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Raiden Trad

1       AKWT-AA9J       Infinite bombs
2       AE9A-AAF0       Start with 1 bomb
3       A29A-AAF0       Start with 6 bombs
4       BA9A-AAF0       Start with 8 bombs
5       AJFT-AA5C       Infinite lives
6       PFCA-BJXG       Each bomb power-up item is worth 2
7       AEIT-AAHT       Some smaller obstacles easier to explode
8       AHEA-CAGY       Some bigger obstacles easier to explode
9       BA9A-AA8E       Don't lose missile power when you lose a life
10      A69A-BE8E       Permanent invisible missiles
11      BBCT-BA5Y       First laser power-up item 

Rambo III

2       CKET-AA44       Infinite lives during missions
3       CJ1A-AA22       Infinite lives during bonus battles
4       A2GT-AAH4       Start with 7 lives
5       BAGT-AAH4       Start with 9 lives
6       BEGT-AAH4       Start with 10 lives
7       ABEA-BE4A       Infinite arrows
8       AGNA-AAHG       Each A worth 1 arrow
9       ARNA-AAHG       Each A worth 3 arrows
10      A8NA-AAHG       Each A worth 7 arrows
11      CCNA-AAHG       Each A worth 10 arrows
12      ABEA-BE84       Infinite time bombs
13      AGNA-AAGW       Each B worth 1 time bomb
14      A0NA-AAGW       Each B worth 5 time bombs
15      A8NA-AAGW       Each B worth 7 time bombs
16      CCNA-AAGW       Each B worth 10 time bombs
17      GCCT-AAGC       30 seconds to escape prison--mission 2
18      NCCT-AAGC       60 seconds to escape prison--mission 2
19      WCCT-AAGC       90 seconds to escape prison--mission 2
20      LCCT-ACGC + LCCT-ACG8   150 seconds to escape prison--mission 2
21      TCCT-ACGC + TCCT-ACG8   180 seconds to escape prison--mission 2
22      JCCT-AEGC + JCCT-AEG8   240 seconds to escape prison--mission 2
23      ACCT-AGGC + ACCT-AGG8   300 seconds to escape prison--mission 2

RBI Baseball 3

1       AJKA-CAHR       Game begins with inning 2
2       ANKA-CAHR       Game begins with inning 3
3       ATKA-CAHR       Game begins with inning 4
4       AYKA-CAHR       Game begins with inning 5
5       A2KA-CAHR       Game begins with inning 6
6       A6KA-CAHR       Game begins with inning 7
7       BAKA-CAHR       Game begins with inning 8
8       BEKA-CAHR       Game begins with inning 9
9       AAKT-CCA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 1 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6V    leading 1-0
10      AAKT-CEA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 1 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   leading 2-0
11      AAKT-CGA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 1 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   leading 3-0
12      AAKT-CJA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 1 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   leading 4-0
13      AAKT-CLA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 1 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   leading 5-0
14      AAKT-CRA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 1 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   leading 7-0
15      AAKT-CWA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 1 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   leading 9-0
16      AEKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 2 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   or computer leading 1-0
17      AJKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 2 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   or computer leading 2-0
18      ANKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 2 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   or computer leading 3-0
19      ATKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 2 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   or computer leading 4-0
20      AYKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 2 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   or computer leading 5-0
21      A6KT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 2 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   or computer leading 7-0
22      BEKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 +         Game begins with player 2 
        8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC   or computer leading 9-0
23      AK9T-AAA4 + ALAA-AAEN + AJET-CABG       Batter walks on 2 balls
24      AP9T-AAA4 + ARAA-AAEN + ANET-CABG       Batter walks on 3 balls
25      AZ9T-AAA4 + A0AA-AAEN + AYET-CABG       Batter walks on 5 balls
26      A39T-AAA4 + A4AA-AAEN + A2ET-CABG       Batter walks on 6 balls
27      AK9A-AA9G       Balls do not count--
batter never walks
28      AA3A-AAH4       Unrestricted substitutions for 
batting team
29      ABAA-AAA0       Unrestricted substitutions for 
fielding team (except pitchers)

