{Taken from Issue #40}
In this interview: bAz stands for me
Mike stands for Mike Sweetser
Thanks and enjoy the first of hopefully many interviews conducted
by the TNM Basement. I've got a couple of names in mind and I'll
keep you all informed when they agree. All of these interviews will
be posted onto the site, I'll post the URL on here when everything
is finalised. Enjoy everybody!!
bAz: First of all we'll talk about wrestling...How did you actually
first find out about professional wrestling, and who were your
favourite wrestlers?
Mike: My grandmother got me interested in wrestling back in the summer
of 1991. After seeing the awesome Bret Hart v. Curt Hennig match at
SummerSlam '91 - a match I still consider my favorite match - I was
hooked. I've been a fan ever since. I'd have to say my favorite
wrestlers back then were Bret Hart, Curt Hennig, Sting, Shawn Michaels
once he turned heel in early 1992, and Rick Rude.
bAz: What in your opinion is the best federation in the world?
Mike: As far as wrestling goes, I'd give the nod to WCW..but as a
whole I enjoy the WWF more. I had the opportunity to attend a Raw
taping in December of last year and had the time of my life
(especially with my two favorite wrestling women, Terri Runnels and
Jacquelyn, forming an alliance right before my eyes. :)
bAz: Now onto TNM matters...How did you first find out about TNM?
Mike: I had been using both WLS and Rampage for a while and was
looking for something different. Once I got on the net in 1995 I
started looking, and stumbled across TNM in early-1996.
bAz: What version did you download?
Mike: TNM 6.13.
bAz: What version did first register?
Mike: Actually, I haven't registered any of them. I was about to
register TNM 6.2 when Oliver offered me a spot as a beta tester. :)
bAz: Where you involved in the decision by Oliver Copp to incorparate
plugins into version 7?
Mike: No.
bAz: What was the first plugin you programmed?
Mike: Actually, the first thing that could be considered a plugin was
something I wrote called FCA+ for TNM 6.2. It basically taking the
code for the gimmick matches in TNM 6.2 - which at the time wasn't
compiled and was just BASIC source code - and added a few things here
and there. As far as TNM 7 plugins, my first one was the Brawl for All
plugin, which was the first match plugin released.
bAz: What programming language did you use to code the plugins?
Mike: QuickBasic 4.5 and later, QuickBasic 7.1.
bAz: What gave you the idea to program the FCA Cubed series of plugins?
Mike: I had been toying with the idea of converting the FCA+ plugin I
mentioned into a match plugin for TNM. People at the same time were
asking for different matches, such as the scaffold match, lumberjack
match, etc, etc. Then it occurred to me - why not make a plugin that
did all that and let the user make their own matches? It'd save me a
lot of work and them time downloading each plugin. :) So there it
bAz: Did you ever consider making the FCA Cubed series like the
Interview Integrator from which the user had to pay after 30 days?
Mike: I did consider it, but at this point I wanted to let my plugins
speak for itself. I've gotten a lot for the Internet community, and
I thought it'd be nice to give something back to TNM.
bAz: What do you think of the Interview Integrator?
Mike: It's a good idea, but it needs to be improved on. I'd like to
see injuries implemented, as well as more general options.
bAz. What is in the future for Hellfire & Brimstone, Inc and Mike
Mike: Well, first off, it's not Hellfire & Brimstone Inc anymore. The
company is now known as simply HABI. Easier to put in a logo, change
around, and I got tired of typing the full name out. :)
Right now, I'm taking a break from doing plugins, but I've got several
ideas, both TNM and non-TNM, on the drawing board.
bAz: Finally we come to the TNM Sites section..What TNM sites do you
frequent most often?
Mike: Well, of course, tnm7.com, mostly to check out the message
boards and occassionally to download exports. I don't really go to
the same TNM sites over and over, but kind of bounce around. :)
Sometimes I go around to see what people are saying about my plugins,
to get some exports not on the TNM site, and to check out the PWWTNM
rules, which I've been looking into modifying a bit. :)
bAz: What do you think of the sites that post exports of wrestlers who
haven't even wrestled? e.g. Midian, "Titan" a.k.a The Giant
Mike: Truthfully, I despise that. The wrestlers have not competed in
their new gimmicks, yet they've been given these moves and guesses
have been made as to what they'll be like, just for the sake of being
the first on the block with the exports. How do the people know the
wrestlers' styles haven't changed completely?
Take a look at Sting back before Starrcade 1997. Everybody took
guesses and had exports of "Crow Sting" out there with superpowers
and all this other crap, but when he came back he was nothing like
they thought he'd be, and it ended up making the people with these
"exclusive exports" look pretty foolish.
I wonder how many people with exports of Titan were scrambling to
change their webpages... {Ed: You can be sure that real wrestler
exports will have to have wrestled first before they're included
onto the website so that we don't have a repeat of the "Titan" fiasco
on our site, which is happening on other sites!!}
bAz: What do you think of the TNM Basement site and newsletter?
Mike: I think it's a good site. I honestly haven't been there a great
deal in the past few weeks - vacation and all - but it's an enjoyable
site and has a great deal of potential. The newsletter as well.
bAz: And the last question for today Mike...What do you hope to see in
the future for TNM?
Mike: More plugins, more possibilities, more functionality with TNM.
I'd like to see what's in the realm of possibilities for plugins in
TNM expanded on. For instance, right now, my World War 3 plugin can
only use 50 wrestlers at once, due to some limitations in TNM...but
it's programmed to handle up to 128. See, there's a reason you can
have up to nine rings in the plugin. :)
I've done a lot of work with Oliver on debugging and expanding the
TNM plugin interface, but there's still much to be done. You'll be
pleasantly surprised by what's still to come..
Especially, I'd like to see others making plugins. I can't come up
with all the ideas here, and I'd love to see what people have out
bAz: Thanks very much Mike for taking the time to answer these
questions. See ya later and hope to hear from you soon.
Mike: Adios.
{Thanks go to Mike for answering the questions that were sent. Mike
can be contacted at mikesweetser@uswest.net}
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