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M-1 Abrams Battle Tank

1       AMFA-AA22       Infinite ammo
2       AMEA-AA66       Infinite machine gun rounds
3       AJJA-CA6R       Infinite smoke canisters
4       CDMT-AA30       Infinite fuel
5       AJHT-CA9J       Infinite smoke
6       BJJA-CAEY       10 seconds of smoke per canister
7       CTJA-CAEY       20 seconds of smoke per canister
8       FYJA-CAEY       45 seconds of smoke per canister
9       HTJA-CAEY       60 seconds of smoke per canister
10      SAJA-CAEY       120 seconds of smoke per canister
11      FTJA-CCEY       300 seconds of smoke per canister
12      SDMT-BLV0       Fuel is consumed 2x as fast
13      SDMT-BWV0       Fuel is consumed 4x as fast
14      BLFT-AAF6       Start with 10 gallons of fuel
15      DGFT-AAF6       Start with 25 gallons of fuel
16      GLFT-AAF6       Start with 50 gallons of fuel
17      W4FT-AAF6       Start with 150 gallons of fuel
18      3CFT-AAF6       Start with 200 gallons of fuel
19      8WFT-ACF6       Start with 500 gallons of fuel
20      HWGT-AABJ + HWGT-AACE   Start with 60 rounds of total ammo
21      LCGT-AABJ + LCGT-AACE   Start with 80 rounds of total ammo
22      NWGT-AABJ + NWGT-AACE   Start with 100 rounds of total ammo
23      3CGT-AABJ + 3CGT-AACE   Start with 200 rounds of total ammo
24      ACFT-AAF0       Start with 0 smoke canisters
25      ARFT-AAF0       Start with 3 smoke canisters
26      BLFT-AAF0       Start with 10 smoke canisters
27      CWFT-AAF0       Start with 20 smoke canisters
28      GLFT-AAF0       Start with 50 smoke canisters
29      NWFT-AAF0       Start with 100 smoke canisters
30      ACFT-AAFT       Start with 0 machine gun rounds
31      CWFT-AAFT       Start with 20 machine gun rounds
32      GLFT-AAFT       Start with 50 machine gun rounds
33      NWFT-AAFT       Start with 100 machine gun rounds
34      W4FT-AAFT       Start with 150 machine gun rounds
35      9LFT-AAFT       Start with 250 machine gun rounds
36      8WFT-ACFT       Start with 500 machine gun rounds
37      FCFT-AAE8       Start with 40 HEAT rounds
38      HWFT-AAE8       Start with 60 HEAT rounds
39      LCFT-AAE8       Start with 80 HEAT rounds
40      NWFT-AAE8       Start with 100 HEAT rounds
41      CWFT-AAFE       Start with 20 Sabot rounds
42      FCFT-AAFE       Start with 40 Sabot rounds
43      HWFT-AAFE       Start with 60 Sabot rounds
44      LCFT-AAFE       Start with 80 Sabot rounds
45      NWFT-AAFE       Start with 100 Sabot rounds
46      CWFT-AAFL       Start with 20 AX rounds
47      FCFT-AAFL       Start with 40 AX rounds
48      HWFT-AAFL       Start with 60 AX rounds
49      LCFT-AAFL       Start with 80 AX rounds
50      NWFT-AAFL       Start with 100 AX rounds
51      RHNA-A6ZC       Equipment can't be damaged
52      AHNA-BZ7C       Equipment can't be destroyed

