TNM Basement Newsletter Edition #20
I Tuesday, December 29th, 1998 I T N M B A S E M E N T
I I N E W S L E T T E R #20
I *Issue #20* I The Official Newsletter of the
I I TNM Basement
NOTICE - All subscription requests sent to the editor will be
ignored. To subscribe please do it through the normal channels
Hello, and welcome to the twentieth edition of the TNM Basement
newsletter and I hope each one of you had a happy holiday, I
sure as hell did!!. Well before I start, thanks to everyone
who sent in material, I guarentee you that all the stuff that
is sent will be printed. Well in today's edition we have the first
edition of the column that was sent in by the good people at TNMania,
and we also have the latest EWA circuit results. So we'll get
straight onto it!!
>>. "TNM Memories And How TNMania Came To Be" by Jeff (TNMania)
>>. Chris's Latest EWA Circuit Results (27/12/98)
>>. Info on how to get your circuit results on here!!
>>. Credits
Jeff's TNMania, one of the most complex TNM sites on the web, has just
been updated! You will want to keep a close eye on TNMania over the
holidays as we do have a couple surprises coming! Visit it now at and enjoy!
>>. "TNM Memories And How TNMania Came To Be" by Jeff (TNMania)
Hey guys! This is the first of hopefully many columns I will be
writing for both the TNM Basement Newsletter and my website. In this
article I will talk about how I first found out about TNM, and how
TNMania came to be. I first found out about TNM when I was just
getting into wrestling again after staying away from it for a couple
years. I searched on some search engine for "wrestling games" and I
somehow found TNM. I downloaded version 6.2 and I was immediatly
hooked! I love simulating games of any kind and TNM was the best one I
had ever seen. After a while I registered it so I could get the extra
features even though it was already good enough. Then I went searching
around for all kinds of TNM related stuff. I found 4 pages. I was
shocked. For such a widely used program there was only 4 pages: The
PWW, MiddleGA's Page, Rick Garrard's Page and Brians WWF Circuit. I
loved all 4 and visited them daily. Then Graeme McGaw of the PWW
started a TNM Discussion List. At the start we only had about 70 or so
subscribers and it was all TNM talk which I liked. Only a couple
messages a day. Over a couple months we had over 500 subscribers and
about 500 non-TNM messages a day! I couldn't stand waiting 30 minutes
for my mail to arrive so I quit the list. The list is still going on
today. Before I quit though, I started a little something.
In a couple of days, I built TNMania. It was an instant hit due to a
couple things: PWW, the largest TNM site, had just closed and I was
the only guy with the full PWWTNM Rules on my site. I had 464 hits in
my second day which is still a record. I also had booking sheets which
hadn't gotten much publicity on Rick Garrard's site. It started small
but once TNM 7 was released TNMania felt a boom!
On September 1st we had 463 hits onto TNMania! I went all out that day
and added a ton of exports. A couple days later I added some plugins
and the rest of the long lost PWWTNM Rules! Another boom! TNMania was,
next to the Official Site, the most popular TNM page on the web. We
had passed 15,000 hits in only a couple months. Then business slowed
down a bit but the hits kept coming. Other pages were popping up like
BOyCOTT Soft. and Lee's WWF Circuit. Then I did a couple massive
updates and TNMania was back on top again. I added the rest of the
PWWTNM rules and more plugins and exports. I made the site more
interactive and by the time you read this, TNMania will have undergone
a makeover and will be a more user-friendly site. Only bright pastures
lay ahead for TNM and TNMania. So until next time, this is Jeff with
some TNM Memories.
Visit the TNMania web page at:
>>. Chris's Latest EWA Circuit Results (27/12/98)
EWA: Extreme Wrestling Alliance
Saturday Night Special (12-26-98)
Liquid Metal pinned Bob Gordon with the Compressor in 0:06:30.
Rating: * 1/2
Bullrope No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match:
Reginald Love defeated Buckweet Roberts in 0:24:03.
Rating: -*
Bed of Nails No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match:
Maximus_Ordicus defeated Parker White in 0:20:55.
Rating: -*****
Ruff Ryders (Deadly Mitch Extreme and Threat) defeated
Sam Houston and Big Red Edwards when DMX pinned Big Red with the
Arabian Face Buster in 0:16:17.
Rating: -**
Table Break No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match:
Stepcloak defeated Abispa by putting him through a table in 0:23:46.
Rating: *** 1/2
Ultimate Alliance (Billy Blanks, Brad Harrison and Buckweet Roberts)
defeated Joey Matthews, Johnny Ace and Rick Andrews Thomas when Blanks
defeated Ace by disqualification in 0:45:01.
Rating: -* 3/4
Extreme Cage Death No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Match:
Deadly Mitch Extreme defeated Shawn Foley and Marvelous Mike when DMX
pinned Freight Train with the Arabian Face Buster in 0:40:07.
Rating: 1/4*
Match observations:
With a number of upsets, this card will be well remembered for quite a
while. With Shawn Foley and Marvelous Mike suffering a loss to Deadly
Mitch Extreme, only the world can wonder what is going to happen in
the EWA in the weeks to come. The most exciting moment, however, was
the three way brawl at the end between the nbw, Ua, and MOB.
Chris []
Extreme Wrestling Alliance
>>. Info on how to get your circuit results on here!!
Well its really simple!!. All you have to do is to get your
card results and send them to me in a normal email. Please
DO NOT send any attachment files. Just cut and copy the
text into an email message and send it to me at with the subject heading as "CIRCUIT RESULTS".
The results which are sent in will all be put in the newsletter.
If we have enough results sent in I might consider a daily
version of the newsletter which would be packed full of circuit
results if enough are sent in!!. Also if you would like a link
here then please email me at the normal email address with the subject
heading as "TNM LINKS" and also please give a description of your site.
The link will be put on the newsletter and the website. Also if you
wish to request an TNM export or if you just want to send in a
question relating to TNM or wrestling in general you can do this
just email me and I'll try to answer it but it will be put in
the newsletter. Thanks very much and thanks for listening.
For more information then please click the URL below:
>>. Credits
Well thats it for today's issue of the TNM Basement newsletter. Big
thanks go to Jeff and Chris for sending in the material that will be
used today, in the next issue we will have the latest results from
the Wired Wrestling Association run by Ata Dizdaroglu and probably
a couple of other things. I'm away to setup the FCA Cubed Match
editor. So I'll see you on Sunday. Thanks for listening and keep
sending material in!!!
The TNM Basement can be found at:
The back issue section of the TNM Basement Newsletter can be
found at:
The editor bAz can be contacted at
P.S Remember to spread the word and tell everybody that likes
TNM to subscribe to this newsletter. Thanks for listening!!.
(c) TNM Basement 1999. No part of this newsletter may be
reproduced unless special permission has been granted!!
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