James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing
1 PPGA-AEDL Rounds last 30 seconds instead of 1:30 2 2PGA-AJDL Rounds last 1 minute 3 RPGA-AWDL Rounds last 2 minutes 4 EPGA-A6DL Rounds last 3 minutes 5 TPGA-BRDL Rounds last 5 minutes 6 6PGA-AAML Rounds last 7 minutes 7 57GA-A6ML Rounds last 9 minues, 59 seconds 8 APDA-AADJ + APHT-AAEN + APHT-AAC6 Knockout count is 3 instead of 10 9 AZDA-AADJ + AZHT-AAEN + AZHT-AAC6 Knockout count is 5 10 A7DA-AADJ + A7HT-AAEN + A7HT-AAC6 Knockout count is 7 11 BFDA-AADJ + BFHT-AAEN + BFHT-AAC6 Knockout count is 9 12 P3WT-BFXR + 0BWT-B25T + Player 1's damage meter AEAT-AACE + AJAT-AAGE recovers more slowly 13 P3WT-BFXR + 0BWT-B25T + Player 1's damage meter CAAT-AACE + AJAT-AAGE recovers faster 14 P3WT-BFXR + 0BWT-B25T + Player 1's damage meter JAAT-AACE + AJAT-AAGE recovers much faster 15 P3WT-BFXR + 0BWT-B25T + Player 2's damage meter AJAT-AACE + AEAT-AAGE recovers more slowly 16 P3WT-BFXR + 0BWT-B25T + Player 2's damage meter AJAT-AACE + CAAT-AAGE recovers faster 17 P3WT-BFXR + 0BWT-B25T + Player 2's damage meter AJAT-AACE + JAAT-AAGE recovers much faster 18 734T-ABYG + YB4T-B26J + Player 1 scores fewer points ATAT-AABY + BJAT-AAFY 19 734T-ABYG + YB4T-B26J + Player 1 scores more points EAAT-AABY + BJAT-AAFY 20 734T-ABYG + YB4T-B26J + Player 2 scores fewer points BJAT-AABY + ATAT-AAFY 21 734T-ABYG + YB4T-B26J + Player 2 scores more points BJAT-AABY + EAAT-AAFY 22 CTLT-AAC0 + CNLT-AAFE Choose 1 to 19 rounds instead of 1 to 12 on options screen
1 RZZT-R61C MASTER CODE-MUST BE ENTERED 2 AV9A-AA84 Infinite lives 3 SB8T-BJ08 + EWKT-A43Y Each thing saved or collected is worth 2 4 SB8T-BN08 + EWKT-A43Y Each thing saved or collected is worth 3 5 SB8T-BT08 + EWKT-A43Y Each thing saved or collected is worth 4 6 B4FA-AA20 Infinite time 7 SCFA-BLT0 Time goes by 2x as fast 8 979A-AAHL Sea nymph stays with you longer after you lose a life 9 AK1T-AA9T Almost invincible 10 AGGA-AAHW Start with 1 life 11 A0GA-AAHW Start with 5 lives 12 A8GA-AAHW Start with 7 lives 13 BGGA-AAHW Start with 9 lives 14 CWGA-AAHW Start with 20 lives 15 GLGA-AAHW Start with 50 lives 16 NRGA-AAHW Start with 99 lives 17 9WGT-BCKY + AGGT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 2 18 9WGT-BCKY + ALGT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 3 19 9WGT-BCKY + ARGT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 4 20 9WGT-BCKY + AWGT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 5 21 9WGT-BCKY + A0GT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 6 22 9WGT-BCKY + A4GT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 7 23 9WGT-BCKY + A8GT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 8 24 9WGT-BCKY + BCGT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 9 25 9WGT-BCKY + BGGT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 10 26 9WGT-BCKY + BLGT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 11 27 9WGT-BCKY + BRGT-AAB0 + 5WGT-AVB2 Start on mission 12
1 R1RT-R6X0 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED 2 A2DA-AAAW Start with 6 lives 3 AJ8T-AA9G Infinite lives 4 AY8T-AAHN Restart with 5 chances 5 AYDA-AAA2 Start with 5 chances 6 AJ8A-AA8C Spikes don't hurt 7 AJ8T-AA26 Bad guys don't hurt when you have 2 or more energy units on the "fish-o-meter" 8 968T-B93C Invincibility--bad guys explode when you touch them! 9 AVAA-AA90 Most bad guys die after 1 hit 10 ALZA-AA5A Infinite continues 11 BADA-AAAE 8 continues 12 AJYT-AA20 Keep wings from round to round