Road Rash

2       AJPA-AAFG       Player A starts at level 2
3       ANPA-AAFG       Player A starts at level 3
4       ATPA-AAFG       Player A starts at level 4
5       AYPA-AAFG       Player A starts at level 5
6       AJPT-AAGC       Player B starts at level 2
7       ANPT-AAGC       Player B starts at level 3
8       ATPT-AAGC       Player B starts at level 4
9       AYPT-AAGC       Player B starts at level 5
10      8TPA-ACGL       Player A starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000
11      7APA-AGGL       Player A starts with $10,000
12      2TPA-AWGL       Player A starts with $25,000
13      VAPA-BGGL       Player A starts with $50,000
14      AAPA-AAGL       Player A starts with no money
15      8TPT-ACHG       Player B starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000
16      7APT-AGHG       Player B starts with $10,000
17      2TPT-AWHG       Player B starts with $25,000
18      VAPT-BGHG       Player B starts with $50,000
19      AAPT-AAHG       Player B starts with no money
20      AEPA-AAGW       Player A starts with Panda 600 bike instead of 
Shuriken 400
21      AJPA-AAGW       Player A starts with Bonzai 750 bike
22      ANPA-AAGW       Player A starts with Kamikaze 750 bike
23      ATPA-AAGW       Player A starts with Shuriken 1000 bike
24      AYPA-AAGW       Player A starts with Ferruci 850 bike
25      A2PA-AAGW       Player A starts with Panda 750 bike
26      A6PA-AAGW       Player A starts with Diablo 1000 bike
27      AEPT-AAHR       Player B starts with Panda 600 bike instead of 
Shuriken 400
28      AJPT-AAHR       Player B starts with Bonzai 750 bike
29      ANPT-AAHR       Player B starts with Kamikaze 750 bike
30      ATPT-AAHR       Player B starts with Shuriken 1000 bike
31      AYPT-AAHR       Player B starts with Ferruci 850 bike
32      A2PT-AAHR       Player B starts with Panda 750 bike
33      A6PT-AAHR       Player B starts with Diablo 1000 bike
34      BDCT-AACA       Players need to finish 8th or better 
(instead of 4th) on Sierra Nevada road
35      B9CT-AACA       Players need to finish 15th or better on 
Sierra Nevada road
36      BMCT-AA34       Players don't need to run Sierra Nevada road
37      BDCT-AACT       Players need to finish 8th or better 
(instead of 4th) on Pacific Coast road
38      B9CT-AACT       Players need to finish 15th or better on 
Pacific Coast road
39      BMCT-AA4L       Players don't need to run Pacific Coast road
40      BDCT-AADA       Players need to finish 8th or better 
(instead of 4th) on Redwood Forest road
41      B9CT-AADA       Players need to finish 15th or better on 
Redwood Forest road
42      BMCT-AA44       Players don't need to run Redwood Forest road
43      BDCT-AADT       Players need to finish 8th or better 
(instead of 4th) on Palm Desert road
44      B9CT-AADT       Players need to finish 15th or better on 
Palm Desert road
45      BMCT-AA5L       Players don't need to run Palm Desert road
46      BDCT-AAEA       Players need to finish 8th or better 
(instead of 4th) on Grass Valley road
47      B9CT-AAEA       Players need to finish 15th or better on 
Grass Valley road
48      BMCT-AA54       Players don't need to run Grass Valley road

Rolling Thunder 2

1       ABMA-AAHN       Start with 1 hit point--player 1
2       AKMA-AAHN       Start with 3 hit points--player 1
3       AVMA-AAHN       Start with 5 hit points--player 1
4       A3MA-AAHN       Start with 7 hit points--player 1
5       BBMA-AAHN       Start with 9 hit points--player 1
6       B3MA-AAHN       Start with 15 hit points--player 1
7       ABMT-AAAR       Start with 1 hit point--player 2
8       AKMT-AAAR       Start with 3 hit points--player 2
9       AVMT-AAAR       Start with 5 hit points--player 2
10      A3MT-AAAR       Start with 7 hit points--player 2
11      BBMT-AAAR       Start with 9 hit points--player 2
12      B3MT-AAAR       Start with 15 hit points--player 2
13      FDJA-AEZ6       Almost invincible--both players
14      CBLA-AAFJ       Start with 10 pistol shots--player 1
15      EBLA-AAFJ       Start with 20 pistol shots--player 1
16      GBLA-AAFJ       Start with 30 pistol shots--player 1
17      NBLA-AAFJ       Start with 60 pistol shots--player 1
18      TBLA-AAFJ       Start with 80 pistol shots--player 1
19      ABLA-ACFJ       Start with 100 pistol shots--player 1
20      XFLA-AWFJ       Start with 999 pistol shots--player 1
21      CBLA-AAFT       Start with 10 pistol shots--player 2
22      EBLA-AAFT       Start with 20 pistol shots--player 2
23      GBLA-AAFT       Start with 30 pistol shots--player 2
24      NBLA-AAFT       Start with 60 pistol shots--player 2
25      TBLA-AAFT       Start with 80 pistol shots--player 2
26      ABLA-ACFT       Start with 100 pistol shots--player 2
27      XFLA-AWFT       Start with 999 pistol shots--player 2
28      CBLA-AAFL       Start with 10 machine gun shots--
player 1
29      EBLA-AAFL       Start with 20 machine gun shots--
player 1
30      GBLA-AAFL       Start with 30 machine gun shots--
player 1
31      JBLA-AAFL       Start with 40 machine gun shots--
player 1
32      NBLA-AAFL       Start with 60 machine gun shots--
player 1
33      TBLA-AAFL       Start with 80 machine gun shots--
player 1
34      ABLA-ACFL       Start with 100 machine gun shots--
player 1
35      XFLA-AWFL       Start with 999 machine gun shots--
player 1
36      CBLA-AAFW       Start with 10 machine gun shots--
player 2
37      EBLA-AAFW       Start with 20 machine gun shots--
player 2
38      GBLA-AAFW       Start with 30 machine gun shots--
player 2
39      JBLA-AAFW       Start with 40 machine gun shots--
player 2
40      NBLA-AAFW       Start with 60 machine gun shots--
player 2
41      TBLA-AAFW       Start with 80 machine gun shots--
player 2
42      ABLA-ACFW       Start with 100 machine gun shots--
player 2
43      XFLA-AWFW       Start with 999 machine gun shots 
instead of 0--player 2

