In this interview:	
Matt stands for Matt
bAz stands for guess who :-)

bAz: First of all we'll talk about wrestling...How did you actually 
first find out about professional wrestling, and who were your 
favourite wrestlers?

Matt: Well it was September 4 1995. The First nitro. I was channel 
surfing I came upon about 2 minutes of a Jushin Liger vs Brian Pillman
match. Needless to Say. I was hooked.
bAz: What in your opinion is the best federation in the world?

Matt: ECW without a doubt. Almost everyone not saying everyone has 
been through ECW at somepoint in their career. It has the best 
wrestling action in the world and I am a big fan of that highflying 
15 minute matches. WWF and WCW have a two way tie for second place 
since WCW is getting better beacause of no Hogan,Flair,Piper,or any 
of the other older guys. Guys like Booker, Jarrett, Lance Storm, 
Kidman, and so on need to run with the ball now.
bAz: Now onto TNM matters...How did you first find out about TNM?

Matt: A link to an e-fed I was in. I clicked on it. Downloaded the 
sim and after an hour or so of playing with it I was hooked.
bAz: What version did you download?

Matt: TNM 6.2
bAz: What version did you first register?

Matt: TNM 7.
bAz: What made TNM different from any wrestling simulators that
you'd seen?

Matt: When it comes to simulators I have played them all. Well all 
that I have seen. TNM 7 is hours of fun. Zeus is not.
bAz: What do you think of the recently released Circuit Tweaker?
Matt: I can't really judge it beacause I never tried it.
bAz: What do you think of the Commentary Editor plugin?

Matt: I never tried it so I can't judge it either.
bAz: What do you think of Zeus?

Matt:Zeus is okay. I am not going to slam it like other people have. 
I get bored with Zeus after 10 minutes. Zeus is like a drop of soda 
compared to TNM 7 which is the whole can.
bAz: What do you think of the FCA Cubed series of plugins?

Matt: All I can say is WOW. I love it. I can create matches to 
entertain me when I am bored.
bAz: What do you think of the Interview Integrator?

Matt: Its okay. I just don't like to use it a lot. I only use it to 
describe matches that are scheduled to happen that didn't.
bAz: What do you think is the best TNM7 plugin?

Matt: FCA cubed. Hands down.
bAz: What would you like to see as the next TNM7 match plugin?

Matt: Lumberjack match with the option of how many lumberjacks. Biase 
Referee match plugin (Like if Steve Austin took on Triple H and Vince 
Mcmahon was the referee he would not favor Austin), and a tag team 
partner turn plugin.
bAz: Finally we come to the TNM Sites section..What TNM sites do 
you frequent most often?
Matt: In any order: Wrestleden, What if TNM 7 booked Wrestling, TNM UK,
TNM Basement, and Official TNM Page.
bAz: What do you think of the sites that post exports of wrestlers who 
haven't even wrestled? e.g. Midian, "Titan" a.k.a Paul Wight
Matt: Well I have seen Chaz's that are just like Headbanger Mosh or 
Midian's that were just like Phieneus Godwinn or Dennis Knight. Thats 
why I make my own exports cause at least they will be good. If Midian 
wins with a move called the slop drop or Phieneus Goddwinn wins a 
match with the eye opener it is exports like that that make me mad.
bAz: What do you think of the TNM Basement site and newsletter?

Matt: I think it is pretty good. Thats all that needs to be said. 
bAz: And the last question for today...What do you hope to see in the 
future for TNM and you?

Matt: I hope I keep making sick but Entertaining FCA cubed matches and 
TNM keeps rolling on.
Site plug: https://www.angelfire.com/wrestling2/WOW2000/index.html

[Matt can be emailed at madmatt12@home.com] 

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