by Barry Skelly (
Wednesday, 7th March 2001
The TNM Basement can be located at:
>> Exports of the Day and Site Updates by Barry Skelly
>> Final Notes
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OK, howya all doing. Miss me?. Nah I didn't think you did :)

Well it's been about two months since the last editions of the
TNM Basement and now you have two in your mailbox. Well what is
going on I hear you asking well I've got a HUGE update for you.
So we better go straight on and start as we have a lot to get


bAz's Don Caraluza Export
The lynchpin of the whole Mazzone Brotherhood with his cousins, Vito 
and Carlos. Watch out for this 500+ wrestler jumping for his 
"Mafia Splash". He likes Marella Mazzone who is the valet of 
Ultra MAX and is the sister of Vito and Carlos. If you would like to 
download this then click the URL below:


bAz's Ultra MAX Export
If you want five star matches then this is your export. However 
strange for a cruiserweight he has a submission hold as a finisher, a 
variation of a nerve hold he calls the "Kiss of Death". Always 
accompanied to the ring with Marella Mazzone. If you would like to 
download this then click the URL below:


bAz's Christopher Kross Export
So what do you get when you cross the moon with New York city? 
that was a different Christopher Kross. This Jazz Singer from Las 
Vegas has finally entered the SCW and particulary the TNM Basement 
after a long wait. Watch out for his strange looking high-risk move 
which he calls the "Spinning Top Splash". If you would like to 
download this then click the URL below:


bAz's Johnny Hugger Export
You can probably guess what this guys gimmick is, well he hugs the 
referee, all for fun mind. Watch out for his diving headbutt which he 
calls the "Diving Headnutt". If you would like to download this then 
click the URL below:


bAz's Sylvestor Soulfull Export
This light-heavyweight wants you to shake your booty. Similar to 
K-Kwick but a HELLUVA lot better, watch out for his swinging 
neckbreaker he calls the "Shake your Booty". If you would like to 
download this then click the URL below:


bAz's Damage Control Tag-Team Export
This tag team set contains Wayne Harrison and Bob Butcher, who is 
over four hundred pounds. There gimmick is that they don't really get 
along with each other, with Wayne not being able to stand Bob because 
the ladies don't like the big man (Vince Russo eat your heart out!!). 
If you would like to download this then click the URL below:   


bAz's Jimmy Adams Export
This guy is the worlds worst wrestler, he never wins and to be 
honest he doesn't really try which equates to LOTS of losses. If you 
would like to download this then click the URL below:


bAz's The Loner Export
You could probably guess what this guys gimmick is. He's a LONER!!. 
Always looking back into the past has caused this big man to have a 
mental breakdown. Watch out for his version of the sleeperhold which 
he calls, "Sweet Memories". If you would like to download this then 
click the URL below: 


bAz's Kid Conero Export
This little tough light-heavyweight from the Bronx has just recently 
entered the SCW and he seems to be getting high ratings. Watch out for 
his variation of the double-arm DDT which he calls the "Kid Crusher". 
If you would like to download this then click the URL below:


bAz's The Super Kings Stable Exports
These three high-flyers from Mexico recently arrived from Mexico 
wanting a chance in the SCW, they were duly offered a job straight 
away. Included in the pack is Super King #1, #2, #3. If you would 
like to download this then click the URL below:


bAz's Kanemura Export
This Japanese hitman is as tough as the toughest guy around. Watch 
out for his stiff kicks and especially his lariat from hell!!. If you 
would like to download this then click the URL below:


bAz's Daredevil Daniel Export
This young wrestler is trying to hard in my view to be a success in 
SCW. Watch out for his total highrisk offence. One day he's gonna kill
himself. Hails from Lisbon, Portugal. If you would like to download 
this then click the URL below:


bAz's Kokinshki Export
A perenial enemy of the Great Sensei since nearly birth, he's about a 
hundred pounds bigger but is more appreciated by the fans. Watch out 
for his second-rope sitdown splash. If you would like to download this
then click the URL below:


bAz's Chico Chicane Export
A copycat Razor Ramon if you ask me. Forms a tag team with Kid Conero 
which they call "The Cuban Connection", watch out for his stunner 
like "Cuban Cutter" finishing move. If you would like to download 
this then click the URL below:


bAz's Cassius Export
This guy definately HAS got the hardest hands in the world, watch out 
for his right-left jab combination for the victory. A huge, muscular 
guy as well. If you would like to download this then click the URL


bAz's The Freedom Fighters Tag-Team Export
A strong team from the country of South Africa has finally landed in 
the TNM Basement. Similar to the Road Warriors in strength and 
charisma. The two wrestlers in the export are Lexus and Kronos 
Krueger. If you would like to download this then click the URL below:


bAz's Johnny Jazz Export
Otherwise known as a spoilt little brat if you ask me. Watch out 
for his variation on the "Razors Edge" which he calls the 
"Straight Edge", good wrestler though. If you would like to download 
this then click the URL below:



bAz's Basebrawl FCA Cubed Match 
This match is similar to the Last Man Standing however there is a 
major difference. A wrestler must hit his/her opponent with a 
baseball bat to make sure a count starts. If the victim of a baseball 
bat hit does not get up in five seconds then the match is over. If you 
would like to download this then click the URL below:


bAz's Spank Me FCA Cubed Match 
This match is the one which involved Trish Stratus not so long ago on 
Raw, I can't remember who was her opponent, I think it was Jackie. 
Winner wins when a person spanks another wrestler who is involved in 
the match. If you would like to download this then click the URL


bAz's Break my Neck FCA Cubed Match 
The object of this match is to break/hurt somebodies neck using such 
moves as a piledriver or a tombstone. I used it for an angle which I 
was playing out. If you would like to download this then click the
URL below:


bAz's Referee Attack FCA Cubed Match
This is a small FCA Cubed Match which stops when the referee suddenly 
attacks a wrestler and then helps a wrestler to pin him. If you would 
like to download this then click the URL below:


bAz's DDT FCA Cubed Match 
The object of this match is to DDT your opponent to the canvas. No 
other rules are stated or needed!!. If you would like to download 
this then click the URL below:


bAz's Barbed Wire Dreams FCA Cubed Match 
This match is what I consider to be HARDCORE. This is a variation on 
the old favourite, the Scaffold match, but this time when the 
wrestler falls they won't fall into the ring or the ringside area. He 
will falls into the ring which is covered in barbed wire and wooden 
boards. Check it out!!. If you would like to download this then click 
the URL below:


bAz's Satellite Dish Match Export 
Same as the Trash Can and the Coconut HOWEVER it's a satellite dish :).
Download if you wanna be cool :). If you would like to download this 
then click the URL below:



*. I have changed the banner page as a few of you were having problems
everything should be fine now. Check it out.


Thanks again everybody for listening to me again.

By the way there's a new wrestling discussion radio show available 
in the UK for the first time. It's on TalkSPORT and it's on every
Saturday night between 8.00pm and 10.00pm. I listened to the
programme on Saturday and I was pleasently suprised by the
quality of the discussion. All Americans can listen online at
TalkSPORT's website at, I would advise
you all to listen.

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TNM Basement -

Barry Skelly (Newsletter & Site Editor) -


P.S. Remember to spread the word of the TNM Basement. You people 
who read and contribute keep the TNM Basement and TNM alive. 

(c) Nothing on this should be copied without the prior knowledge
of the editor himself. If you ask permission then I will let
you. TNM Basement 1998-2001

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