Mario Lemieux Hockey

1       AKVT-CA2N       Timer runs 6x faster
2       PBVT-DCTJ       Timer runs 1-1/3x faster
3       PBVT-DRTJ       Timer runs at 1/2 speed
4       PBVT-DLTJ       Timer runs at 1/3 speed
5       PBVT-DGTJ       Timer runs at 1/6 speed
6       AVVA-CA7T       Freeze timer
7       AVVA-CA8Y       Freeze player 2's first penalty timer
8       AVVA-CA92       Freeze player 2's second penalty timer
9       RZVA-C60C       Freeze all penalty timers
10      FCKT-DEXT       Player 1 starts with 1 point
11      FCKT-DJXT       Player 1 starts with 2 points
12      FCKT-DNXT       Player 1 starts with 3 points
13      FCKT-DTXT       Player 1 starts with 4 points
14      FCKT-DYXT       Player 1 starts with 5 points
15      FCKT-D2XT       Player 1 starts with 6 points
16      FCKT-D6XT       Player 1 starts with 7 points
17      FCKT-DAXT       Player 1 starts with 8 points
18      FBZT-DJ14       Player 1 scores 2 for every goal
19      FBZT-DN14       Player 1 scores 3 for every goal
20      FBZT-DT14       Player 1 scores 4 for every goal
21      FBZT-DY14       Player 1 scores 5 for every goal
22      FBZT-D214       Player 1 scores 6 for every goal
23      FBZT-D614       Player 1 scores 7 for every goal
24      FBZT-DA14       Player 1 scores 8 for every goal

Marvel Land

2       RYSA-C602       Infinite lives--EXCEPT IN BATTLE WITH BOSSES
3       BF7T-AABW       Start with 9 lives instead of 5
4       AGCA-AADC       Start on world 1, area 2
5       ALCA-AADC       Start on world 1, area 3
6       ARCA-AADC       Start on world 1, area 4
7       AWCA-AADC       Start on world 1, area 5
8       A0CA-AADC       Start on world 1, area 6
9       A4CA-AADC       Start on world 1, area 7
10      A8CA-AADC       Start on world 1 bonus round
11      BCCA-AADC       Start on world 2, area 1
12      BGCA-AADC       Start on world 2, area 2
13      BLCA-AADC       Start on world 2, area 3
14      BRCA-AADC       Start on world 2, area 4
15      BWCA-AADC       Start on world 2, area 5
16      B0CA-AADC       Start on world 2, area 6
17      B4CA-AADC       Start on world 2, area 7
18      B8CA-AADC       Start on world 2 bonus round
19      CCCA-AADC       Start on world 3, area 1
20      CGCA-AADC       Start on world 3, area 2
21      CLCA-AADC       Start on world 3, area 3
22      CRCA-AADC       Start on world 3, area 4
23      CWCA-AADC       Start on world 3, area 5
24      C0CA-AADC       Start on world 3, area 6
25      C4CA-AADC       Start on world 3, area 7
26      C8CA-AADC       Start on world 3 bonus round
27      DCCA-AADC       Start on world 4, area 1
28      DGCA-AADC       Start on world 4, area 2
29      DLCA-AADC       Start on world 4, area 3
30      DRCA-AADC       Start on world 4, area 4
31      DWCA-AADC       Start on world 4, area 5
32      D0CA-AADC       Start on world 4, area 6
33      D4CA-AADC       Start on world 4, area 7
34      ECCA-AADC       Start on world 5 area 1
35      EGCA-AADC       Start on world 5 area 2
36      AJNT-CA9C       Infinite time
37      SANT-DL1C       Time goes by 2x as fast


2       ALAT-AA4N       Almost Infinite life
3       RHNA-A6Z0       Infinite mega crash bombs
4       ATMT-AAAA       Start with 4 mega crash bombs
5       AYMT-AAAA       Start with 5 mega crash bombs
6       A2MT-AAAA       Start with 6 mega crash bombs
7       A6MT-AAAA       Start with 7 mega crash bombs
8       BAMT-AAAA       Start with 8 mega crash bombs
9       A5KA-AA4W       Infinite continues
10      ETMT-AACA       Start with 8 continues in arcade mode--normal
11      EAMT-AACA       Start with 7 continues in arcade mode--normal
12      DTMT-AACA       Start with 6 continues in arcade mode--normal
13      DAMT-AACA       Start with 5 continues in arcade mode--normal
14      ETMT-AACC       Start with 8 continues in arcade 
15      EAMT-AACC       Start with 7 continues in arcade 
16      DTMT-AACC       Start with 6 continues in arcade 
17      DAMT-AACC       Start with 5 continues in arcade 
18      ETMT-AAB8       Start with 8 continues in arcade 
19      EAMT-AAB8       Start with 7 continues in arcade 
20      DTMT-AAB8       Start with 6 continues in arcade 
21      DAMT-AAB8       Start with 5 continues in arcade 
22      RG3A-A61C + B83A-BJ9A   Start with 5x normal firepower level
23      RG3A-A61C + D83A-BJ9A   Start with 10x normal firepower level
24      RG3A-A61C + JC3A-BJ9A   Start with 20x normal firepower level
25      RG3A-A61C + 7C3A-BJ9A   Start with 40x normal firepower level

