[Joe can be contacted at danzilla_84@hotmail.com]
TNM Indy - http://tnmindy.8m.com/
In this interview Dan stands for Dan
bAz stands for guess who :-)
bAz: First of all we'll talk about wrestling...How did
you actually first find out about professional wrestling, and
who were your favourite wrestlers?
Dan: I remember on Saturday mornings when I was a small guy watching
it with my dad, I remember there little news room backdrop and Tony
Schvonnie (I think) was the host, I use to always hoped the little
jobber guy would win, I remember a jobber team beat the Nasty Boys by
DQ, my dad would get us the PPV once, I knew the box code and I
ordered Wrestlemainia 6 once, and blamed it on my little brother :).
I liked Hulkster of course, my dad tells me a story where we were
on a bench waiting for a bus and an old lady asked me my name and I
said "Hulk Hogan" I liked The Ultimate Warrior, Jake Roberts, Tito
Santana, Big Bossman, Ventura, and Mach Man were all my favourites,
now in days it is different..I am not a Hogan fan, not Warrior. I
think Bossman is still alright. These days I like Angle, Jericho,
and Benoit mostly.
bAz: What in your opinion is the best federation in the world?
Dan: I think the WWF, WCW is too unstable at all times, same with
ECW and I couldnt comment on international promotions.
bAz: Now onto TNM matters...How did you first find out about TNM?
Dan: I was roleplaying fo a efed and I saw Goldberg...Austin, and I
was intreged so I clicked it....
bAz: What version did you download?
Dan: 6.2 I think
bAz: What version did you first register?
Dan: version 7
bAz: What made TNM different from any wrestling simulators that
you'd seen?
Dan: Well after getting TNM i tried Zeus and others, and I thought
TNM was just palin out better, not to knock the other ones down since
they are sims and it takes work to make one. But TNM had options, it
had more depth. Playing Zeus is like eating a glazed dougnut, Playing
TNM is like eating a jelly donought.
bAz: What do you think of the recently released Circuit Tweaker?
Dan: I liked the trial, I am registrating it once I get paid on
bAz: What do you think of Zeus?
Dan: It has the ability to be a good sim, The guy who made it probably
worked hard on it and im not going to insult it or him.
bAz: What do you think of the FCA Cubed series of plugins?
Dan: I love them, you can make any match you want and anything can
happen in it, its wild.
bAz: What do you think of the Interview Integrator?
Dan: I like the effects of interviews in the a card, so I like this
bAz: What do you think is the best TNM7 plugin?
Dan: Fed tractor could have been great if Ryan kept at it, but I like
the FCA plug in the best I have to say, Arena is also good as it adds
alot to the card.
bAz: What would you like to see as the next TNM7 match
Dan: I would like to see a lumberjack match or a tag team
battle royal.
bAz: Finally we come to the TNM Sites section..What TNM sites do you
frequent most often?
Dan: TNM Homepage, WrestleDen, Boyscott soft, Basement, TNM UK and
bAz: What do you think of the sites that post exports
of wrestlers who haven't even wrestled? e.g. Midian, "Titan"
a.k.a Paul Wight
Dan: Im not too crazy about them, but I do like them better then
celebrity exports.
bAz: What do you think of the TNM Basement site and newsletter?
Dan: I like both the site and newsletter, great job Baz!!
bAz: And the last question for today...What do you hope to see in the
future for TNM and you?
Dan: I hope that TNM "never dies" I think in the next 3 years
something big is going to happen in the TNM world, I hope my site
TNM Indy never dies either :).
TNM Indy can be located at http://tnmindy.8m.com/
[Dan can be contacted at danzilla_84@hotmail.com]
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