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the UK is now opened. URL is below this:
Saturday, 1st July 2000
Edition #138
The TNM Basement can now be located at:

Joes TNM Place:

>>'s USWA Circuit Results (25/10/1997)
>> TNM Basement Interview with Dan English (June 2000)
>> Info on how you can get your circuit results on here!!
>> Final Notes

ADVERTISEMENT ICW- The greatest circuit on the Net, 
running since October!.. MEW: The new 
sister circuit of ICW. A great circuit also!

(I have decided to change the adverts around. Send your adverts to and I'll put them in)



FED HEAD: Sean (
DATE SENT IN: Wednesday, 28 Jun 2000 10:31:54 EDT 
CARD NAME: USWA Television

Randy Hales announces a 16 man one night only Heavyweight Title 

Ace Darling pinned Colorado Kid with the German Suplex in 0:07:39.
Rating: ** 1/4

Devon Storm and Ace Darling interview

The Headbangers and The Nasty Boys battled to a draw in 0:20:00.
Rating: *** 1/4

Interview with Unabomb

Unabomb made Too Cold Scorpio submit to the torture rack in 0:08:05.
Rating: * 1/2

Interview with Paul Roma

Marty Jannetty pinned Mikey Whipwreck with the Showstopper in 
Rating: ** 1/4
(Brian Lee no-showed.)

Interview with PG-13

Tommy Dreamer defeated Brian Christopher via pinfall in 0:08:27.
Rating: ** 1/4

Card Statistics:
Length: 1:30:30
Rating: ** 1/2

Match observations: 

USWA Television October 25th 1999:

The studio was jammed packed tonight for the first ever USWA 
television show every Saturday morning LIVE from the studio tonight 
would be the beginning of something big!

Something big sure did start todays show as Promoter Randy Hales 
made his way to the interview table and announced that the next big 
USWA event would take place at the Lady Luck Casino and would be a 
one night only 16 man tournament. The winner would be crowned the 
USWA Heavyweight champion! 

it was time for some USWA action as Colorado Kid would take on Ace 
Darling in singles action. The match was good with the fans split 
between Ace and Colorado but then out of the back comes Devon Storm 
who would later help Ace Darling get a win over Colorado Kid after 
throwing Ace a road sign and blast the kid right on the head. 

Devon Storm announced he is in the USWA to stay, that can't be good 
for people who like to go by the rule book because Devon and Ace sure
can break them! 

The Nasty Boys and The Headbangers would have a rematch from A Night 
To Remember as both teams belive they are the best brawlers in the 
federation. The match would go to a 20 minute draw and we would not 
have a winner. This is not the end of these two.

Unabomb who is being put in the spotlight mistakenly after Brian 
Christopher was unable to compete at A Night To Remember tonight 
comes out and makes a challenge to both Brian Lee, and The Rock N Roll 
Express? What is this guy doing? I think when he talked about Al Snow, 
that might have been the only thing that makes sense.. Al Snow is the 
only one in history who could contain Unabomb into being a top notch 
athlete could we see Al Snow in the USWA?

Paul Roma after defeating Jim Powers at A Night To Remember could 
have come out here and he could have made a total fool out of 
Jim Powers, he could have continued his arrogant ways and been a 
total JERK! but he didn't, he came out he told the fans what a great 
athlete Jim Powers is and he reformed what could go on to be a 
sucessful tag team in the USWA the Young Stallions. TONS of 
credit goes out to Paul Roma for being a class act today on 

Marty Jannetty tonight was supposed to take on Brian Lee in what 
would have been a great matchup. The fans WANTED to see this match 
but Randy Hales came out and announced Brian Lee didn't show up 
tonight. The fans were outraged and NOBODY was more upset than Marty 
Jannetty who loves, strives on good competition Marty was about to 
walk out until Randy Hales said he would give him another
opponent. Randy said he was saving his debut for two more weeks but 
would make an acception tonight. Mikey Whipwreck would come to the 
ring and face Marty in a good singles match. Marty would win with his 
showstopper. After the match Marty shook hands with Mikey and then 
told Brian Lee he better be here next week and he BETTER have a good 

PG-13 basically came out and told The Rock N Roll Express to be here 
next week as well because they would grant them a rematch under USWA 
rules. No word on what the Rock n Roll Express have to say but we 
should here from them later in the week.

In what was a WILD main event Brian Christopher came out to get 
revenge on Tommy Dreamer for blindsiding him at A Night To Remember 
and taking him out of the show. Brian was furious and refused to 
comment he wanted to fight! and fight he did when Tommy came to the 
ring these guys went at it full force. Brian was so close to having 
the win but out of nowhere an ambush by fellow ECW member Axl Rotten. 
Everyone was waiting for the DQ but Gary Anderson the ref never
called for the bell he let the match continue with Axl interfering 
throughout the matchup! Brian could not get back on track and Tommy 
Dreamer got the 1-2-3. After the show went off the air Brian went 
NUTS! He wanted a piece of Axl, he wanted Tommy Dreamer, he wanted to 
KILL Gary Anderson for allowing this, and he wanted an explination and
apology from Randy Hales. Randy told Brian next week he could take 
center stage and basically Randy has given him the power to
name a matchup, and say what he wants to say. 