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

1       95LA-BA82       Magic costs 1/2x normal when walking
2       99LA-BA82       Magic costs 1/4x normal when walking
3       95MT-BA7J       Magic costs 1/2x normal when jumping
4       99MT-BA7J       Magic costs 1/4x normal when jumping
5       ADLA-BA82       Magic doesn't decrease when walking
6       ADMT-BA7J       Magic doesn't decrease when jumping
7       AFKA-BA8T       Start with 2 lives
8       AZKA-BA8T       Start with 6 lives
9       BFKA-BA8T       Start with 10 lives
10      AXST-AA8T       Infinite lives
11      JAEA-DA5C       Each child found restores full power
12      AAEA-DA5C       Each child found does not restore any power
13      BAEA-DA5C       Each child found restores 1/2x normal power
14      AKTT-AA34       Advance directly to battle with boss!
15      JBDT-CEYJ       Almost invincible--Michael only--
doesn't work if he's a robot or on the last stage

Midnight Resistance

1       AE2T-BA4A       Start at stage 2
2       AJ2T-BA4A       Start at stage 3
3       AN2T-BA4A       Start at stage 4
4       AT2T-BA4A       Start at stage 5
5       AY2T-BA4A       Start at stage 6
6       A22T-BA4A       Start at stage 7
7       A62T-BA4A       Start at stage 8
8       BA2T-BA4A       Start at stage 9
9       AA2T-AADL + JJ2T-AJDN   Start with 1 life
10      AA2T-AADL + LJ2T-ALDN   Start with 8 lives
11      AA2T-AADL + FA2T-AJDN   Start with 10 lives
12      ABGA-AABN + JKGA-AJBR   Continue with 1 life
13      ABGA-AABN + LKGA-ALBR   Continue with 8 lives
14      ABGA-AABN + FBGA-AJBR   Continue with 10 lives
15      CAWA-AA2Y       Infinite lives
16      HXXA-FAC6 + AHXA-EAC8 + HXXA-FBE4 +     Supply room items require 
        AHXA-EAE6       1 key each
17      HXXA-FAC6 + AMXA-EAC8 + HXXA-FBE4 +      Supply room items 
        AMXA-EAE6       require 2 keys each
18      HXXA-FAC6 + A5XA-EAC8 + HXXA-FBE4 +     Supply room items require 
        A5XA-EAE6       6 keys each
19      RHXA-E6XG + AMXA-EA64   All supply room items are free
20      JGAT-EEVR       Infinite ammo for full-auto weapon
21      JGAT-EEY2       Infinite ammo for 3-way weapon
22      JGKA-EET4       Infinite ammo for flame thrower
23      JGAT-EE1Y       Infinite ammo for shotgun
24      JGBT-EEVJ       Infinite ammo for nitro weapon
25      JGBT-EEYE       Infinite ammo for shower weapon
26      JGAA-EEZJ       Infinite ammo for homing missile
27      RHRA-E6T2       1-up worth 0 lives
28      JDRA-FJT2       1-up worth 2 lives
29      JDRA-FYT2       1-up worth 5 lives
30      JDRA-FAT2       1-up worth 8 lives
31      AA2T-AADA + JJ2T-AJDC   0 continues
32      AA2T-AADA + LJ2T-ALDC   7 continues
33      AA2T-AADA + FA2T-AJDC   9 continues
34      AVGA-AA34       Infinite continues