1 ATBT-AA2A MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED 2 AEBT-AAHJ 1 timeout per half--team 1 3 AYBT-AAHJ 5 timeouts per half--team 1 4 A6BT-AAHJ 7 timeouts per half--team 1 5 BEBT-AAHJ 9 timeouts per half--team 1 6 AEBT-AAHR 1 timeout per half--team 2 7 AYBT-AAHR 5 timeouts per half--team 2 8 A6BT-AAHR 7 timeouts per half--team 2 9 BEBT-AAHR 9 timeouts per half--team 2 10 REGT-A60T Infinite timeouts for both teams 11 ANSA-AAHW Only have 2 plays to get a first down 12 ATSA-AAHW Only have 3 plays to get a first down 13 A2SA-AAHW Have 5 plays to get a first down 14 A6SA-AAHW Have 6 plays to get a first down 15 BASA-AAHW Have 7 plays to get a first down 16 B6VT-AABL 15 seconds per play instead of 45 17 D2VT-AABL 30 seconds per play 18 HTVT-AABL 60 seconds per play
NOTE: THERE ARE TWO VERSIONS OF THIS GAME. IF THE "A" CODES DO NOT WORK ON YOUR GAME, THEN TRY THE "B" CODES 1A AKFT-RAGA Only have 1 play to make a first down 1B ALTT-CAEG 2A APFT-RAGA Only have 2 plays to make a first down 2B ARTT-CAEG 3A AVFT-RAGA Only have 3 plays to make a first down 3B AWTT-CAEG 4A AKFT-RA74 Have infinite plays to make a first down 4B ALTT-CA6A 5A AFGA-RACC Every drive starts as 1st and goal, no matter where the ball is! 5B ALVA-CA2J 6A C1TA-CAHY Play clock is 15 seconds long 6B CYDA-CAEL 7A GDTA-CAHY Play clock is 30 seconds long 7B GADA-CAEL 8A NDTA-CAHY Play clock is 60 seconds long 8B NADA-CAEL 9A WDTA-CAHY Play clock is 90 seconds long 9B WADA-CAEL 10A AAMA-AAD4 Play clock is infinite 10B AAMT-AAA0 11A ADVA-NCDR 1-minute quarters (4-minute game) 11B AB9A-CCC6 12A ADVA-NEDR 2-minute quarters (8-minute game) 12B AB9A-CEC6 13A ADVA-NAMR 20-minute quarters (80-minute game) 13B AB9A-CAL6 14A ADVA-NLMR 25-minute quarters (100-minute game) 14B AB9A-CLL6 15A ADVA-PAMR 30-minute quarters (120-minute game) 15B AB9A-DAL6 16A ADVA-NLXR 45-minute quarters (180-minute game) 16B AB9A-CLW6 17A ADVA-NA5R 60-minute quarters (240-minute game) 17B AB9A-CA46 18A ADVA-PL5R 75-minute quarters (300-minute game) 18B AB9A-DL46 19A ADVA-CAAW 0 timeouts per half--home team 19B AADT-CAFJ 20A AHVA-CAAW 1 timeout per half--home team 20B AEDT-CAFJ 21A AMVA-CAAW 2 timeouts per half--home team 21B AJDT-CAFJ 22A ADVA-CAAN 0 timeouts per half--visiting team 22B AADT-CAFC 23A AHVA-CAAN 1 timeout per half--visiting team 23B AEDT-CAFC 24A AMVA-CAAN 2 timeouts per half--visiting team 24B AJDT-CAFC 25A AVDT-CA68 Infinite timeouts--visiting team 25B AWBT-AA6E 26A ABGA-RADN Touchdowns worth 0 points 26B ACVA-CAEW 27A AFGA-RADN Touchdowns worth 1 point 27B AGVA-CAEW 28A AKGA-RADN Touchdowns worth 2 points 28B ALVA-CAEW 29A APGA-RADN Touchdowns worth 3 points 29B ARVA-CAEW 30A AVGA-RADN Touchdowns worth 4 points 30B AWVA-CAEW 31A AZGA-RADN Touchdowns worth 5 points 31B A0VA-CAEW 32A A7GA-RADN Touchdowns worth 7 points 32B A8VA-CAEW 33A BBGA-RADN Touchdowns worth 8 points 33B BCVA-CAEW 34A BFGA-RADN Touchdowns worth 9 points 34B BGVA-CAEW 35A ABGA-RAC2 Extra points worth 0 points 35B ACVA-CAD8 36A AKGA-RAC2 Extra points worth 2 points 36B ALVA-CAD8 37A APGA-RAC2 Extra points worth 3 points 37B ARVA-CAD8 38A AVGA-RAC2 Extra points worth 4 points 38B AWVA-CAD8 39A AZGA-RAC2 Extra points worth 5 points 39B A0VA-CAD8 40A A3GA-RAC2 Extra points worth 6 points 40B A4VA-CAD8 