{Taken from Issue #42}
In this interview: bAz stands for me
GMC stands for Graeme McGaw
Thanks and enjoy the first of hopefully many interviews conducted
by the TNM Basement. I've got a couple of names in mind and I'll
keep you all informed when they agree. All of these interviews will
be posted onto the site, I'll post the URL on here when everything
is finalised. Enjoy everybody!!
bAz: First of all we'll talk about wrestling...How did you actually
first find out about professional wrestling, and who were your
favourite wrestlers?
GMC: Back in Scotland, my friend Nat brought over a tape to watch...
Wrestlemania 7. I was totally fascinated with it. Loved it. I
thought it was real too. I remember borrowing that tape off him and
watching it like 90 times, then getting tapes off everybody, and
watching them all. Man those were the days. As for favourite
wrestlers, back then it was Piper and Hogan. Also Warrior. Nowadays,
I like almost everyone in the WWF....and a few WCW wrestlers too. I
actually like Scott Steiner. Must be because we both use steroids
(thats a joke, damnit).
bAz: What in your opinion is the best federation in the world?
GMC: The World Wrestling Federation. I'm a WWF mark, what else can I
bAz: Now onto TNM matters...How did you first find out about TNM?
GMC: I was in WBS - Wrestling Chat room, and someone was talking
about it, so I got the URL, and checked it out.
bAz: What version did you download?
GMC: TNM 6.2
bAz: What version did first register?
GMC: Well...I got the registration codes off a guy for TNM 6.2 +.
Sadly I couldn't figure out how the hell to register it. I posted a
message on TNM Techtalk asking for help in registering, and Oliver
busted my ass :-) I made up some story though about how it was my
friend...doubt he believed it. Then I ended up registering 6.2 +....
and because of the work I was doing for TNM on the PWW(now extinct)
web-page, and because I had the TNM list etc, Oliver made me an
honorary beta tester. Plus I threatened to beat him up if he didn't.
Thus I got all the reggy codes for free.
bAz: What made TNM different from other wrestling simulators that you
GMC: I hadn't seen any other sims. But looking at the other ones...I
just don't like them. Its too hard to describe...Oliver works full-
time on TNM, while I doubt the others do on their sims.
bAz: What do you consider to be the best TNM plugin available today
(Circuit or Match)?
GMC: Hmm...not used a plugin in a while...maybe the Brawl for All.
bAz: What do you think of the Interview Intergrator?
GMC: Sucks. Well..I just don't see any use for it to be honest. I
make up all my interviews at the end of the cards anyway.
bAz: What is your opinion on the FCA Cubed plugins?
GMC: Pretty good....not tried them too much to be honest.
bAz: Do you have a circuit going yourself?
GMC: Yes, the SWF. We have all WWF/WCW rejects, like Scorpio...and
Marty Jannetty. Plus some fake wrestlers too.
bAz: What was the last wrestler export you downloaded?
GMC: Ouch...it was over 3 months ago....can't remember. I remember
one night I went on a TNM kick though, and d'loaded everything I
could find. I think that was when I subbed to the TNM Basement.
bAz: Finally we come to the TNM Sites section..What TNM sites do you
frequent most often?
GMC: To be honest, none. I would like to visit tnm7.com more for the
techtalk, but it takes so long to load, I just can't be bothered. I'll
usually visit tnm7.com 3 times a week to see what updates there has
bAz: What do you think of the sites that post exports of wrestlers who
haven't even wrestled? e.g. Midian, "Titan" a.k.a Paul Wight
GMC: Its dumb...but most people want them anyway. Look on TNM
Techtalk for people begging for a ton of exports of wrestlers not
done yet.
bAz: What do you think of the TNM Basement site and newsletter?
GMC: Not checked out the site in awhile. As for the newsletter, its
good. I feel theres something missing in it though....but to be
honest I can't think what. Maybe get some columnists to write about
TNM or something...I dunno.
bAz: And the last question for today Graeme...What do you hope to see
in the future for TNM, Graeme McGaw, and TKR?
GMC: Hmmm, for TNM, I see it never folding. Oliver will do TNM 8,
wait and see. He'll have pictures, and movies, and everything you can
think of, and knowing Oliver he'll make it only 1 meg.
As for me, I've just opened my web design company, so hopefully I'll
be getting lots of money, and thus getting drunk more often.
As for TKR....just keep it going the way it is. I don't think theres
any problems with it right now...I'm happy with it. Best sheet of its
kind out today, thats for sure. Hopefully next year we can win those
damn TNM Awards. I'll have to see how much I can bribe Oliver.
bAz: Thanks very much Graeme for taking the time to answer these
questions. See ya later and hope to hear from you soon.
GMC: No prob, enjoyed it.
{A huge thank you goes to Graeme for participating in the interview!
If you wanna subscribe to TKR, the best wrestling newsletter ever IMO,
then send a blank e-mail to tkr-subscribe@makelist.com, Graeme can be
contacted at scots@xwrestling.com
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