X = Ryan Solberg
D = Dan the Man
X= How did you actually first find out about professional wrestling
and who were your favorite wrestlers?
D=My Dad got me started, I remeber watching it Saturday morning with him,
I like Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, Hot Rod and Ultimate Warrior
X=What in your opinion
is the best federation in the world?
D=WWF, WCW isnt really that great, WWF kinda made WCW if you think about
it, All, well most WCW stars were WWF Stars, WWF has been running longer.
X= How did you first find out about TNM?
D=Well I got my computer this Christmas and I was rping for a Efed and I
saw a Link that said Austin vs Goldberg, so I followed it and here I am!!
X= What version did you download and first register?
D=7 batch 4
X= What do you think of the FCA Cubed series of plugins?
D=I like how a person can create their own match, I did, but it gets
tiring after a while.
X= What do you think is the best TNM7 plugin?
D=Fed Tractor is good, I also like Brawl for All since I am a boxing fan.
X= Did you here about my Power Fist boxing plugin I'm making?, What would
you like to see as the next TNM7 match plugin?
D=Yeah, That would be great, I also cant wait for your Warzone plug-in.
X=Warzone? Do you mean Battleground Zero?
D=yea, sorry
X=It's only for Registered users of the Fed Trackor but I'll send it to
you since you are my partner. Anyways, When did you start the TNM7 Palace
and why?
D=I sarted in March, I use to be involve with Boyscott but since they
closed I had no where to go, so I decided to start my own, it wasnt that
good so I asked Ryan to team up with me, and truthfully I think we might
have the best TNM site out there!!
X=What do you hope to see happen with TNM and Skull Works?
D=Become number one and beat the UNION who I have no idea why they are in
X=Thanks for doing the interview, any closing comments?
D=Yes, Everyone reading, go to Skullworks TNM Palcae, we are the most
innovated site around, with new exports updated daily, come on, put us in
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