Mike Ditka Power Football

1A      AJGT-AAFC       Start in 2nd quarter
2A      ANGT-AAFC       Start in 3rd quarter
3A      ATGT-AAFC       Start in 4th quarter
4A      D2NA-AADY       Each quarter is 30 seconds
4B      D2NA-AAER
5A      AANA-ACDY       Each quarter is 1 minute
6A      AANA-AEDY       Each quarter is 2 minutes
7A      AANA-BJDY       Each quarter is 20 minutes
8A      AANA-B6DY       Each quarter is 30 minutes
8B      AANA-B6ER
9A      AANA-B2MY       Each quarter is 60 minutes
9B      AANA-B2NR
10A     B8WA-AAA8 + B8RT-AAF2 + B8TT-AAGE       Play clock resets to 15 seconds
10B     B8WA-AAF4 + B8SA-AACR + B8VA-AAC4
11A     D4WA-AAA8 + D4RT-AAF2 + D4TT-AAGE       Play clock resets to 30 seconds
11B     D4WA-AAF4 + D4SA-AACR + D4VA-AAC4
12A     HWWA-AAA8 + HWRT-AAF2 + HWTT-AAGE       Play clock resets to 60 seconds
13A     MLWA-AAA8 + MLRT-AAF2 + MLTT-AAGE       Play clock resets to 90 seconds
14A     AA4T-AACJ       Player 1 starts with 0 time-outs
14B     AA4T-AAGC
15A     AE4T-AACJ       Player 1 starts with 1 time-out
15B     AE4T-AAGC
16A     AJ4T-AACJ       Player 1 starts with 2 time-outs
16B     AJ4T-AAGC
17A     AY4T-AACJ       Player 1 starts with 5 time-outs
17B     AY4T-AAGC
18A     BE4T-AACJ       Player 1 starts with 9 time-outs
18B     BE4T-AAGC
19A     AA4T-AACR       Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts 
with 0 time-outs
19B     AA4T-AAGJ
20A     AE4T-AACR       Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts 
with 1 time-out
20B     AE4T-AAGJ
21A     AJ4T-AACR       Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts 
with 2 time-outs
21B     AJ4T-AAGJ
22A     AY4T-AACR       Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts 
with 5 time-outs
22B     AY4T-AAGJ
23A     BE4T-AACR       Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts 
with 9 time-outs
23B     BE4T-AAGJ
24A     DLRT-AA40       Infinite time-outs for player 1
24B     DLRT-AA9N
25A     BWRT-AA5E       Infinite time-outs for player 2
25B     BWRT-AA94
26A     BWTT-AA56       Infinite time-outs for Mike Ditka
26B     BWVA-AA2W
27A     AJWA-AADN       Only have 1 play to get a first down
28A     ANWA-AADN       Only have 2 plays to get a first down
29A     ATWA-AADN       Only have 3 plays to get a first down
30A     A2WA-AADN       Have 5 plays to get a first down
30B     A2WA-AAFL
31A     A6WA-AADN       Have 6 plays to get a first down
31B     A6WA-AAFL
32A     BAWA-AADN       Have 7 plays to get a first down
33A     AJWA-AA5G       Always the same down (down never increases)
33B     AJWA-AA7E
34A     AYWA-AACT + AYXT-AAA2   Only need 5 yards for a first down
35A     B6WA-AACT + B6XT-AAA2   Need 15 yards for a first down
35B     B6WA-AAER + B6XT-AAC0
36A     CTWA-AACT + CTXT-AAA2   Need 20 yards for a first down
37A     D2WA-AACT + D2XT-AAA2   Need 30 yards for a first down
37B     D2WA-AAER + D2XT-AAC0
38A     GJWA-AACT + GJXT-AAA2   Need 50 yards for a first down
39A     REWA-A6WW + REXT-A6T4   Always goal to go
39B     REWA-A6YT + REXT-A6W2
