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In this interview:	
Brian stands for Brian
bAz stands for guess who :-)

bAz: First of all we'll talk about wrestling...How did you actually
first find out about professional wrestling, and who were your
favourite wrestlers?

Brian: Well, my mom always liked wrestling. :) I would occassionaly watch it 
on TV and watch tapes of old Wrestlemanias and stuff, and my fave wrestlers were 
the Steiners, Luger, Savage, DiBiase, Hogan, Warrior, and the Bushwackers. I didn't 
actually FOLLOW wrestling until November '95. The first full Raw I ever watched 
featured the main event of Razor Ramon vs. Yokozuna for the IC Title, and the 
Undertaker came out and chased away Yoko, retaining the belt for Razor. At that 
time my fave wrestlers were Taker, Bret, HBK, Razor, Ahmed, and the Kid. The first 
PPV I saw was Survivor Series '95.

bAz: What in your opinion is the best federation in
the world?

Brian: WCW, by far. I can't stand the WWF or ECW. WWF hardly seems to care 
about the wrestling anymore. I mean, what's the point of having Non-Title 
matches where the WWF Champ gets pinned (on Smackdown), and then, he 
retains the Title at Summerslam in a three way dance. They seem to have no 
care about the wrestling. ECW I've never seen, but it's not my kind of 
wrestling style. I love WCW. It has good, (usually) clean, entertaining angles 
and great matches. And best of all, it has the most entertaining wrestler 
in the business today, Kevin Nash, and the best technical wrestler, Bret Hart.

bAz: Now onto TNM matters...How did you first find out about TNM?

Brian: Well, let's see. I liked SimLeagues on AOL (sports leagued simmed 
with Madden, NBA Live, etc.). Then I saw something for a TNM Simfed. So, I 
joined, getting Bossman, Goldust, and Davey Boy Smith. I immediately 
elevated them to main event status against the Wolfpac. We were 
Shattered Dreams, also with wrestlers like Konnan, Juvi, Evil Undertaker, HBK, 
and eventually even Bret Hart (we were gonna return after about a month 
away from the ring to get him the World Title at the PPV, however, the fed 
closed.). Ah, the joy of being a superface with losers :). Of course, I 
eventually traded in Bulldog for Lyger. At first I tried to download 
TNM, but didn't have Winzip. I didn't know what it was. :) Eventually I got 
Winzip and downloaded TNM, ran a simfed, and eventually got into the 
circuit business. :) Now I do a TNM Alliance with the person who got me 
into TNM, though he never updates.

bAz: What version did you download?

Brian: TNM 7 Build 4.

bAz: What version did you first register?

Brian: TNM 7 Build 4.

bAz: What made TNM different from any wrestling simulators that
you'd seen?

Brian: Well, mainly, it was actually worth a crap. The only other one I 
had actually played was Zeus, but I hated it. Eventually I found ESWF, EW, 
and some other half-way decent ones, but TNM and EW are the only ones that 
continue to keep bringing me to the computer. However, I am patiently 
awaiting the arrivals of FOF and Compufed.

bAz: What do you think of the recently released Circuit Tweaker?

Brian: It was decent, not worth the money, considering you can do 
everything with Notepad that you can do with it, and more. See the 
Plugin Programmer's Reference. :)

bAz: What do you think of the Commentary Editor plugin?

Brian: I don't care for it. It's not my kind of plugin, not what I was 
looking for. I was happy with the matches the way they were, I just want 
a working 3/4 Way WWF Dance! Dang it!

bAz: What do you think of Zeus?

Brian: Frankly, it sucks. However, I respect them for making it, as it 
took lotsa hard work. I don't enjoy it though, as TNM is much better. :)

bAz: What do you think of the FCA Cubed series of plugins?

Brian: Wow. I only got 2.2, as I only found TNM a year and a half ago, 
and it took a while to find the plugins, but, I love it. I like FCA Cubed 
matches in websites a LOT more than wrestler exports, considering I hate most 
wrestlers' gimmicks/moves that have changed recently (Booker T, 
Undertaker, etc.) and I hate importing wrestlers and then having to edit their 
workrates AGAIN.

bAz: What do you think of the Interview Integrator?

Brian: Well, I hoped it would be in Notepad, but was disappointed 
when it came out. I bought it, I admit, before I found other plugins. Now, 
in my circuit, I just summarize the interviews on the web page, rather 
than doing it with TNM.

bAz: What do you think is the best TNM7 plugin?

Brian: Fed Tracker, if they hadn't charged for it. Stupid SW. PLus I 
could never figure out how to install their last version. So, I guess 
FCA Cubed. BTW do you know what FCA stands for? I think Falls Count Anywhere 
would be logical, but I have no idea. (bAz says "Is FCA Cubed not some sort
of mathematical formula??")

bAz: What would you like to see as the next TNM7 match plugin?

Brian: A working triple threat or fatal fourway match like is in the WWF.

bAz: Finally we come to the TNM Sites section..What TNM sites do you frequent 
most often?

Brian: Wrestleden, Basement, and Warehouse.

bAz: What do you think of the sites that post exports of wrestlers who haven't even 
wrestled? e.g. Midian, "Titan" a.k.a Paul Wight

Brian: I frankly have no idea what you're talking about. (bAz says "Yeah I'll take it out!")

bAz: What do you think of the TNM Basement site and newsletter?

Brian: Love it. :) Still like Warehouse more though, for FCA Cubed 
matches make the world go round.

bAz: And the last question for today...What do you hope to
see in the future for TNM and you?

Brian: I'm getting sick of typing. I've basically answered this question 
with the rest of the interview. Don't forget to go to and 
check out my circuit! And don't judge it by page one of cards, they sucked, I got good 
in page 2. :)

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