn't compatible, download the file at the TNM website. 
But from what I've seen of it, it does look like a great little 
addition for getting some angles over.
bAz: What do you think is the best TNM7 plugin?
BM: If you made me choose, I'd have to go with FCA Cubed. Could 
change if I found a great new file, but I don't think anything soon is 
going to take that special place in my heart for FCA Cubed away.
bAz: What would you like to see as the next TNM7 match plugin?
BM: Like so many have said before me, a Tag Team Battle Royal sure 
would be nice. Someone get cracking on it all ready :)
bAz: Finally we come to the TNM Sites section..What TNM sites do 
you frequent most often?
BM: Probably TNM7.com and the message boards. I pretty much just 
follow the links from the message boards to other websites.
bAz: What do you think of the sites that post exports of wrestlers who 
haven't even wrestled? e.g. Midian, "Titan" a.k.a Paul Wight
BM: I'm not a big fan of the Rock Star and superhero exports. But 
people seem to enjoy them, so who am I to complain.
bAz: What do you think of the TNM Basement site and
BM: I have luckily found the site recently, and you guys seem to be 
the most up to date TNM site out there, and it's refreshing not to 
read "Last Update: January 6 2000" on the main page. The Newsletter 
sure could use to be longer, but I don't think I can ever get enough 
TNM, so maybe I'm just spoiled.
bAz: And the last question for today...What do you hope to see in the 
future for TNM and you?
BM: Probably a lot of days chained to the computer making exports for 
the Basements greedy fans :)

[A huge thanks go to Brianne for particpating in the interview, she
can be contacted at AfghanWhigs66@aol.com]

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