40A     AAPT-BA86       Touchdowns worth 0 points
40B     AAPT-BA9W
41A     AEPT-BA86       Touchdowns worth 1 point
41B     AEPT-BA9W
42A     AJPT-BA86       Touchdowns worth 2 points
42B     AJPT-BA9W
43A     ANPT-BA86       Touchdowns worth 3 points
43B     ANPT-BA9W
44A     ATPT-BA86       Touchdowns worth 4 points
44B     ATPT-BA9W
45A     AYPT-BA86       Touchdowns worth 5 points
45B     AYPT-BA9W
46A     A6PT-BA86       Touchdowns worth 7 points
46B     A6PT-BA9W
47A     BAPT-BA86       Touchdowns worth 8 points
47B     BAPT-BA9W
48A     ABVA-BA36       Extra points worth 0 points
48B     ABVA-BA8G
49A     AKVA-BA36       Extra points worth 2 points
49B     AKVA-BA8G
50A     APVA-BA36       Extra points worth 3 points
50B     APVA-BA8G
51A     AVVA-BA36       Extra points worth 4 points
51B     AVVA-BA8G
52A     AZVA-BA36       Extra points worth 5 points
52B     AZVA-BA8G
53A     A3VA-BA36       Extra points worth 6 points
53B     A3VA-BA8G
54A     A7VA-BA36       Extra points worth 7 points
54B     A7VA-BA8G
55A     BBVA-BA36       Extra points worth 8 points
55B     BBVA-BA8G
56A     ABVA-BA4E       Field goals worth 0 points
56B     ABVA-BA8R
57A     AFVA-BA4E       Field goals worth 1 points
57B     AFVA-BA8R
58A     AKVA-BA4E       Field goals worth 2 points
58B     AKVA-BA8R
59A     AVVA-BA4E       Field goals worth 4 points
59B     AVVA-BA8R
60A     AZVA-BA4E       Field goals worth 5 points
60B     AZVA-BA8R
61A     A3VA-BA4E       Field goals worth 6 points
61B     A3VA-BA8R
62A     A7VA-BA4E       Field goals worth 7 points
62B     A7VA-BA8R
63A     BBVA-BA4E       Field goals worth 8 points
63B     BBVA-BA8R
64A     AAVA-BA9G       Safeties worth 0 points
64B     AAVT-BA3E
65A     AEVA-BA9G       Safeties worth 1 point
65B     AEVT-BA3E
66A     ANVA-BA9G       Safeties worth 3 points
66B     ANVT-BA3E
67A     ATVA-BA9G       Safeties worth 4 points
67B     ATVT-BA3E
68A     AYVA-BA9G       Safeties worth 5 points
68B     AYVT-BA3E
69A     A2VA-BA9G       Safeties worth 6 points
69B     A2VT-BA3E
70A     A6VA-BA9G       Safeties worth 7 points
70B     A6VT-BA3E
71A     BAVA-BA9G       Safeties worth 8 points
71B     BAVT-BA3E

Ms. Pac Man

1       AJNA-AA30       Infinite lives for Ms. Pac Man(tm)
2       AEEA-AACA       Ms. Pac Man starts with 1 life
3       BEEA-AACA       Ms. Pac Man starts with 9 lives
4       AJNA-AA4J       Infinite lives for Pac Man(tm)
5       BEEA-AACG       Pac Man starts with 9 lives
6       AEEA-AACG       Pac Man starts with 1 life
7       4JNA-BACL       When Pac Man gets hit, Ms. Pac 
Man loses a life instead
8       5JNA-BAB2       When Ms. Pac Man gets hit, Pac 
Man loses a life instead
9       2CWA-CAGN       Ghosts stay blue 1/2x as long as normal--
most of the time
10      ACWA-CGGN       Ghosts stay blue 2x as long as normal--
most of the time
11      ACWA-CNGN       Ghosts stay blue 4x as long as normal--
most of the time
12      AJ1A-AA6R       Ghosts stay blue until you eat them--
most of the time
