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{Taken from Issue #86}

As usual in this interview:	MH stands for Michael Humphreys
				bAz stands for me

bAz: First of all we'll talk about wrestling...How did you actually 
first find out about professional wrestling,and who were your 
favourite wrestlers?

MH: My parents used to always take me to watch wrestling every weekend 
when I was three years old. Wrestling didn't really didn't become
interesting to me until 1996.My favorite wrestlers when I first 
started watching were Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.

bAz: What in your opinion is the best federation in the world?

MH: The WWF,in terms of storylines, has to be the best federation in 
the world. But if I want to watch wrestling I'll watch WCW.

bAz: Now onto TNM matters...How did you first find out about TNM?

MH: Well I went to a search engine and typed in wrestling games and 
the TNM website was one of the sites it showed. I clicked on the link 
and I was hooked forever.

bAz: What version did you download? 

MH: 6.2

bAz: What version did you first register? 

MH: Honestly...I haven't registered any versions of TNM.

bAz: What made TNM different from any wrestling simulators that you'd

MH: TNM had so many options and you could be the booker of your own 
league which is something many people would want to be.

bAz: What do you hope to see in TNM7 Gold? 

MH: I hope that the program will automatically give you ratings
for shows that your card might hold.

bAZ: What do you think of Zeus 3? 

MH: I haven't tried it.

bAz: What do you think of the FCA Cubed series of plugins? 

MH: When I was using the 30 day trial for TNM7 I tried the FCA and I 
didn't like it that much.

bAz: What do you think of the Interview Integrator?

MH: I really didn't like it because I prefered to use the Notepad.

bAz: What do you think is the best TNM7 plugin? 

MH: I personally like the Hell in the Cell match plugin.

bAz: What would you like to see as the next TNM7 match plugin?

MH: Maybe a Stairway to hell match like Tommy Dreamer and Justin 
Credible had earlier this year.

bAz: Finally we come to the TNM Sites section..What TNM sites do you 
frequent most often? 

MH: I visit the TNM Basement most often.

bAz: What do you think of the sites that post exports of wrestlers who
haven't even wrestled? e.g. Midian, "Titan" a.k.a Paul Wight

MH: I think it's alright because most of the time the guys just have a 
name change and their wrestling style usually stays the same.

bAz: What do you think of the TNM Basement site and newsletter?

MH: I think the TNM newsletter is a great way to spread information 
about TNM to many different people. The TNM Basement is probably the 
best TNM site on the net.

bAz: And the last question for today Michael...What do you hope to see 
in the future for TNM and you?

MH: I hope that Oliver realeses TNM Gold and maybe he could drop the 
price a little bit because thirty bucks is a lot for a DOS program.
Myself...I'll probably end up sticking with computers the rest of my
life but I would like to become a pro wrestler someday.

bAz: Thanks very much Michael for taking the time to answer these 
questions. See ya later and hope to hear from you soon.

~~ Michael Humphreys can be contacted at ~~
{Thanks go to Mike for answering the questions that were sent. Michael can 
be contacted at}

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