41A A7GA-RAC2 Extra points worth 7 points 41B A8VA-CAD8 42A BBGA-RAC2 Extra points worth 8 points 42B BCVA-CAD8 43A BFGA-RAC2 Extra points worth 9 points 43B BGVA-CAD8 44A ABGA-RADC Field goals worth 0 points 44B ACVA-CAEJ 45A AFGA-RADC Field goals worth 1 points 45B AGVA-CAEJ 46A AKGA-RADC Field goals worth 2 points 46B ALVA-CAEJ 47A AVGA-RADC Field goals worth 4 points 47B AWVA-CAEJ 48A AZGA-RADC Field goals worth 5 points 48B A0VA-CAEJ 49A A3GA-RADC Field goals worth 6 points 49B A4VA-CAEJ 50A A7GA-RADC Field goals worth 7 points 50B A8VA-CAEJ 51A BBGA-RADC Field goals worth 8 points 51B BCVA-CAEJ 52A BFGA-RADC Field goals worth 9 points 52B BGVA-CAEJ 53A ABGA-RAEC Safeties worth 0 points 53B ACVA-CAFJ 54A AFGA-RAEC Safeties worth 1 points 54B AGVA-CAFJ 55A APGA-RAEC Safeties worth 3 points 55B ARVA-CAFJ 56A AVGA-RAEC Safeties worth 4 points 56B AWVA-CAFJ 57A AZGA-RAEC Safeties worth 5 points 57B A0VA-CAFJ 58A A3GA-RAEC Safeties worth 6 points 58B A4VA-CAFJ 59A A7GA-RAEC Safeties worth 7 points 59B A8VA-CAFJ 60A BBGA-RAEC Safeties worth 8 points 60B BCVA-CAFJ 61A BFGA-RAEC Safeties worth 9 points 61B BGVA-CAFJ
1 RH9A-R6V2 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED CODES 2 THRU 5 MAY CAUSE DELAYS IN PLAYS AND KICK-OFFS 2 B8KA-AADG Random time on play clock 3 D4KA-AADG Random time on play clock WITH CODES 4 AND 5, THE COMPUTER WILL RUN DOWN THE PLAY CLOCK-- BEST TO USE IN 2-PLAYER MODE 4 HWKA-AADG Play clock starts at 60 seconds 5 MLKA-AADG Play clock starts at 90 seconds 6 D2XT-CADL Each quarter lasts 30 seconds 7 HTXT-CADL Each quarter lasts 1 minute 8 SAXT-CADL Each quarter lasts 2 minutes 9 MAXT-CEDL Each quarter lasts 10 minutes 10 NAXT-CJDL Each quarter lasts 18:20 11 BAXT-CRDL Each quarter lasts 30 minutes 12 AB4A-AAGE Home team starts with 0 timeouts 13 AF4A-AAGE Home team starts with 1 timeout 14 AK4A-AAGE Home team starts with 2 timeouts 15 AZ4A-AAGE Home team starts with 5 timeouts 16 BF4A-AAGE Home team starts with 9 timeouts 17 AB4A-AAGL Visiting team starts with 0 timeouts 18 AF4A-AAGL Visiting team starts with 1 timeout 19 AK4A-AAGL Visiting team starts with 2 timeouts 20 AZ4A-AAGL Visiting team starts with 5 timeouts 21 BF4A-AAGL Visiting team starts with 9 timeouts 22 RF5A-A618 Infinite timeouts for both teams 23 ALHA-AAB2 Only get 1 play to get a first down 24 ARHA-AAB2 Only get 2 plays to get a first down 25 AWHA-AAB2 Only get 3 plays to get a first down 26 A4HA-AAB2 Have 5 plays to get a first down 27 A8HA-AAB2 Have 6 plays to get a first down 28 ALHA-AA3W Always first down 29 FCJA-AAFJ Only need 5 yards for a first down 30 SCJA-AAFJ Must get 15 yards for a first down 31 YCJA-AAFJ Must get 20 yards for a first down 32 8CJA-AAFJ Must get 30 yards for a first down 33 ALJA-AA7R Always goal-to-go--must get touchdown 34 ALHT-AA9E Touchdown worth 0 points 35 GCHT-BE1E Touchdown worth 1 point 36 GCHT-BJ1E Touchdown worth 2 points 37 GCHT-BN1E Touchdown worth 3 points 38 GCHT-BT1E Touchdown worth 4 points 39 GCHT-BY1E Touchdown worth 5 points 40 GCHT-B61E Touchdown worth 7 points 41 GCHT-BA1E Touchdown worth 8 points 42 ACHT-BE5J Extra point worth 0 points 43 ALHT-BE5J Extra point worth 2 points 44 ARHT-BE5J Extra point worth 3 points 45 AWHT-BE5J Extra point worth 4 points 46 A0HT-BE5J Extra point worth 5 points 47 A4HT-BE5J Extra point worth 6 points 48 A8HT-BE5J Extra point worth 7 points 49 