44      ADYT-BE9N       Infinite pistol and machine gun shots--
both players
45      CBLA-AAF2       Start with 10 flame thrower shots--
player 1
46      EBLA-AAF2       Start with 20 flame thrower shots--
player 1
47      GBLA-AAF2       Start with 30 flame thrower shots--
player 1
48      JBLA-AAF2       Start with 40 flame thrower shots--
player 1
49      NBLA-AAF2       Start with 60 flame thrower shots--
player 1
50      TBLA-AAF2       Start with 80 flame thrower shots--
player 1
51      ABLA-ACF2       Start with 100 flame thrower shots--
player 1
52      XFLA-AWF2       Start with 999 flame thrower shots--
player 1
53      CBLA-AAF8       Start with 10 flame thrower shots--
player 2
54      EBLAAAF8        Start with 20 flame thrower shots--
player 2
55      GBLA-AAF8       Start with 30 flame thrower shots--
player 2
56      JBLA-AAF8       Start with 40 flame thrower shots--
player 2
57      NBLA-AAF8       Start with 60 flame thrower shots--
player 2
58      TBLA-AAF8       Start with 80 flame thrower shots--
player 2
59      ABLA-ACF8       Start with 100 flame thrower shots--
player 2
60      XFLA-AWF8       Start with 999 flame thrower shots--
player 2
61      ADZA-BE70       Infinite flame thrower and shot 
cluster shots--both players
62      AXST-ANAE       Make flame thrower special weapon
in round 5, instead of shot cluster 
(standing shots only--you still get shot 
cluster when you crouch)
63      SXSA-B4SY + A5SA-ANH0   Make shot cluster special weapon in
 all rounds instead of only in round 5 
(standing shots only--you still get 
flame thrower when you crouch)
64      PZTT-AADT       Timer runs at 1/10 normal speed
65      VBTT-AADT       Timer runs at 1/8 normal speed
66      CFTTACDT        Timer runs at 1/4 normal speed
67      PVTT-ACDT       Timer runs at 1/3 normal speed
68      EKTT-AEDT       Timer runs at 1/2 normal speed
69      VBTT-ATDT       Timer runs at 2x normal speed
70      3VTT-A2DT       Timer runs at 3x normal speed
71      CBTT-BCDT       Timer runs at 4x normal speed
72      EBTT-AEMT       Timer runs at 8x normal speed
73      ZBTT-AYMT       Timer runs at 10x normal speed
74      BFTT-AF56       Infinite time
75      ABCA-AAF8       Start with 1 life instead of 3--player 1
76      AFCA-AAF8       Start with 2 lives--player 1
77      AVCA-AAF8       Start with 5 lives--player 1
78      A3CA-AAF8       Start with 7 lives--player 1
79      BBCA-AAF8       Start with 9 lives--player 1
80      B3CA-AAF8       Start with 15 lives--player 1
81      GFCA-AAF8       Start with 50 lives--player 1
82      ABCA-BE7Y       Start with 1 life--player 2
83      AFCA-BE7Y       Start with 2 lives--player 2 
84      AVCA-BE7Y       Start with 5 lives--player 2
85      A3CA-BE7Y       Start with 7 lives--player 2
86      BBCA-BE7Y       Start with 9 lives--player 2
87      B3CA-BE7Y       Start with 15 lives--player 2
88      GFCA-BE7Y       Start with 50 lives--player 2
89      AMWT-AA5N       Infinite lives--both players
90      SA7T-BEZA       Start at round 2
91      SA7T-BJZA       Start at round 3
92      SA7T-BNZA       Start at round 4
93      SA7T-BTZA       Start at round 5
94      SA7T-BYZA       Start at round 6
95      SA7T-B2ZA       Start at round 7
96      SA7T-B6ZA       Start at round 8
97      SA7T-BAZA       Start at round 9
