TNM Basement Newsletter Edition #28

Tuesday, 19th January 1999
Edition #28
Visit the TNM Basement on the web at:

Very quick edition today as I have to write a huge report for my
Database Analysis & Design class. In today's quick edition
there will be the latest All Japan circuit results that were sent
in by Chris Miller and info on how to get your results on here. I'm
finished talking now you start reading!!

>> Chris Miller's Latest All Japan Wrestling Latest Results (15/1)
>> Info on how to get your results on here
>> Final Notes

Jeff's TNMania, one of the most complex TNM sites on the web, has just 
been updated! You will want to keep a close eye on TNMania over the 
holidays as we do have a couple surprises coming! Visit it now at and enjoy!


CIRCUIT: All Japan Wrestling      
EMAIL: Chris Miller 
DATE SENT IN: Friday, 15 Jan 1999 15:20:05 EST
CARD: All-Japan Super Bowl

(Note: This federation has both real and fantasy wrestlers. I'll be 
running a training camp soon. Send exports to

All-Japan Super Bowl-1/24/98
Kenta Kobashi and Johnny Ace defeated Akira Taue and Toshiaki Kawada 
when Kobashi pinned Kawada with the Orange Crush Bomb in 0:16:12.
Rating: *** 3/4

Johnny Smith pinned Doug Furnas after a flying bodypress in 0:03:56.
Rating: 1/4*

Phil LaFon pinned Bart Gunn after an elbowdrop from the second 
turnbuckle in 0:10:48.
Rating: * 1/2

Nobuhiko Takada and Payne Killer defeated Stan Hansen and Vader when 
Killer made Vader submit to a wristlock in 0:12:37.
Rating: * 1/2

Akira Maeda pinned Genichiro Tenryu with the Maeda Special in 
Rating: * 1/2

Great Kabuki made Bas Rutten submit to the Spinning Toe Hold in 
Rating: ***

The Head Hunters defeated Jumbo Tsuruta and Abdullah the Butcher when
Head Hunter #1 pinned Abdullah after a power bomb in 0:10:31.
Rating: -*

Shohei Baba pinned Yoshiaki Yatsu with the Crush Kick in 0:18:15.
Rating: -**

Jun Akiyama pinned Rick Martel after a Northern Lights suplex in 
Rating: * 1/4

Mitsuharu Misawa pinned Bill Goldberg with the Tiger Driver in 
Rating: ** 1/2
(Mitsuharu Misawa won the All Japan Triple Crown.)

Match observations: 

Kenta Kobashi & Johnny Ace took on Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue to 
start things off. Even though Taue is the most uncharismatic wrestler 
in All-Japan, he can still put on a good show. Taue took Ace to 
school, but he still couldn't get the job done. Kawada hooked the 
Stretch Plum on Kobashi, but Ace broke the hold. He was going for the 
Ace Crusher, but Kawada pushed him off into Taue! Taue gave Ace the 
Nodowa and both men went to the outside. Inside the ring, Kobashi 
gave Kawada the Orange Crush Bomb for the win!

Johnny Smith took on Doug Furnas in the next match. Furnas put up a 
good fight, but it looked like he wanted a tag whenever he got in 
trouble. But there were no tags in this match. Smith gave Furnas a 
high backdrop and then finished him off with a flying bodypress.

Phil LaFon took on Bart Gunn in the next match. Both of these men 
were tag team specialists. Gunn took the upperhand early by nailing 
LaFon with rights and lefts, but LaFon's power kept him in the match. 
Gunn stunned him with a roundhouse right, and then went for the Discus 
Punch. LaFon ducked, grabbed Bart and hit him with the Cobra Clutch 
Suplex for the pin!

Nobuhiko Takada and Payne Killer ended the feud with Vader and Stan 
Hansen with a win. The two Americans were wrapped up in a multitude 
of submission holds. Eventually, Vader couldn't take anymore and 
tapped out in a wristlock.

Akira Maeda took on Genichiro Tenyru in the next match. Maeda has been 
on a roll while Tenryu has been in a slump. This match wasn't any 
different as Maeda continued his winning ways.

The Great Kabuki took the fight to Bas Rutten. Rutten tried to hook on 
the Armlock Leglock Submission, but the Kabuki blocked it. He then 
sprayed the blue mist in Rutten's face! As Rutten was writhing on the 
mat, the Kabuki hooked in the Spinning Toe Hold! Rutten tapped out
almost immediately!

The Head Hunters beat Jumbo Tsuruta and their daddy, Abdullah the 
Butcher. Tsuruta tried to repeat what he did early to the Head Hunters, 
but #1 was ready and took him out with a  moonsault through a table! 
#2 meanwhile nailed Abdullah with a chair as the ref wasn't looking! 
#1 rolled back in the ring and put Abdullah in position for a power 
bomb. #2 helped #1 pick the Butcher up and the Head Hunters hit 
Abdullah with a spike power bomb! #1 went for the pin and got it!

Shohei Baba took Yoshiaki Yatsu out with the Crush Kick. Both wrestlers 
wrestled their usual match.

Jun Akiyama got a quick victory over Martel. Jun hit Martel with a 
Northern Lights suplex, and Martel didn't even try raising his shoulder. 
After the match, he ran out of the ring.

Mitsuharu Misawa now holds the Triple Crown! He nailed Goldberg with a 
couple Tiger Drivers and got the pin! However, Goldberg didn't go down 
fighting. Goldberg got him with a couple Jackhammers, but Misawa got out 
of both of them! After the match, the British Bruisers and 
Rick Martel attacked Misawa until Toshiaki Kawada and Akira Taue came to 
the rescue.

Shohei Baba announced a single elimination tournament for the Double 
Titles. The tag team title tournament should be interesting. My pick is 
Johnny Ace and Kenta Kobashi.



Well its really simple!!. All you have to do is to get your
card results and send them to me in a normal email. Please 
DO NOT send any attachment files. Just cut and copy the
text into an email message and send it to me at with the subject heading as "CIRCUIT RESULTS".
The results which are sent in will all be put in the newsletter.
If we have enough results sent in I might consider a daily
version of the newsletter which would be packed full of circuit 
results if enough are sent in!!. Also if you would like a link 
here then please email me at the normal email address with the subject 
heading as "TNM LINKS" and also please give a description of your site. 
The link will be put on the newsletter and the website. Also if you 
wish to request an TNM export or if you just want to send in a 
question relating to TNM or wrestling in general you can do this 
just email me and I'll try to answer it but it will be put in 
the newsletter. Thanks very much and thanks for listening.

For more information then please click the URL below:



Well thats it everybody for today. Big thanks go to Chris for sending
in his results. In tommorows 29th edition there will be the latest
Wired Wrestling Association that were sent in by Ata Dizdaroglu.
Thanks everybody for you continuing support and see you tommorow!!


TNM Basement:

The editor bAz can be contacted at

P.S Remember to spread the word and tell everybody that likes
TNM to subscribe to this newsletter. Thanks for listening!!.

(c) TNM Basement 1999. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced 
unless special permission has been granted!!

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