Brian is going to have a LOT to say next week and basically I think 
that Tommy, Axl, and ref Gary Anderson have dug themselves hole they 
might not be able to get themselves out of because if I know Brian 
Christopher he will stop at NOTHING to get revenge on these guys!



[Joe can be contacted at]

TNM Indy -

In this interview	Dan stands for Dan
			bAz stands for guess who :-)

bAz: First of all we'll talk about wrestling...How did
you actually first find out about professional wrestling, and 
who were your favourite wrestlers?

Dan: I remember on Saturday mornings when I was a small guy watching 
it with my dad, I remember there little news room backdrop and Tony 
Schvonnie (I think) was the host, I use to always hoped the little 
jobber guy would win, I remember a jobber team beat the Nasty Boys by 
DQ, my dad would get us the PPV once, I knew the box code and I 
ordered Wrestlemainia 6 once, and blamed it on my little brother :).
I liked Hulkster of course, my dad tells me a story where we were 
on a bench waiting for a bus and an old lady asked me my name and I 
said "Hulk Hogan" I liked The Ultimate Warrior, Jake Roberts, Tito 
Santana, Big Bossman, Ventura, and Mach Man were all my favourites, 
now in days it is different..I am not a Hogan fan, not Warrior. I 
think Bossman is still alright.  These days I like Angle, Jericho, 
and Benoit mostly.

bAz: What in your opinion is the best federation in the world?

Dan: I think the WWF, WCW is too unstable at all times, same with 
ECW and I couldnt comment on international promotions.

bAz: Now onto TNM matters...How did you first find out about TNM?

Dan: I was roleplaying fo a efed and I saw Goldberg...Austin, and I 
was intreged so I clicked it....

bAz: What version did you download?

Dan: 6.2 I think

bAz: What version did you first register?

Dan: version 7

bAz: What made TNM different from any wrestling simulators that
you'd seen?

Dan: Well after getting TNM i tried Zeus and others, and I thought 
TNM was just palin out better, not to knock the other ones down since 
they are sims and it takes work to make one. But TNM had options, it 
had more depth. Playing Zeus is like eating a glazed dougnut, Playing 
TNM is like eating a jelly donought.

bAz: What do you think of the recently released Circuit Tweaker?

Dan: I liked the trial, I am registrating it once I get paid on 

bAz: What do you think of Zeus?

Dan: It has the ability to be a good sim, The guy who made it probably 
worked hard on it and im not going to insult it or him.

bAz: What do you think of the FCA Cubed series of plugins?

Dan: I love them, you can make any match you want and anything can 
happen in it, its wild.

bAz: What do you think of the Interview Integrator?

Dan: I like the effects of interviews in the a card, so I like this 

bAz: What do you think is the best TNM7 plugin?

Dan: Fed tractor could have been great if Ryan kept at it, but I like 
the FCA plug in the best I have to say, Arena is also good as it adds 
alot to the card.

bAz: What would you like to see as the next TNM7 match

Dan: I would like to see a lumberjack match or a tag team 
battle royal.

bAz: Finally we come to the TNM Sites section..What TNM sites do you
frequent most often?

Dan: TNM Homepage, WrestleDen, Boyscott soft, Basement, TNM UK and 

bAz: What do you think of the sites that post exports
of wrestlers who haven't even wrestled? e.g. Midian, "Titan" 
a.k.a Paul Wight

Dan: Im not too crazy about them, but I do like them better then 
celebrity exports.

bAz: What do you think of the TNM Basement site and newsletter?

Dan: I like both the site and newsletter, great job Baz!!

bAz: And the last question for today...What do you hope to see in the 
future for TNM and you?

Dan: I hope that TNM "never dies" I think in the next 3 years 
something big is going to happen in the TNM world, I hope my site 
TNM Indy never dies either :).

TNM Indy can be located at

[Dan can be contacted at]



Well its really simple!!. All you have to do is to get your
card results and send them to me in a normal email. Please 
DO NOT send any attachment files. Just cut and copy the
text into an email message and send it to me at with the subject heading as "CIRCUIT 
RESULTS". The results which are sent in will all be put in 
the newsletter. Also if you would like a link here then 
please email me at the normal email address with the subject 
heading as "TNM LINKS" and also please give a description of 
your site. The link will be put on the newsletter and the website. 
Also if you wish to request an TNM export or if you just want to 
send in a question relating to TNM or wrestling in general you 
can do this just email me and I'll try to answer it but it 
will be put in the newsletter. Thanks very much and thanks 
for listening.

For more information then please click the URL below:



Thats it for another huge edition of the TNM Basement. That means
I have done 117 edition out of 138. I think thats good going :-)

I have added a TNM 6.2 section to the TNM Basement which will give
you TNM 6.2 Wrestlers, Gimmick Matches and Titbits. It can be
located below:


I have also added a list containing what wrestlers I have in my
TNM on my computer. This can also be located below:


A huge thanks go to Dan and to Sean for sending in their interview
and results respectively. Thanks again.

We need some FCA Cubed Match Exports. If you have any then
please send them to me at and I'll put them
on the site.

See you tommorow!!


TNM Basement -
Basement Video:
Barry Skelly -

P.S. Remember to spread the word of the TNM Basement. You people who
read and contribute keep the TNM Basement and TNM alive. Thanks.

(c) Nothing on this should be copied without the prior knowledge
of the editor himself. If you ask permission then I will let
you. TNM Basement 1998-2000

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