BCHT-BE5J Extra point worth 8 points 50 ACHT-BE46 Field goal worth 0 points 51 AGHT-BE46 Field goal worth 1 point 52 ALHT-BE46 Field goal worth 2 points 53 AWHT-BE46 Field goal worth 4 points 54 A0HT-BE46 Field goal worth 5 points 55 A4HT-BE46 Field goal worth 6 points 56 A8HT-BE46 Field goal worth 7 points 57 BCHT-BE46 Field goal worth 8 points 58 BLJA-AA4E Safety worth 0 points 59 GCJA-BEWE Safety worth 1 point 60 GCJA-BNWE Safety worth 3 points 61 GCJA-BTWE Safety worth 4 points 62 GCJA-BYWE Safety worth 5 points 63 GCJA-B2WE Safety worth 6 points 64 GCJA-B6WE Safety worth 7 points 65 GCJA-BAWE Safety worth 8 points
1 RH9A-R6YE MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED CODES 2 THRU 4 MAY CAUSE DELAYS IN PLAYS AND KICKOFFS 2 D49T-AAB2 Play clock starts at 30 seconds WITH CODES 3 AND 4, THE COMPUTER WILL RUN DOWN THE PLAY CLOCK-- BEST TO USE IN 2-PLAYER MODE 3 HW9T-AAB2 Play clock starts at 60 seconds 4 ML9T-AAB2 Play clock starts at 90 seconds 5 D3EA-CACA Each quarter lasts 30 seconds 6 HVEA-CACA Each quarter lasts 1 minute 7 SBEA-CACA Each quarter lasts 2 minutes 8 0BEA-CJCA Each quarter lasts 20 minutes 9 BBEA-CRCA Each quarter lasts 30 minutes 10 CBEA-C6CA Each quarter lasts 60 minutes 11 ACPA-AAGC Home team starts with 0 timeouts 12 AGPA-AAGC Home team starts with 1 timeout 13 ALPA-AAGC Home team starts with 2 timeouts 14 A0PA-AAGC Home team starts with 5 timeouts 15 BGPA-AAGC Home team starts with 9 timeouts 16 ACPA-AAGJ Visiting team starts with 0 timeouts 17 AGPA-AAGJ Visiting team starts with 1 timeout 18 ALPA-AAGJ Visiting team starts with 2 timeouts 19 A0PA-AAGJ Visiting team starts with 5 timeouts 20 BGPA-AAGJ Visiting team starts with 9 timeouts 21 AL6T-AAFR Only have 1 play to get a first down 22 AR6T-AAFR Only have 2 plays to get a first down 23 AW6T-AAFR Only have 3 plays to get a first down 24 A46T-AAFR Have 5 plays to get a first down 25 AL6T-AA6R Always first down 26 FC8A-AAE2 Only need 5 yards for a first down 27 SC8A-AAE2 Must get 15 yards for a first down 28 YC8A-AAE2 Must get 20 yards for a first down 29 8C8A-AAE2 Must get 30 yards for a first down 30 AL8A-AA68 Always goal-to-go--must get a touchdown 31 AL7T-AA9W Touchdown worth 0 points 32 GC7T-BE1W Touchdown worth 1 point 33 GC7T-BJ1W Touchdown worth 2 points 34 GC7T-BN1W Touchdown worth 3 points 35 GC7T-BT1W Touchdown worth 4 points 36 GC7T-BY1W Touchdown worth 5 points 37 GC7T-B61W Touchdown worth 7 points 38 GC7T-BA1W Touchdown worth 8 points 39 AC7T-BE5J Extra point worth 0 points 40 AL7T-BE5J Extra point worth 2 points 41 AR7T-BE5J Extra point worth 3 points 42 AW7T-BE5J Extra point worth 4 points 43 A07T-BE5J Extra point worth 5 points 44 A47T-BE5J Extra point worth 6 points 45 A87T-BE5J Extra point worth 7 points 46 BC7T-BE5J Extra point worth 8 points 47 AC7T-BE52 Field goal worth 0 points 48 AG7T-BE52 Field goal worth 1 point 49 AL7T-BE52 Field goal worth 2 points 50 AW7T-BE52 Field goal worth 4 points 51 A07T-BE52 Field goal worth 5 points 52 A47T-BE52 Field goal worth 6 points 53 A87T-BE52 Field goal worth 7 points 54 BC7T-BE52 Field goal worth 8 points 55 AL8A-AA38 Safety worth 0 points 56 GC8A-BEV8 Safety worth 1 point 57 GC8A-BNV8 Safety worth 3 points 58 GC8A-BTV8 Safety worth 4 points 59 GC8A-BYV8 Safety worth 5 points 60 GC8A-B2V8 Safety worth 6 points 61 GC8A-B6V8 Safety worth 7 points 62 GC8A-BAV8 Safety worth 8 points